Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 2010

@neilhimself Oooh, that’s lush. And something new to add to my “Songs With the Word ‘Fuck’ In Them” playlist, too.

via Echofon in reply to neilhimself

Maaaahhrnin’ Awwwl.

via Echofon

@tsunimee I often double-check. Didn’t tonight. Hey, maybe I’m wrong. Off back to bed to try again!

via Echofon in reply to tsunimee

Balls. Something tells me that post-dinner coffee wasn’t the decaf I asked for.

via Echofon

@hayles Mmmmm. I am about to go from my New Chair of Pleasure to my memory-foam-topped bed. Mmm. Softness.

via Echofon in reply to hayles

@SharonECampbell Whereas a pub that has Langres on its chessboard is an unhygienic pub.

via Echofon in reply to sharoneclane

Nice little bit of “you must buy this” copy.

via Echofon

@thomasreggi May I suggest the rather cool Sleep Cycle app as an alternative? No affiliation; I just like it :)

via Echofon in reply to thomasreggi

@tsunimee yes. And the larger botnets can be made up of around half a million computers, normally infected home PCs. Each. Scary.

via Echofon in reply to tsunimee

@tsunimee It’s everything. They crawl the web, looking for anything they can spam, mostly based on the most popular blogging/forum software.

via Echofon in reply to tsunimee

@tsunimee Thing about bots is, they don’t care how big your blog is. They’re just bots. They see a WordPress install, and they spam it.

via Echofon in reply to tsunimee

@tsunimee And that’s just the first few of the nine so far today. And I have fewer than 50 actual subscribers.

via Echofon in reply to tsunimee

@tsunimee Current comment:spam ratio on my tiny-volume blog is 32:264. If I didn’t use Akismet spam protection, I’d have to have a CAPTCHA

via Echofon in reply to tsunimee

Ouch. Tens of thousands of London broadband & phone users suffer from results of fire and flood:

via Echofon

@the_beacon They are just irritating noise, aren’t they?

via Echofon in reply to the_beacon

@matthew_roach Clifton Village. Had lunch there, never done dinner (in any of them.)

via Echofon in reply to matthew_roach

@Jorence I have never tiffined. I probably should.

via Echofon

Playing while I wait for the ferry.

via Echofon

@KaveyF Henry has now left the building.

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

Dining at Thali Cafe this evening :)

via Echofon

@benparkatbjs Oh, I’m sure it won’t be boring. Not with the obvious inherent risk of crash and explosion.

via Echofon in reply to BenPark

@chrisphin Gibson’s corrolary: the one that’s not Mac-compatible will be the one with the feature you really need.

via Echofon in reply to chrisphin

@andybeebristol If it’s gyp with a particular doc, select all text before Review -> Set Language.

via Echofon in reply to andybeebristol

@andybeebristol Document properties? Document’s language will override the default. Or to put it another way: are you using French letters?

via Echofon in reply to andybeebristol

@zinziii How the hell do you have such good skin? That lot would bring me out in zits right now, let alone when I was your age!

via Echofon in reply to ZinziGraham

@BrokenLogo that’s what I was scared of. Was in bed by 11! Shame… was on songwriting course with Natalie, so wanted to hear her!

via Echofon in reply to BrokenLogo

@BrokenLogo Yeah, wish I’d been awake enough, but definitely wasn’t. No, haven’t seen poster, unfortunately.

via Echofon in reply to BrokenLogo

Borderline Asperger’s lets me communicate with both managers and coders. To one, I am “Systems Analyst”. To the other: “Speaker-to-Idiots”.

via Echofon

@benparkatbjs And read the comments on any online Evening Post story without getting despondent and angry :)

via Echofon in reply to BenPark

@ahnlak What I wish I had was a normal one to put it next to!

via Echofon in reply to ahnlak

@jemimakiss Hmm. What email provider are you using, and what network (3G or WiFi) are you using?

via Echofon in reply to jemimakiss

@mjh53 @ahnlak It was Amazon who kicked them off the iPhone, sadly.

via Echofon in reply to mjh53

No, Java installer, I do not want the Yahoo toolbar. Nor will I wish to buy a comedy top hat along with my next petrol purchase.

via Echofon

@jemimakiss are you getting any error message? Change your password recently? Are you on someone else’s WiFi network?

