@tsunimee Well, as a first step, I guess you could start calling some of them “Mandy” and work your way onward from there…
@nyssapod Ta for advice. I did indeed go for 3G version in the end. Now for the long wait for delivery!
mattgemmell YOGHURTPOCALYPSE: http://www.flickr.com/ph…
On buying the new Kindle, usability, model numbers, and the Bezos Big Block Graphic: http://bit.ly/b0hsk5
@tsunimee Is calling everyone “Amanda” a common problem for you?
@jamesclay What, the new one? Got in just in time, then; I pre-ordered mine yesterday.
Okay. I sat down to do stuff. I have now been watching Libertines/Babyshambles/Pete Doherty videos on YouTube for a half hour. Hmm.
@tsunimee Jesus. That was by Barry Manilow the first time I heard it. Didn’t know Westlife had covered it…
Amused that a 419-scam emailer has apparently chosen “Mr. Samuel Morse” as an inconspicuous western pseudonym.
@theRamenNoodle imagine us praising the incisiveness and turn of phrase of your clearly-warranted vague rant.
@tweeny4 I think I saw them supporting the Damned at the Fleece once.