Considering hardcoding a CAPTCHA on one of my blogs’ contact forms to “no SEO morons” to try to get the point across.
@KaveyF I was just admonishing a colleague for gossip-flirting, as I call it.
@KaveyF Gossip-flirting? Well, it’s a really interesting concept, but I can’t tell you about it just yet.
@Phooto Would this hotel be in Brighton, perchance?
@KaveyF *giggle*
Yes. It was indeed a bit misty on the way to work today.
@tweeny4 Post them to me. I’ll deal with them.
@alkalinemouse merci, O Non-Acidic One.
@chrismarquardt I remember when those used to be called “volume knobs”.
@RadioKate no, but I have been known to enlarge the existing hole in take-out coffee lids with a pencil, for similar reasons.
@chrismarquardt I stand corrected. I will clearly have to be careful not to confuse my knobs in future.
@KaveyF Hmm. Think will be heading either London- or Cambridgewards soon; may have to pop in on way to/from…
Had massage, now walking home to _Blonde On Blonde_. Not sure how much more chilled I can get…
Would love to be able to Instapaper an actual tweet in @echofon
@talkie_tim @archidave I have same dilemma. 3-month notice period a further annoyance.
@zinziii *jealous*
@zinziii Something tells me we’d both be fairly happy if we found a course where that _was_ the coursework :)
@hayles Well, it seems to work. (7654321)
@hayles Well, at least technology doing it that way round makes an interesting change…
@zinziii Now there’s an accolade :) Looking forward to Nobody’s Daughter?
Even when I was a kid, I wasn’t sure that turning the milk brown was a great selling point. Still, Coco Pops Mega Munchies are quite nice.
When did self-storage companies stop telling you how much it costs on their websites? They’re annoyingly like gyms now.
@Phooto Yeah, you at least need a NAS that’s more soothing when it sends you email, by the sound of it.
Bloody hell. Journey to work, or voyage into the unknown? #Bristol
I dare say that Half Man Half Biscuit isn’t good warm-up-for-work music. Still, good album.
@bertpalmer Hard to say. Tell you what, go have a look. I’ll stay here and guard the cameras.
This office is doomed.