via Echofon in reply to jemimakiss

@Lillput Agreed. That’s one thing I’ve learned about Mountain Dewdo far: I shouldn’t drink it in the afternoon. Needed a Nytol at 1am.

via Echofon in reply to Lillput

@gary8345 Sorry; my fault: I took my glove out of my coat pocket yesterday morning. “I won’t need _those_ any more…”

via Echofon in reply to gary8345

@caffeinebomb @V_Bee Waitrose said it was because there wasn’t enough demand. Except it often wasn’t on shelf when I wanted some!

via Echofon in reply to jennifermjones

@caffeinebomb Sadly, three weeks after I bought the jug, my local Waitrose stopped selling the milk in bags. Grr.

via Echofon in reply to jennifermjones

Today, my diet coke comes in a pink leopardprint can and gives me the chance to win a dress. Hmm.

via Echofon

@zinziii I just can’t bring myself to charge silly amounts and have some people turn me down, but apparently it works quite well long term!

via Echofon in reply to ZinziGraham

@andybeebristol @SwishrelicBlack hole? Oh well, I always wanted to be thinner.

via Echofon in reply to andybeebristol

New lock gates ready to go in today. Sadly, I’ll be at work. Could be interesting to watch.

via Echofon

Wish people wouldn’t describe today’s CERN happenings as “crossing the streams”.

via Echofon

@archidave @xabl and maybe the usual suspects have been too busy selecting, printing and framing ;)

via Echofon in reply to archidave

@djelibeybi_meg They’re all filled pages. Really. Nothing of mine to speak of on line, really; maybe a few early things on BBC sites.

via Echofon in reply to djelibeybi_meg

@djelibeybi_meg @Phooto Nope, even more obscure than those. But pretty much every five minutes for the last hour, something’s needed update!

via Echofon in reply to djelibeybi_meg

There is an update available to the product you were wasting time with while waiting for another product to update. Kill yourself now?

via Echofon

@DrHairbear Goodness. I searched for “Nigella’s buns” and you’d never believe the results that just popped up!

via Echofon in reply to DrHairbear

@Phooto Seems fair enough: “Wasting time, that’s fine, but don’t actually sell all the computers.” :)

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

@Phooto I suppose it’s vaguely possible. But reCaptcha is so popular and legit it’s hard to believe anyone would block it…

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

@archidave Hot-cross-bun-bagels? Scared now.

via Echofon in reply to archidave

Newfound fans(!): UniqueSentence will be going down for a short while, as I upgrade to a different hosting package to enable ssh access.

via Echofon

@ahnlak …although I’d have thought there would be a barcode-scanning app for a phone that could send to LibraryThing by now.

via Echofon in reply to ahnlak

@ahnlak LibraryThing is where I’d keep my books, personally, but I don’t think they do web-based scanning!

via Echofon in reply to ahnlak

@Phooto Odd. There’s absolutely nothing tricksy about the heckling code. Should work pretty much anywhere…

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

You know, I really should buy some hot cross buns at some point.

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@ahnlak Because they’d spend all their time fixing problems with 2,495 different cameras and drivers, rather than making awesome software :/

via Echofon in reply to ahnlak

@Phooto Erm. When you say it didn’t work, can you describe what happens, exactly? It just worked fine for me:

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

Holy cow, though, even with rubbish camera Delicious Library scanning is still much better. Nice one, @deliciousmonstr!

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D’oh. New Delicious Library hugely improves barcode scanning — to compensate for the new rubbish camera in the iMac I just bought.

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PaulBurstow I have told the Govt we won’t support the Digital Economy Bill as drafted. There is not enough time for MPs to examine it in detail.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Mar 30th, 2010 via Echofon)

@TheLightroomLab maybe when indoors with warmer hands!

via Echofon

Temperature: 5C. Adjusting for wind chill: -47C. According to my solidified fingers, anyway.

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@TheLightroomLab Not with 10.6.3, but I’ve had that before. Try resetting your SMC.

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Follow the yellow brick road…

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Really should go to Mr. Wolf’s tonight to see The Evil Beat, but am probably too tired. Or will probably be dead tomorrow if I do.

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Hmmm. Interesting footwear choice for the weather. Still, I suppose sequined flip-flops probably dry off quite quickly.

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@Phooto Hmmm. Did it give a reason? The heckling worked last time I looked, but it’s been a while. Am going to replace that with Disqus.

