Hrm. So what’s @TheAppBrain, and why are they advertising our paid app for free, given that I’ve never heard of them..? #confused
@hayles Dearie me. But no, doesn’t look like that would be WP Total Cache, at least.
@hayles Ouch.
@hayles (And I’ll have another go at seeing what gets served.)
@hayles Do you have any remnants of it in “wp-content/plugins”? Anything with w3 in name, anything mentions cache? Move ‘em sideways.
@hayles Hrm. It might’ve left rule in your .htaccess file. Depends how you murdered it as to whether those would have been removed properly.
@hayles …turning it on briefly, clearing the entire cache if there’s a button for that, then turning it off.
@hayles Perhaps try updating W3 Total Cache. If it’s not turned on and you don’t want it on, try…
@hayles (And it might depend on the user agent as to which one you get.)
@hayles Looks to me like it’s W3 Total Cache. If I get the Tiny Animals page, it’s served with that. If I get the right one, it’s not.
@hayles Can you get someone to put the “View Source” output of the old page they’re seeing somewhere?
@hayles Are you self-hosted? Running any cacheing plugins?
@currybet Solution: program Textexpander to make an hilarious farting noise every time you type <em> into the wrong app ;)
@liveindetail I’ll save thousands!

So far, so painless.
Resubmitting Get Running for Android’s Facebook posting for approval by Facebook again… #thirdtimelucky
@thomasvenables He’s told me he’s going to fit the new one next week, too, so I think arrest may be premature.
@bertpalmer You’ve never seen me do DIY, have you? I’d probably manage to crowbar a water pipe open.
@sugarenia No. I have three input devices on this desk, for three different types of doing stuff. Wish I could get away with just one…
So far, so good: a man has arrived to rip out my kitchen.
@Thehappyfatgirl Bristol Raj on Alma Vale. Good curry. Got quite pissed. Yesterday was bit fragile, but I had a sofa/TV companion to help :)
@Thehappyfatgirl Mornin’.
@Phooto Ah, but the main point of our app is that it’s really, really simple. We don’t even use the GPS…
@Phooto Don’t get me wrong; I’m sure BT is a great solution. Just don’t think I have any of the problems…
@Phooto What, Get Running? It doesn’t do anything bluetoothy at all…

Hrm. I appear to have a problem that could potentially be financially damaging.
@Phooto There’s a new RAZR? Aww.
@Phooto (Actually, that’s not true; my keyboard, mouse and trackpad are BT, but I only use them with the Mac anyway…)
@Phooto I’ve no idea. I don’t think I own any Bluetooth devices, so I’ve never needed to check. I’ve got a 3GS…
@Phooto Hurrah! So, if I get one of those, will you buy me an iPhone 4S, iPhone 5 or iPad to go with it? :D