Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 2012

@tsunimee @charleymarley @al86shaw Any reports on whether he enjoyed it more than watching X Factor?

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@chrismarquardt It uses the rotation EXIF if set, from what I’ve seen. Rotated on the back of the camera during playback?

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The cutest band EVAH just did Song 2. Aww.

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That was a great cover of “Come Together”, especially considering the performers’ total height is roughly equivalent to 1.5 Beatles’.

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Got to say, I’m really liking the Adam & Eve. Good crowd. I should get to my local more often.

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@Bristol52 I have a single, mild blister. Which I will not show you. And I started with the . Do it!

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Ah. Adjacent customer turns out to be compere. It’s under-18’s open mic night at Adam & Eve. Thought those mics were set low!

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@derekarridge Ta. Am now following your shining example!

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Problem solved by @adamandevebristol :)

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@KaveyF You are quite a *long* way downhill. And I need to be up for work tomorrow.

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Hrm. I would quite like a beer, but all my local shops are either uphill or downhill. Bah.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Careful now, I was already blushing after just the thirteen miles and a hot bath :D

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@KaveyF Thank you, sweetie. How’s the birthday going? That burger looked awesome.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Thank you. I feel pretty good, it’s true :D

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Official time: 02:47:33. Making that, *just*, my fastest ever half marathon. Clearly losing weight is helping some…

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The went pretty well. I could have done without Inane Shouty Bloke With Airhorn dogging my heels for last 10 miles, mind.

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@r0bb1eh I seem to be a lot better at coping with the “day after” these days. My leisurely pace probably helps :D

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@Mouse_House I’d probably err on the side of “yes” anyway; it’s the right time of year to buy something like that. See you through winter.

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@Mouse_House Ah. Well, in that case, my “yes” gets qualified again. To “yes, as long as *I* don’t have to pay for them :D”.

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@Mouse_House Then I’d say that’s an unqualified “yes”.

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@r0bb1eh I was foolish enough not to. But I reckon the walk to work and back will probably do me good.

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@Mouse_House Sexeh. Yes, as long as they’ll fit your calves okay.

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@VeraR2010 @chris_j_hughes I couldn’t decide. I love hot baths. So I started hot and finished off cold. Who knows whether that’ll work…

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@r0bb1eh And well done, speedy! About an hour faster than me :D

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Now: Serious Bath Time.

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@NoWireHangers That and it’s students-come-back day as well…

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@VeraR2010 @benjohnbarnes Also: nice! Just saw about your run yesterday! :)

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I’m British, so I find it help to think of it less as a half-marathon, more as a 13-mile queue.

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Nervous first-timer/
Standing in a queue of one/
The runner prepares

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Good luck, all you lovely runners. And thanks for support, cheering people. It really helps, especially in the home stretch!

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Wandering down to . Hotwells Pine have a Running Strictly Forbidden sign in window, the wags.

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I think my evening may be getting even better.

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@DrHairbear Heh. You do get a very reassuring receipt if you do it right.

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For anyone wondering, yes, that *was* me doing a mini photoshoot of a woman doing yoga outside McDonalds in Broadmead. Long story.

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Not just me that gets lost here, then. Currently watching an emergency ambulance crew being redirected to the other McDonalds.

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@domwakeling To be fair, though, much of my stuff is working, too. I just have too much stuff.

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@hayles Very likely. Basically sounds like @ThreeUK can’t take the money we’d love to give them today.

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On the plus side, just tried the spooky scan-it-yourself-pocket-it-and-leave Apple Store thing, and haven’t been nicked for shoplifting.

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Good news: my contract’s up, so they could just swap broken MiFi for new one. Bad news: @ThreeUK’s computers’re so screwed they can’t do it.

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adamcheasley @gothick it’s in Cabot circus. Second floor.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:41 AM, Sep 29th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Where’s the Three store in Broadmead? I have iOS 6, so searching for Three just shows me a Japanese airport. (Really.)

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In The Galleries. They are playing Whitney Houston. Kill me now.

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Just watched _Untouchable_ at @wshed. Fab film. Good choice, @claireellent!

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@liveindetail @TheHomemadeMama Plus concept albums. You don’t get much proggier. Saw Fish last year. Still amazing.

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@TheHomemadeMama @liveindetail they *so* count as prog. ;)

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@MandinaM Well, apart from choosing stuff and making tea and providing biscuits.

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@MandinaM It was all someone else’s work!

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@hayles I took over Emm’s washer for a couple of hours last night, so it’s not as bad as it could be :)

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No gas supply yet, mind. But at least I can do some laundry this weekend :D

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@hayles @mikedunn My bus went through Temple Meads. Must’ve been heading in the right direction (506 Victoria Street -> CREATE Centre…)

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Well, that bus journey was refreshingly easy. Hello, , I’m home!