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

@Swishrelic My first ever dynamic website. That’s mostly how I learned HTML and PHP, that is.

via Echofon in reply to Swishrelic

@KaveyF Ta for pimp, though. Although feel slightly guilty I’ve not worked on it for years!

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

Need to do a bit of JavaScript enhancement on Unique Sentence. Nag that fades up if it detects a full stop in the middle of submissions…

via Echofon

Need to do a bit of JavaScript enhancement on Unique Sentence. Nag that fades up if it detects a full stop in the middle of sumbissions…

via Echofon

@KaveyF Nope, been in meetings for a lot of the day!

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@KaveyF @Phooto All approved. Although I would submit that some of those are neither unique, nor sentences!

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@Phooto …but it shows them to the user while they’re logged in so that spammers don’t notice it’s doing that and so waste their time :D

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

@Phooto Ahhh! You’re on Unique Sentence, then? It detects multiple quick submissions and pendd them for approval, in case they’re spam.

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

@Phooto Huh? Which website is that?

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

@leigh The universe is fractal, sweetie. There’s as much complexity as you look for.

via Echofon in reply to leigh

@ignitebristol Careful. The West Midlands Serious Crime Squad might mis-hear you and _lock_ them up.

via Echofon in reply to ignitebristol

@goswoppit Screw the ratings! Thank you for reminding me I need to video both!

via Echofon in reply to goswoppit

Heh. Still playing with Tiffen Photo FX.

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@tsunimee I suggested it because (a) it does have elements of fantasy, but (b) I disliked everything else you mentioned, but liked PL.

via Echofon in reply to tsunimee

Mountain Dew confirmed at Kin Yin Hon, @talkie_tim ;). Also had traysful of bottles just inside warehouse door!

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I have entered the diet coke draw. Maybe I’ll win a dress!

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@Swishrelic Depends what’s stickifying it! Maplin have some fairly crazy sprays that might be worth a look.

via Echofon in reply to Swishrelic

@matthew_roach Shut up, or I’ll hit you with this handbag.

via Echofon in reply to matthew_roach

@caffeinebomb @V_Bee I _think_ it was. Will try Sainsbury later, then - ta!

via Echofon in reply to jennifermjones

@Squonk Don’t know if I’ve still got mine around, or if the sellotape holding the battery door finally gave out :)

via Echofon in reply to Squonk

@Squonk Goodness, did you have one of those things, too? Tiny little silver plastic thing?

via Echofon in reply to Squonk

@lilibaloo The bloke I voted for has emerged unscathed from expenses scandal, and also friended me on Facebook. Definitely in the lead!

via Echofon in reply to lilibaloo

@KaveyF I am resisting the temptation to look at what @asic69 said that elicited that reply.

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@lilibaloo “Three way marginal”, though quite a bit majority to LibDem last time.

via Echofon in reply to lilibaloo

@xabl it does seem to have been very quiet the last few weeks.

via Echofon in reply to xabl

Hmm. Snow Leopard 10.6.3 is out. Anyway, yes, bathroom, clean, so forth.

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@zinziii Yes, but I heard that if I loved it too often I’d go blind ;)

via Echofon in reply to ZinziGraham

Just been phone canvassed by the Labour Party. Too late, I realised I should have pretended indecision and ask them “what’s in it for me?”

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@jcroft Yes, probably to stop us all feeling disappointed when we touch the iBooks icon and get told we’re second-class citizens.

via Echofon in reply to jcroft

@zinziii Hey, temptress, I’ve got to clean the bathroom and do my filing, stop trying to entice me with naughty websites!

via Echofon in reply to ZinziGraham

@jcroft Is iBooks available in all countries? I thought it was even doubtful for the UK… Maybe they count it as an optional app.

via Echofon in reply to jcroft

@hayles Kin Yip Hon? Need to go there soon to pick up more green tea — can check stock if you want, @talkie_tim!

via Echofon

@goswoppit Yeah, but that feels rather more tongue-in-cheek than the Coke ads!

via Echofon in reply to goswoppit

@talkie_tim I think @hayles has mentioned a local Mountain Dew supplier?

via Echofon in reply to talkie_tim

@Ffion1108 mmmm. Haven’t had a Yorkie for about a decade.

via Echofon in reply to Ffion1108

@tsunimee the whole damn thing looks pretty rubbish to me!

via Echofon in reply to tsunimee

@chris_j_hughes anyway. Must go, there’s a window-cleaner taking his shirt off outside.

via Echofon in reply to chris_coys

@chris_j_hughes Apart from the way it tastes different and never appears in our building. Clearly we’re all girls.

via Echofon in reply to chris_coys

And no, I’m not buying Diet Coke instead, because according to the ad I saw this morning, it’s only for girls.

