Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 20th, 2016

@saltwateritch Last one I saw was a secondhand bookshop keeper. Sure drug dealers would be electronic or record-free.

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@amyhoy @fakebaldur Hrm. Closest thing I’ve seen is probably Scapple, but I may be wildly misinterpreting what you’re trying to do.

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At least it’s right twice a day :(

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hotdogsladies I can still remember, back in my early 20s, when morning coffee was optional.

That was cute.

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“Attack on England” — well put, that judge.…

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@mxcl @teabass There’s a terrifying thought, he said, dismissing an Xcode crash on one box while restarting Visual Studio on the other…

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@chubbybannister Oh, wait, you said “hand”? TIL: my whole head fits through a Dyson fan.

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@emmachampion6 Friend at the last job’s partner worked for Dyson. Hurrah for nepotistic discounts!

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Somewhat irritating to hear more about fucking Milo now he’s been banned than I ever did since I blocked and muted him.

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@spyou The log file owner didn’t change, did it? Vaguely remember that happening once after a cron process wrote log as wrong user.

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I always look slightly askance at the graphic design of the John King’s flags.

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@mattwritescode No, but who cares? You’re coding in your pants!

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@caitlinmoran …so you can pay £25 & vote, but you won’t be a member, and you’d have to pay *again* to vote in next leadership election.

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@caitlinmoran It’s confusing, but “Registered Supporter” isn’t membership. It’s a payment to vote *once* in leadership election…

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@chubbybannister *Checks* No, it’s fine. Just a bit draughty.

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@Picklechu I love this thing. Best feature: can actually be dusted.

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Twitter client idea: see only tweets from users whose profile was created 4+ years ago.

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@ahnlak *sniffs packets* They don’t *smell* like your packets…

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@ahnlak Oooh! I have packets now! Lots of lovely chewy packets!

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This morning’s work is sponsored by iced cold-brew coffee and a Dyson fan.

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@ahnlak (And O2 on the phone seems fine, too.)

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@ahnlak If I were desperate I’d use that 4G dongle of mine. As it is, internet lack might be good for my work discipline today!

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@ahnlak If it gets any worse, they’ll be sending status updates by town crier.

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@Kavey @goodshoeday Yur. I want to buy stuff too, so this is Not Helpful. Ah well.

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@salisbury_matt Yeah, I think my Plusnet fibre will be running over at least some BT infrastructure.

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This means I should write my morning pages (which I do with a fountain pen in a book, rather than in the cloud) and try again later…

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(I’m with Plusnet, who are at least keeping people informed over here:… )

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Thanks all. Nice to know I’m not the only one having internet problems..@CorporalKittyt@markrglovere@waiyeehongn@goodshoedayay

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@CorporalKitty It’s @Plusnet fibre, so I guess BT/Openreach infrastructure. Ta for the clue!

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Hrm. Something is Wrong with my internets. *pokes various boxes*

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OpinionatedGeek The wisdom of crows……

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