Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 9th, 2010

@fdr106 I like Bike, Queens Road, just opposite Habitat side entrance.

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Good. Forums are back up and running on a new server, and people are posting new messages, so the world can definitely see us!

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So, now time to get the Morning Pages done before I run out of time in my Morning…

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@benjohnbarnes Hey, we got some fool talking about us! The buzz is working :D

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I try to separate marketing and tweeting. Wouldn’t want to be the kind of person I don’t follow. http://pointlesslink

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Sudden revelation: you know, I think I might actually want to be a computer programmer.

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@Lillput No, that’s the problem: I’m not. Not any more.

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I’m going to find the factory they make heat-welded plastic packaging in and wrap their first aid box and fire extinguishers in the stuff.

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@KaveyF not a fan of the new retweet functionalty, then? Know some people don’t like it…

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@KaveyF Thought most clients had caught up with the feature and showed you now. All of mine do, anyway…

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@psidnell Hey, I even enjoy XSLT. Wrote a fractal generator in it the other day, just for fun. Seriously.

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@ahnlak That would probably be one of the many reasons I gave up on TweetDeck.

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@dktom Never tried Picasso (never heard of it, in fact…) I’m an old Flickr die-hard, and I really like it.

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@fdr106 …and that’s not just because the give free servicing with all their bikes :)

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@psidnell No, if Skynet was Java-based the UI would be uglier, and Arnold Schwarzenegger would keep stealing RAM instead of motorcycles.

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Hurrah! Massage time!

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Rebooting a remote control. Can barely believe that’s what I’m doing, but it’s what I’m doing.

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@DrHairbear Mmm. Harmony 555. Which does in fact seem to work, despite needing more reboots than a copy of Windows on a Tuesday.

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@DrHairbear I have no ginger syrup. But I will try to be careful with the honey.

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Favourite photo of the day: <— Looks best big.

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Recently I have been getting around to a lot of things after having worried about them for roughly twice as long as it took to do them.

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@hayles Pretentious. Oh, wait, that’s not what you were asking, is it?

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@hayles Translation: We took pork with apple sauce, made the portions smaller, and broke it.

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@hayles Although, to be fair, last thing I had with “jus” was at Goldbrick House, and was very nice.

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