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Pepsi: please stop redesigning your cans for long enough that I can learn to recognise them when put backwards in our dark vending machine.

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@Lillput Mmm. This is one of the things I’m worried about. Windows 7 would probably be an interesting change, but Linux more me-compatible.

via Echofon in reply to Lillput

@Lillput @rbrwr @rabidbee They look good, but I’m so damn _bored_ of staring at Windows XP. And I want minimum fuss out of the box…

via Echofon in reply to Lillput

@Lillput …although I may change my mind about OS choice, depending on the state of hardware and software at the moment.

via Echofon in reply to Lillput

@Lillput Looks good, but probably want something more easy to get hold of with a Linux distro of some kind pre-installed.

via Echofon in reply to Lillput

@bertpalmer A netbook. An iPad would also be nice, but for different reasons, and less pressing ones.

via Echofon in reply to bertpalmer

@megpickard I think you misunderstand my point :)

via Echofon in reply to megpickard

@goswoppit that would be an almost ideal solution, but I don’t think I can justify the extra thousand pounds.

via Echofon in reply to goswoppit

This bag is way too heavy. I really should get myself a netbook.

via Echofon

@BTCare Nope, I’ve never had BT broadband.

via Echofon in reply to BTCare

@Phooto quite literally, apparently

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

@rabidbee Yay! This was mine. You can just about see the handle/cover.

via Echofon in reply to rabidbee

@rabidbee Oh — and try Bing for the image search. The infinite scrolling results interface is nicer than Google’s.

via Echofon in reply to rabidbee

@rabidbee If it was like mine, “100 film camera” gets much better results than “compact film camera”.

via Echofon in reply to rabidbee

@rabidbee Hmm. I had one of those. 110 film? Can’t remember if mine was maybe a Hanimex…

via Echofon in reply to rabidbee

@majicDave Hear, hear. CSSEdit has saved me hours and hours of working out what tiny mistake I’ve made, over and over again.

via Echofon in reply to majicDave

Oh, _that’s_ why it’s so cold. A clock I forgot: the central heating timer.

via Echofon

Today I will be taking the morning off. A very long bath and .net magazine shall be combined for educational relaxation.

via Echofon

@treblechamp Gig photography is one of those few areas where the camera really can make a big difference.

via Echofon in reply to treblechamp

@Whatleydude It is quite shameful that Twitter is so rubbish at searching itself.

via Echofon in reply to Whatleydude

@treblechamp Partly that’s because the history of dark gig photography is one of grainy high ISO shots, so that’s the “look” they had to be!

via Echofon in reply to treblechamp

@Whatleydude I’m guessing it’s not the use Friendfeed intend, though…

via Echofon in reply to Whatleydude

@Jorence Nice! Yeah, can see why you would; the light is really important in that one.

via Echofon

@treblechamp Not much. I’ve only done one proper paid shoot for a band.

via Echofon in reply to treblechamp

On balance, think this is my favourite shot from Thursday night. Feeling a desire to brush out the exit sign, though.

via Echofon

Alternatively, a one-night stand every eight days would work. Just so long as they don’t go to waste and I don’t have to eat them.

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I need to enter a deep and meaningful relationship with someone who actually likes Rice Krispies Multi-Grain Shapes.

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@thomasvenables Never mind! Had to dash off anyway. Give me shout next time you see anything interesting on!

via Echofon in reply to thomasvenables

Chris Addison was very funny. Go see him if you have the chance.

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@Jorence on way out of Tobacco Factory theatre, just spotted sign for indoor bike rack. Don’t know how secure but maybe worth knowing about!

