Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 28th, 2012

Just watched _Untouchable_ at @wshed. Fab film. Good choice, @claireellent!

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@liveindetail @TheHomemadeMama Plus concept albums. You don’t get much proggier. Saw Fish last year. Still amazing.

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@TheHomemadeMama @liveindetail they *so* count as prog. ;)

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@MandinaM Well, apart from choosing stuff and making tea and providing biscuits.

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@MandinaM It was all someone else’s work!

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@hayles I took over Emm’s washer for a couple of hours last night, so it’s not as bad as it could be :)

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No gas supply yet, mind. But at least I can do some laundry this weekend :D

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@hayles @mikedunn My bus went through Temple Meads. Must’ve been heading in the right direction (506 Victoria Street -> CREATE Centre…)

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Well, that bus journey was refreshingly easy. Hello, , I’m home!

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@curtismark Bristol, but not First. You’re probably right, but the route could be handy when it’s less busy. Worth a go…

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@liveindetail I was just talking about Porcupine Tree at the weekend. One of Port Erin’s numbers was quite reminiscent of them.

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Trying a new bus route home, in a spirit of experiment. So far, win: it actually turned up within five minutes of the timetable.

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charlesarthur I won’t really believe that @MarsCuriosity has found an ancient stream bed until it sends pictures of an upended shopping trolley.

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brucel I’ve never been a fan of Harry Potter, but this is magnificent writing by JK Rowling (HT @AndrewTobert)

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I could get the hang of this Macmillan morning.

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Think I might walk to work today. Cycling’s great, but sometimes I want to chill out a bit more on my journey…

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@MsMottram Yup. Only office-bound for four weeks, though.

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Here’s a (moderately expensive) solution to the problem of carrying around heavy camera lenses.… (via @petapixel)

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