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@curtismark Bristol, but not First. You’re probably right, but the route could be handy when it’s less busy. Worth a go…

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@liveindetail I was just talking about Porcupine Tree at the weekend. One of Port Erin’s numbers was quite reminiscent of them.

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Trying a new bus route home, in a spirit of experiment. So far, win: it actually turned up within five minutes of the timetable.

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charlesarthur I won’t really believe that @MarsCuriosity has found an ancient stream bed until it sends pictures of an upended shopping trolley.

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brucel I’ve never been a fan of Harry Potter, but this is magnificent writing by JK Rowling (HT @AndrewTobert)

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I could get the hang of this Macmillan morning.

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Think I might walk to work today. Cycling’s great, but sometimes I want to chill out a bit more on my journey…

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@MsMottram Yup. Only office-bound for four weeks, though.

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Here’s a (moderately expensive) solution to the problem of carrying around heavy camera lenses.… (via @petapixel)

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I am a lot more glad of Friday arriving this week. (First week back in the office on a short contract…)

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Aha. Apologies for the random Instagramming, but I’ve only just fixed the Twitter link on t’new phone…

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(Speaking of which, if you’d like to sponsor me, in aid of Children’s Hospice……rr )

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BristolCouncil Bristol Half Marathon this Sunday - essential road and travel information

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:44 AM, Sep 27th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

BL_Owens Paging Dr. Jones. Buddhist statue found by Nazi expedition is made from a meteorite

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 11:18 PM, Sep 26th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@mikeotaylor Yup, sorry, I’ll be running. Albeit slowly.

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Every day, it looks a bit more like a kitchen. Huzzah!

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joshacagan Just saw three professional-looking women laughing over salads. STOCK IMAGES HAVE GAINED SENTIENCE AND WALK AMONG US

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:57 AM, Sep 26th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@Whatleydude Spooky; I was just listening to that.

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“All-new classic Star Trek: The Next Generation”?

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One day, possibly very soon, I will have a plumbed-in washing machine again. That’ll be a bit of a relief.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Not sure yet. I’ll be talking to my consultants (mostly @MissEmmeline, probably) about that once the rest is sorted :D

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benhorsleyco Tuesday morning workout: 10 sit-ups (for the snooze button), and 2 pull-ups (one for each sock).

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 8:04 AM, Sep 25th, 2012 via Echofon)

@nickbrompton @Thehappyfatgirl Pondage denied! Recording failure. Have kicked off iPlayer download. Going to sulk in bed.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Yes, but I won’t be. I’m sure she’ll help me relax before bed.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Good point. Might have to watch Pond first, though.

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@nickbrompton Oooooh, good reminder. Clean forgot I had it sitting ready to watch.

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@tsunimee @KaveyF @Phooto Then I would advise you not to click on “The Beast”.

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@KaveyF @tsunimee @Phooto Though of course now I *must* visit @DanBurgerJoint for scientific comparison purposes.

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@KaveyF @tsunimee @Phooto I think there’s only one, and it’s a bit off the beaten track in Bristol, in St. Annes. It was very good.

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@KaveyF @tsunimee @Phooto Got to say, I had one of these earlier: <— and it was gourmet enough for me :D

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@skeddy It’ll be mostly done by the end of the week. Next week, floor levelling, then lino goes in. Paint & minor finishing touches later :)

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@KirstyHigginson I stopped buying M&S work trousers because the hems kept on falling within a week or two. Rubbish things.

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@Thehappyfatgirl That’s the plan. If I’m still on here after 9pm, tell me off. x

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@liveindetail They’re coming tomorrow. Hopefully. *crosses fingers*

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@Mouse_House It is. It’s all going marvellously, so far.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Yur. Though mostly I need some un-excitement at the moment. NEEEEED SEEEEEEEEPS.

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@christianrt I did consider that. But no, they weren’t open. Might have to do some lunchtime shopping tomorrow…

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Ooooh. It’s starting to look a bit kitchen-shaped in here.

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Hrm. Lots of Man Flu sufferers in the office. Stay away until I’ve run the Bristol Half, germs!

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@talithahg Christ, no. A single was hard enough to tackle!

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@liveindetail I’ve not tried the Burger Joint (yet.) This place: great burgers, less sure about Rod Stewart album on stereo :)

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Just posted a photo @ Warren’s Gourmet Burger

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Hrm. Wonder how fast Amazon Prime can get a set of waterproof clothes to me?

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@libbymiller Sigh. First day of new contract. Remaining indoors sadly not an option.

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Well, that was quite a long day. Goodness. A rather lovely one, though :)

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@stillawake Yeah. *So* glad I managed an hour’s nap in the middle of it!

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Enjoying tonight’s gig at the Louie ;) @ The Louisiana

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@VeraR2010 Well, I was dreaming about it for the half-hour before whilst stuck in traffic and hungry. I think that counts.