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Hey, where did @thomasvenables go? *blink*

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@caffeinebomb ahh. I had similar arrangement between Warwick and Bristol for a bit. But they at least did phone renewals.

via Echofon in reply to jennifermjones

Off to see Chris Addison in a bit. Which may explain why I’ve had _Walking Down Madison_ in my head all day. A bit.

via Echofon

@mattgemmell if it helps you search, nearest equivalent I found for Firefox was Site Launcher. Not exactly the same, but close enough for me

via Echofon in reply to mattgemmell

@DrHairbear it depends. Are you hot or cross yet?

via Echofon in reply to DrHairbear

@caffeinebomb Can you not renew on the web? Even my local council have caught up with technology to that extent…

via Echofon in reply to jennifermjones

@Gina_luh okay, that wins prize for oddest tweet I saw while searching for “Moles”.

via Echofon

GMT or BST, I think I’m rather overdue for lunch.

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@xabl Dunno; my preferred client doesn’t auto-complete. What platform?

via Echofon in reply to xabl

@xabl Yes. Yes, it is. Which is why I uninstalled it, the non-standard, depressing, badly-fonted, US-spellchecking piece of heavyware.

via Echofon in reply to xabl

How come iPhoto shows me the pictures on my iPhone every single time I use it _except_ when I want to download a photo from my iPhone?

via Echofon

@ahnlak Ta. They’re on my list for if I need to chuck this Belkin (it’s started interpreting browsing Flickr as attack & blocking farms!)

via Echofon in reply to ahnlak

@philmonger @Jorence Although today, I wouldn’t absolutely rule out caffeine withdrawal!

via Echofon in reply to philmonger

@philmonger @Jorence mine’s mostly narrowed down to post-accident whiplash, and scoliosis. Gradually getting less frequent with physio.

via Echofon in reply to philmonger

Did @echofon always start itself up on unlock after a push notification, thus killing @Runkeeper and interrupting my running?

via Echofon

We’re going to clean up these mean streets.

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Great sky today, Bristol. Well done!

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Okay. Off for a jog. To the pulsing, energetic beat of… erm… _The Now Show_.

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@lahlootea Oooh. Erm. I’ll have to get out for a jog first, then see how much time I’ve got left…

via Echofon in reply to katebliving

@jbrownridge It was an annoyingly bad Netgear I replaced the time before last. Sigh. Think I need to get an ADSL modem and separate router.

via Echofon in reply to jbrownridge

@thomasvenables Oh, dear. That sounds like the voice of bitter experience.

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@Jorence Yeah. Watershed is short ferry journey for me, Tobacco Factory is car ride. Or bike, soon, once I dust it off for the spring!

via Echofon

@mikeotaylor There was nothing wrong with the service, technically, but if ever anything went administratively awry, they were nightmarish.

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@Jorence Biggest problem is that all the cafes that are quiet enough for writing round the clock go out of business in the end!

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@Jorence Does depend on the time of day. But yeah, odd, I find Watershed better for programming. Actual writing needs more quiet.

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@mikeotaylor And I’m on ADSL because Telewest were _truly_ shit!

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@mikeotaylor It’s the higher-level networking stuff in the routers that seems to be the bane of my life. The ADSL side is fine…

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Does anyone actually make an ADSL router that works? Or are they all completely rubbish in one way or another?

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@Dan_Christensen Well, be careful out there. And watch out for the little one: he bites.

via Echofon in reply to Dan_Christensen

RT @bertpalmer: If you’re in the uk, put all your camera clocks forward now whilst you remember! (via @plinkk) <— Good shout!

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@paulahillier Yeah. I’ve got a headache, I’m tired, I’ve only just had my coffee, and half my clocks are still wrong. This morning is _hard_

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@Jorence You have a false-hangover too? Horrible, isn’t it, when you’ve done nothing to deserve it.

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@paulahillier Well, I didn’t see anyone who looked like a donut :) Talked to a few people, but I got there late and mostly watched bands…

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@bananza Glad your big baby isn’t obviously broken, hon.

via Echofon in reply to bananza

Bearing in mind viruses can’t multiply by themselves, wouldn’t it be better to aim for a bacterial marketing campaign?

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Just put up a photo set of the @reacharounds_uk at Thursday’s

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@chris_j_hughes The tea’s quite cheap. Lightroom is about £180. Don’t buy it now, anyway; there’s a new one out soon!

via Echofon in reply to chris_coys

@benjohnbarnes …unless it’s something Google Sketchit could handle? Which is odd, but quite good.

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@benjohnbarnes Unfortunately, I’ve been researching new ones because LineForm, which I was using, is now very much a dead project. Shame.

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