@tweeny4 @KaveyF Bwa-ha-ha! Behold the mighty chair! http://tumblr.gothick.or…
@tweeny4 Yup.
I have a fabulous new chair. Hurrah!
Mmm. Light trails. http://flic.kr/p/7J3E5B
@hayles !!Bloody hell!! And how many armies, exactly, are sharing that?
@jacrats Ooh, is it that version of broccoli that looks like it was designed by a maths lecturer?
5K in new shoes. All seems to be good. http://bit.ly/dw1Sz0
@shezza_t Pretend to be practised, arrogant handyman and it seems to work a lot better. Really.
@tweeny4 Nope, but will probably ignore all the jobs that need doing to get out into the sunshine and shoot something somewhere, at least!
@tweeny4 Going to take photos of the half marathon?
@jukesie Finding more shelf space: 1) Buy more shelving. 2) Are you considering hanging shelves from the bathroom ceiling yet? No? Go to 1.
Using the lovely Tangerine app to generate a few new running playlists. http://www.potionfactory…
Morning, all! It’s lovely and sunny out there. Will be out jogging in my new shoes later :) First, though, indoor tidying up :(
An iPhone user interface enhancement I really need: a big arrow on the front, so I stop trying to plug the dock cable into the wrong end.