Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 2010

@hayles@ryancarson: Priority Inbox from Gmail looks great. Can’t wait to try it:

via Twitter for iPhone

Hmm. The new gmail “priority inbox”: don’t fix your culture, just throw engineering at the problem?

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Cool. After visit to aunt & uncle last night, am in possession of an Olympus OM2 and various lenses.

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Bon matin, tous le monde!

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@kshack22 Think I may buy quite a few “read once” books on the Kindle, but the “will read again” ones will likely still be paper.

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@kshack22 Yeah. It’s mostly for liberating a bunch of e-books I own, plus making carrying lots of books on holiday an easier experience :)

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@kshack22 Believe me, I do :) It’s a supplement, not a replacement!

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Reasons to buy a Kindle, #1: Stephen King.

via Echofon

@RamonY1970 As for prices, you should be able to see the whole shebang here:

via Echofon in reply to RamonWrites

@RamonY1970 Will be reviewing the whole thing at some point. Seems good so far, but I’ve only had it an hour.

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Yowch. May have overdone the chilli a tad.

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“Clams? Yes, of course. Halfway down aisle eighty-seven, next to the ground unicorn horn.”

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The author of “Quick and Easy Cooking for One” has clearly never assessed the speed or ease of finding baby clams in Bristol.

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This poor boat was someone’s home until a couple of days ago. Snapped this morning on my way to work.

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I expect Twitter to go down in a minute, simply under the weight of all the tweets about Facebook being down…

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So, I’m prepared to run 13 miles on Sunday, but I still won’t take the stairs to the second floor at work…

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@tsunimee It’s okay, boys have a built-in filter. We don’t even see that stuff on the way past.

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paulahillier Have you seen the IT Donut yet? Full of IT advice for small businesses - follow @ITDONUT & visit

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Aug 31st, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

@benjohnbarnes I can’t see that happening, Ben, Benjohn, Benj, Benji, Benjamin, sex, xxx.

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@Nose_in_a_book Hmmm. Temporarily change to the default WotdPress theme and see if comments appear?

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Off to Wales. Won’t be long.

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@Dru_Marland Thank you for that very clear safety summary of @matthew_roach.

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@Nose_in_a_book (a) does the theme support it (b) is “allow comments” enabled on the specific page?

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I just turned the BBC iPlayer up to 11 for the first time.

via Twitter Web Client

Chatting on ferry to a man who sold cameras, up until he lost his sight. Puts my problems into some perspective.

via Twitter for iPhone

Off into town. Might have a drink in Harbourside if a friend if mine is working there today…

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Fixing things in IE6.

via Echofon

@johncallos I know that (lack of) feeling. Just been playing with handlebar height and seat angle to see if that helps…

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@lucyreddd I feel your pain. I’m avoiding Facebook because if you’re a single 30something bloke *all* the ads are for dating sites.

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@RamonY1970 Current estimated population: about 1,000, and falling…

via Echofon in reply to RamonWrites

@RamonY1970 And I have a vague recollection of Gareth Thomas signing a girl’s breast in the bar.

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@RamonY1970 Yup, definitely same one. I was at a table with Walter in one of the discussions, and nattered with DJJ in a corridor.

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Reading Nigel Slater’s “The Perfect Baked Potato”. Didn’t know my karate training would come in handy in the kitchen…

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@RamonY1970 Might even have been at the same con. Did Jacqueline Pearce turn up at the one you went to?

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@RamonY1970 Sorry, didn’t catch the smiley first time around!

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@RamonY1970 Oh! Goodness, but I didn’t know the Drazi ship actually _was_ inspired by it!

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@RamonY1970 It’s old enough to have _inspired_ the Drazi ship :) And JMS was definitely a fan of the series.

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Dan-da-da! Da-da Dan-da-da! Dan-da-da! Dadadada-dan-da-da!

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Fiddling with jQuery. Here is a square of me, which you can add more of me to :) http://dailybooth.gothic…

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Oh! And there’s my reward for doing that long-outstanding job. Libertines reunion gig on iPlayer :)

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@mattgemmell Sounds pretty damn good for a first release. Good. Thanks.