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@stillawake Also always find the service very good. Can’t really fault ‘em.

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@Bingo_Little Niiiiice. I over-caked yesterday. Afternoon tea parties are dangerous.

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@stillawake It was not quite a billion £s. It was very, very good, as it always has been every time I’ve splashed out there. Recommended.

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Mmmmm. Just had roast pork at the Pump House. :D

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But at least Aldi Bedmo has something of a view.

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@Jorence Sign out & back in again?

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Hangin’ in the Aldi car park.

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@talkie_tim @hayles If I may butt In? I always found Debenhams in town very helpful in the formalwear department.

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@Mouse_House Yes. When I’m walking down corridors like that, I expect the Doctor to come from the other direction, shouting “RUN!”

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Public Information Announcement.

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@guriben And yet I found, from a distance, it sounded very like English. Odd.

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Eating panini on a park bench. Hurrah! @ St Andrew’s Park

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@jammiedodger13 @OpinionatedGeek Have this one on me. <Get Running Voice>You can now call yourself a runner!</Get Running Voice>

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codepo8 Peeled and repackaged bananas. Giving up on humankind in 3 2…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:15 AM, Sep 22nd, 2012 via Echofon)

@Bristolvor There’s some more sitting in the kitchen. And some longer bits in the hall. But it’s less volume than I was expecting.

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@r0bb1eh @Caremur Well, I’m so inept at DIY that I can definitely earn a kitchen fitting faster than I can fit a kitchen.

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@Caremur @r0bb1eh Sadly, I’ll be out working, in order to pay for the kitchen…

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.@Caremur It’s okay. I will very much *not* be doing the assembly. Very happy to pay fitters, rather than ending up in casualty.

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@BenPark @Thehappyfatgirl Most restaurants do operate at least a two-sock policy, I hear.

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@utterben Well, if you’d told me that in advance, I wouldn’t have booked the fitters…

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I have a new kitchen. Some assembly required.

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Where’s my kitchen, then? *Looks expectantly out of window*

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@Dru_Marland So do most computer programmers!

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@Dru_Marland …there are definitely prices I wouldn’t pay to do it myself.

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@Dru_Marland This week, my plasterer had learned his trade, and also had elbow surgery twice, mostly due to his attention to smoothing…

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@Dru_Marland Indeed. It probably helps to be in a trade myself where people think, “but it’s just a few buttons. How can it cost £20,000?”

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@roundonefight @jonhickman Recycle your original Apple TV and save a nursing home!

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daringfireball The Economics of Stolen Bicycles:

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Oh. Yes. I should probably have had lunch by now.

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You know how my Fitbit broke? Just received the shiny new replacement. Excellent service. Thanks, @fitbit!

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RT @ahnlak: @gothick Monarch flight, operated by Aurela. According to the beeb, anyway <— Aha! Thought it might be something like that.

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So, Sky think it was a Monarch plane, BBC report it as Aurela Airlines. Can they both be right?

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BristolFerry Tickets on sale for our Best of Bristol tour. 2 hour cruise with a beer, a pie and a pub stop! £16…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:28 AM, Sep 21st, 2012 via Twitter for Android)

@MsMottram @BlackDogDays Damn it. And we would have been accidentally taking part in too!

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Bugger. The XX’s tickets going on sale appears to have brought down the Colston Hall website.

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@guriben That is, verily, a most high bollock.

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@guriben I’m sure at least one Android device gets updated per week.

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@SarahPinborough Is the fridge freezer in a cold place?

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@nigellegg “Metadata” seems a good general description in that case, as the stuff is info *about* the URL. The URL would work without it.

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@nigellegg …Google Analytics tracking codes.

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@nigellegg Technically, the stuff after the ? is a “query string” made of “GET parameters”. In that particular case, it’s…

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@thomasvenables (They were, er, quite stereotypical plasterers, but tidy, and my walls are *very* smooth.)

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@thomasvenables I would, but I don’t have his details to hand as he was subcontracting for Parks. Will see if I can get them for you.

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@hayles Sorry. I tried to be AMAZEBALLSED, I really did. Will try them again to see if I really am pork-incompatible.

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@Thehappyfatgirl @liveindetail No, I’m off to a birthday tea party on Saturday…

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@Taras_Table He’s a very nice man. Tell him I sent you, maybe he’ll fit that extra socket I wanted :D

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@derekarridge Nah, they’re doing another coat.

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@1Rj1978 They might already have an update in the pipeline. Think I’ll wait a few days and see what comes along.

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@hayles And… Yes, good. But it failed to AMAZEBALLS me.

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It would be quicker for me to go and buy film than to wait for the camera to fire up in Instagram under .

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@Thehappyfatgirl I’m sure you can get a “Don’t Be So Bristle” card from Asdal.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Well, I’d start with, “‘Ere, moi luvver, can I as a quick wurd, like?”

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