@twitterapi I vote “retweeters”.
@sowerbyandluff Is a pop star’s one a ladygagaden?
@hayles Any chance of getting one from a physical shop? Walked out of a 3 store with mine in about ten minutes, all set up…
Yay! New stuff to listen to. Well, mostly new to me, anyway. http://twitpic.com/18rd1y
Thanks to all who’ve sponsored me for the Bristol 10K! My company agreed to match donations, so the money’s doubled! http://bit.ly/10Kmatt
Ow. My legs ache. I really must start stretching more after the longer runs. Ow.
@jennycolgan how unexpected? Are you still in bed?
http://twitpic.com/18ptz7 - Pano
@JasonBradbury Cool!
@csoanes Indeed. I think “hob trivets” has a more Lord of the Rings-style majesty.