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@mattgemmell How’s it looking apart from that? Might be the impetus I need to upgrade to the latest iWork. Kindle on the way…

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It’s amazing how many of the jobs that sit on my to-do list for months because I think they’ll take ages turn out to be dead easy in the end

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Aww. “Last of the Summer Wine” is today’s featured Wikipedia article :)

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Right. Think morning’s lounging is now over. Jogging time, then lunch from Clifton Village, then a few long-outstanding household chores…

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Having a morning off and generally lounging. May go out for my last jog before next Sunday’s half marathon in a bit.

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Just received my copy of my Uncle Ray’s first novel! :)

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RT @Markgatiss: Stand by for news today… <— Hmmm…

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@stillawake That’s also where I got the shiny new cup and saucer, which helped a lot :)

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@stillawake It was lush. I normally use an espresso machine, but I was in IKEA last weekend and saw the stovetop maker and couldn’t resist!

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@hayles Main “tricks” for me: practice fuckloads, hang out with better photographers, don’t show anyone all the shots that turn out crap! :)

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@benjohnbarnes Spotlight is good, especially now (first few incarnations a bit rubbish.) But:…

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@Sam_Currie Can you figure out whether it’s a body something or a brain something? That sometimes helps when I feel like that.

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@stillawake Well, you could buy an awful lot of the (very nice from Chandos Deli) coffee beans for the price of the EOS. Hard choice..

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Have replaced Quicksilver with @alfredapp on both my machines to give it a decent trial. Pretty seamless change so far. @vero

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Morning all! Here, share my morning coffee:

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@seengee Also, when I use a mailto: link, tends to be “…or email me directly on []. Not so disguised.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to robjmills

@seengee I find contact forms more annoying. Often badly-designed, harder to work on phones, and no copy recorded in “Sent mail”.

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@benjohnbarnes Especially if it came with a free pocket protector.

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@tyronem Yup. Although I am rather hammering at the edges of their support to do what I’m doing right now :)

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@tyronem It’s a cool language. I just got into it sitting next to an XSLT programmer at work, and it comes in useful occasionally.

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@tyronem Merci. With a lower recursion depth, it also works in Opera and WebKit, but they don’t seem to have as much stack space.

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@tyronem Although this will probably be of limited interest unless you are an XSLT nutcase.

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@tyronem No, I’m just sticking it together now as part of a demo I’m writing about Cloudfront. It’s a Lorenz attractor… Hang on a mo.

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@thomasvenables It works in Opera to some degree, and I have to give Opera credit for a decent error message when it can’t cope.

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Oh! I’d not realised it was summer again. Plan change: ditch laptop, grab sunhat and magazine. And out the door again we go…

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Right. Time to check-in my work while I’m ahead, then go for lunch, I reckon.

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Just created a fractal generator in pure XSLT that works in Safari, Firefox and IE6,7 and 8. It’s possible that I am too geeky for my shirt.

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@indiaknight Hmm. 1st August for me, but only the case has arrived so far.

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@jbrownridge I’ve tempted to put message on mine. “Please call me on my mobile. If I care about you at all, you’ll already have the number.”

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@indiaknight Out of curiosity, when did you order yours?

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“I saw you in Mercedez-Benz/Practising self-defence/You got it pretty good, I guess/I couldn’t see you eyes…”

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Dailybooth’s random will-it-won’t-it maybe-I’ll-upload-your-photo process is incredibly annoying at times. Sigh.

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Ooh. Excuse me while I have a brief moment of espresso machine envy.

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@Nose_in_a_book And they used to be so much nicer before the smoking ban. Sigh.

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@stillawake I’d go have a look, but my ferry’s just coming! There’s a link to the times on if that’s any help.

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@globalmoxie I tried it, but the basics didn’t work as well as Echofon, which I still like for a simple desktop client.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to bigmediumjosh

@R2UK That would be @vaultpress, by Automattic. It’s still a beta, but sign up and smile at them nicely and who knows what’ll happen ;)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to therutharnold

@nyssapod @ruskin147 Mine, ordered 1 August, I think, still has no expected delivery date. The leather case arrived yesterday, though!

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Dentist done. Now off for my traditional ironic celebration of coffee and pastry.

