@chubbybannister Not in comparison to current nincompoops, no. Hard to tell if it’s nostalgia or if world heading to hell in handbasket.
@Pinboard I think that’s plausible. It’s exactly what happened the last time I changed a sendmail cf file by hand.

shoutsatcows Andrea Leadsom wants all websites submitted to the BBFC first. That’s how the Internet works newstatesman.com/blogs/voices/2… pic.twitter.com/0a8j1dA7Hk
@bexxi @Kavey Coolio. Top tip: these things are cheap and extremely helpful (including with pin extraction.) amazon.co.uk/Jim-Dunlop-Gui…
@chubbybannister Well, yeah. John Major stylee.

Cottage rower. pic.twitter.com/osuUnUC9nY
marcoarment Tech industry: For real change, “disrupt” the way our cities and citizens treat those less fortunate. marco.org/2016/07/05/sf-…

Big Bristol sky. pic.twitter.com/C88ZTLZZZD
@LondonPRGuru Let me guess: was that the sound of someone’s forgotten gym kit being blown up in a controlled explosion?
@ahnlak Someone’s probably still clicking.
@RellyAB See if you can get them to do the ironing.
@RellyAB This is really pushing the definition of a domesticated animal.
@DarmonRichter Because anyone who can overstay a US visa and *still* not get his hands on a gun clearly isn’t worth bothering about?