@claireellent Thanks!

I think my evening may be getting even better. pic.twitter.com/PnpXfw3v
@DrHairbear Heh. You do get a very reassuring receipt if you do it right.
For anyone wondering, yes, that *was* me doing a mini photoshoot of a woman doing yoga outside McDonalds in Broadmead. Long story.
Not just me that gets lost here, then. Currently watching an emergency ambulance crew being redirected to the other McDonalds.
@domwakeling To be fair, though, much of my stuff is working, too. I just have too much stuff.
@domwakeling It’s all gone wrong!
@hayles Very likely. Basically sounds like @ThreeUK can’t take the money we’d love to give them today.
On the plus side, just tried the spooky scan-it-yourself-pocket-it-and-leave Apple Store thing, and haven’t been nicked for shoplifting.
Good news: my contract’s up, so they could just swap broken MiFi for new one. Bad news: @ThreeUK’s computers’re so screwed they can’t do it.
@hayles Ta! Nearly there, then.
adamcheasley @gothick it’s in Cabot circus. Second floor.
@adamcheasley Ta!
Where’s the Three store in Broadmead? I have iOS 6, so searching for Three just shows me a Japanese airport. (Really.)
In The Galleries. They are playing Whitney Houston. Kill me now.
@Thehappyfatgirl Morning!