But at least Aldi Bedmo has something of a view. #bristol pic.twitter.com/t43YJZwy
@Jorence Sign out & back in again?
Hangin’ in the Aldi car park. #glam
@talkie_tim @hayles If I may butt In? I always found Debenhams in town very helpful in the formalwear department.
@Mouse_House Yes. When I’m walking down corridors like that, I expect the Doctor to come from the other direction, shouting “RUN!”
Public Information Announcement. instagr.am/p/P4Kew0pC87/
@guriben And yet I found, from a distance, it sounded very like English. Odd.
Eating panini on a park bench. Hurrah! @ St Andrew’s Park instagr.am/p/P4FK2FpC6Y/
@jammiedodger13 @OpinionatedGeek Have this one on me. <Get Running Voice>You can now call yourself a runner!</Get Running Voice>
codepo8 Peeled and repackaged bananas. Giving up on humankind in 3 2 i.chzbgr.com/completestore/…
@Bristolvor There’s some more sitting in the kitchen. And some longer bits in the hall. But it’s less volume than I was expecting.
@r0bb1eh @Caremur Well, I’m so inept at DIY that I can definitely earn a kitchen fitting faster than I can fit a kitchen.
@Caremur @r0bb1eh Sadly, I’ll be out working, in order to pay for the kitchen…
.@Caremur It’s okay. I will very much *not* be doing the assembly. Very happy to pay fitters, rather than ending up in casualty.
@BenPark @Thehappyfatgirl Most restaurants do operate at least a two-sock policy, I hear.
@utterben Well, if you’d told me that in advance, I wouldn’t have booked the fitters…
(Yes, there is more.) instagr.am/p/P32TLVJC02/
I have a new kitchen. Some assembly required. instagr.am/p/P32AmnJC0x/
@Thehappyfatgirl Depends. What colour is the sock?
@Mouse_House HELLO FOXY.
Where’s my kitchen, then? *Looks expectantly out of window*
@Dru_Marland So do most computer programmers!
@Dru_Marland …there are definitely prices I wouldn’t pay to do it myself.
@Dru_Marland This week, my plasterer had learned his trade, and also had elbow surgery twice, mostly due to his attention to smoothing…
@Dru_Marland Indeed. It probably helps to be in a trade myself where people think, “but it’s just a few buttons. How can it cost £20,000?”
@SourdoughCafe Here’s Twitter’s help page for that: support.twitter.com/groups/33-repo…
@roundonefight @jonhickman Recycle your original Apple TV and save a nursing home!
daringfireball The Economics of Stolen Bicycles: df4.us/kcj