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@DrHairbear I am aware just how lucky I am in that respect.

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At the dentist. Which is not something that’s ever bothered me much, luckily. 37, and still no fillings.

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Hmm. Why is it “grey” in my brain, but not “greyscale”? It’s “grey” and “grayscale”, which seems oddly inconsistent.

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@Support In the iPhone client, is there any way of removing tweets from people I’ve blocked & reported for spam from my replies list? Ta.

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@carocleank I love some of the older stuff. Haven’t had enough chance to try the new album yet, though.

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@ahnlak Did you need to buy a charger, or did it eventually charge from USB?

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Right. Coding time.

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@ahnlak Is yours working again yet?

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@ahnlak Yes, if only I’d seen one successfully demonstrated recently! :)

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@hayles If I was any good at making up stories, that might be an option. My recent fiction output would suggest that is not the case.

via Echofon in reply to hayles

Look what arrived from Amazon today. Damn it.

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@tsunimee @MizzWorthy Well, er… It. Erm. Means… Errrr. Erm…

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to tsunimee

@ITDONUT It’d take more than a second. http://creativecommons.o… probably a good start.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to _TechDonut

@hayles Some twitter clients do have them, but can’t remember which ones, sadly.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

Virtually everything I have done so far today has been irritatingly over-difficult. Morning all.

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@archidave Don’t forget Braille. Imagine that blind people really need to be told that. They might not have figured it out for themselves!

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@ScrivenerApp Aha! Thanks, the Convert did the trick. Wanted to remove paragraph spacing on existing stuff so I could edit Markdown-style.

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Hmm. Is there a way of changing the formatting for all my documents at once in @ScrivenerApp? *hunts around*

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Oh, now they’re just teasing me.

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@tyronem Absolutely. For example, being slightly pregnant is a little emergency.

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@johnmcg Sorry, already shredded. @Jorence said he had one, though?

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@Bravax If that’s your reason, then yes, recommended.

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Oh, lovely, more lowlife scamming paper spam from the Domain Renewal Group. Get some self-respect, morons.

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Something tells me I’m not going for a jog tonight

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@KaveyF @bexxi A couple of the “Extra”/”Plus” style UK painkillers add caffeine. Looked it up once but can’t remember reason now.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Kavey

…and today’s . Captures the mood, anyway.

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@meyerweb Gibson’s corollary: any taxonomy created by multiple people makes no sense to anyone.

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@Trapac oooh. It’s a bugger to get the remains out when that happens, in my experience. Be careful!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Trapac

@Bravax Yes, but it depends exactly what problem you’re trying to solve. Definitely worth a go, though.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Bravax

@hayles Are you old enough to _remember_ Jimmie Crankie?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

Bah. Amazon have just sent me a shipping notification for my shiny new Kindle 3… leather case.

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Enjoying the new Simplenote app, except for the font stack using something really badly-spaced for me on Firefox/WinXP.

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Just tried @alfredapp on the MacBook. Looks easily good enough to trial as a Quicksilver replacement for a while, see how it goes. @vero

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@vero Ooh, hadn’t heard of @alfredapp. Is there a quick “what’s in it for Quicksilver users?” summary anywhere?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to vero

@Bravax Yeah, overall good. Sharing not so great, good for ubiquitous capture, OCR to make images word-searchable surprisingly good.

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@DrHairbear And I’d have to go to Greece to get it. Even better.

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Sorry, I’d live to have come to your meeting this morning, but I really have to wash my hair.

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@libbymiller Hmm. I had that, but clearing my cookies did actually fix it.

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Right, I’m off to bed. Catch you in t’morning, folks.

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@hayles Nope. I watched the last ten minutes of an Episode of Dexter I didn’t finish last night, then geeked out. I am glad I did.

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@benjohnbarnes Tweaked a bit. That’s the end for this evening, though! Haven’t got the maths quite right, either.

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@benjohnbarnes Anyway. Nuff playing. That was meant to be half an hour away from the chores and it turned into an hour :)

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@benjohnbarnes Yes, except that I’m singularly reluctant to take iTunes as an example of good user interfacing :)

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@benjohnbarnes Of course, I’ve just realised I’m now spending my evening clicking on little photos of myself.

