@Narshada Luckily, according to @DrHairbear, you may be mistaken! Yay!
Right. Off to RWA for preview of Open Painting.
Today, it feels like I have mostly been queueing.
Wandering off to join the zoo. Which is distinctly less drastic than running off to join the circus.
@andybeebristol By all means. I’m scared of heights.
I don’t want a jetpack. But a future where car alarms are smart enough not to go off if the car’s not being stolen would be nice.
I saw this: http://novlcuisine.com/3… and thought of @Narshada!
Much as I like Amazon Prime, I’m not sure it should be called “One Day” delivery if you order on Saturday for delivery on Tuesday.
@thomasvenables interesting: I always wondered whether one could simply tweet companionable silence.
Yes, it’s a Saturday. Yes, it’s midday. Yes, I’m predictable. http://twitpic.com/1b96h9
So, is it actually possible to get the proper, original Star Wars on DVD? Without extra shit, and with Han shooting first?
@KaveyF @lahlootea Probably won’t have time today. Is it on tomorrow too?
Okay. Morning Pages. Get shit together. Physio appointment. Shopping. Processing photos. Paperwork. Weekly review. Better get on with it!
@jukesie …and that’s an _order_!
@jukesie Happy birthday!
Morning all! Decided to do my normal bleary-webcam DailyBooth shot in an HD edition this morning: http://dailybooth.com/go…
Currently being frustrated by technology. More than usual, I mean.
@benjohnbarnes Unfortunately, I’ve been researching new ones because LineForm, which I was using, is now very much a dead project. Shame.
…and here’s @Dan_Martin in front of a #bristwestival crowd http://bit.ly/cCCokN
Just put up a photo set of the @reacharounds_uk at Thursday’s #bristwestival http://bit.ly/9hJX3Z
@Phooto Alfie with three eyes?
@chris_j_hughes The tea’s quite cheap. Lightroom is about £180. Don’t buy it now, anyway; there’s a new one out soon!
@chris_j_hughes Lightroom. And tea.
@CorporalKitty Walk more. Works for me.
@benjohnbarnes No. @mattgemmell is a legend. I’m merely brilliant.
@benjohnbarnes …unless it’s something Google Sketchit could handle? Which is odd, but quite good.
Not to mention Yolanda from @PhantomLimbBand http://www.flickr.com/ph…
@benjohnbarnes Also, although he has different needs, this might be useful: http://bit.ly/a6aemN
@benjohnbarnes Might help: http://bit.ly/9Kzo5P
Hmm. I appear to have 669 photos to weed/process from the last three days. Might have a cup of tea first. Then put it off some more.
@chrismarquardt Frightening. Be careful. Sure the printer will get its revenge in the end.
@thomasvenables “‘Cause I iz tha _mayor_ o’ this town, an’ that makes you all my _bitches_,”
@thomasvenables No, he had no underlying wah-wah guitar riff.
Just passed an imposing man with a lot of gold around his neck. As it’s not BA, I’m assuming he’s the Lord Mayor.