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@benjohnbarnes The way it’s working at the mo, just bigger targets might work okay — left half of image votes down, right half votes up.

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@benjohnbarnes Hmm. Interesting flow issues due to the way floats work in CSS. Still: http://dailybooth.gothic…

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@benjohnbarnes Nobody taps and holds to remove anything on the web.

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@benjohnbarnes That would be the next step. Starts getting awkward UI-wise, though, if your buttons start moving around.

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@geniodiabolico And now I am listening to Cinnamon Girl. The Neil Young version, mind. Don’t know if that’s the one you were thinking of :)

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@tsunimee @ceriselleorg Also, of course, if I *had* kicked her, I’m fairly certain I would now be dead, so that’s probably just as well.

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@tsunimee Funnily enough, I saw @ceriselleorg on the way home. She didn’t _seem_ to be faffing, so I did not kick her.

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@tsunimee Yup. Feels better at non-seated gigs. About one time in three I bump into someone I know there anyway!

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@benjohnbarnes Well, I was going to grid it soon anyway - I’m nearly at the 14*14th photo, so I can make a square :)

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@Hicksdesign Oh, that was you, was it? Saw preview at the weekend. Clean and elegant. Like it.

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@MitchBenn How the heck do you even *do* that without a well-equipped metalwork shop?

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@johnfbraun Yup. You need an external drive in my patented “deep salt mine” case. Only problem is it’s a touch less portable.

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@seengee Well, probably better than flipping on 13th of the month. Had one of those that took me a couple of days to track down once!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to robjmills

@davidpatrick Just randomly selected a few points on the earth, and all looks fine to me.

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@parryphernalia Well, @geekpop is made in Bristol, at least, and I’m guessing they might be aware of other Bristoly podcasts?

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@benjohnbarnes Never mind. I’m sure you’ll write some new bugs soon :D

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@parryphernalia I don’t know, but that sounds like the right hashtag to me.

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Heh. Scary. Eight months of me: http://dailybooth.gothic…

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Aha. William Gibson coming to Bristol for the Festival of Ideas. Fab. Last saw him in Waterstones in the Galleries…

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@ahnlak You’ve got to admire its fighting spirit.

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@stephenfry Well, as last words go, “Snaking its way down…” is at least intriguing.

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@floyduk Odd. It kept the same user account for me.

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@floyduk Are you doing it all the hard way, then? I used Migration Assistant last time, it was Awesome-with-a-capital-“A”.

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@floyduk The joy of under-the-hood BSD :) But dragging should work as long as you own the files _and_ the folder being dragged from, I think

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@floyduk Or just log in as root and do it like a Real Man :)

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@floyduk Who are you dragging as? Remember you’d need to chown the directory you’re dragging from in order to remove things from it…

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@floyduk Tried holding down Option while you drag? Or is it Command? Can’t remember, but it’s one or the other that toggles move/copy.

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@ScubaScorpion Oh, there’s an official page; it just doesn’t have the data in any good feed formats.

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@KaveyF Hey, did you figure out what was going on with that video?

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@KaveyF Wanted to do my own because most provided ones are “UK Holidays” but that just raises my hopes when a Scottish one appears!

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@KaveyF Yeah, found that, but it’s sadly unhelpful when it comes to knocking up an automatic calendar feed. :(

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@tweeny4 Nice. E-books just won’t cut it for me until they make a waterproof, floating Kindle :)

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@tweeny4 Mmmm. Haven’t had my usual long luxurious wallow this weekend. Showers are great, but inconvenient for reading :)

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Hmm. You’d have thought the UK government would have a proper data feed of Bank Holiday dates somewhere.

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@tsunimee Nope, just a bit of marketing I got through the post from them. At some point I’ll probably change to the guys @ahnlak is with…

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@BradleyLaw I’m not with them, just liked that bit of marketing copy.

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@ScubaScorpion It’s only the large print I was pointing out…

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@NumPadApp Aha! Thanks. You might want to put that on the website; was halfway through filing bug report before I thought to check Twitter!

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@ScubaScorpion Really? I hadn’t noticed.

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Nice touch on the back of this letter from

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