@benjohnbarnes Especially if it came with a free pocket protector.
@indiaknight Out of curiosity, when did you order yours?
@jbrownridge Turn the ringer off?
@jbrownridge I’ve tempted to put message on mine. “Please call me on my mobile. If I care about you at all, you’ll already have the number.”
@indiaknight Hmm. 1st August for me, but only the case has arrived so far. #impatient
Just created a fractal generator in pure XSLT that works in Safari, Firefox and IE6,7 and 8. It’s possible that I am too geeky for my shirt.
Right. Time to check-in my work while I’m ahead, then go for lunch, I reckon.
Oh! I’d not realised it was summer again. Plan change: ditch laptop, grab sunhat and magazine. And out the door again we go…
@nyssapod Oooh.
@thomasvenables It works in Opera to some degree, and I have to give Opera credit for a decent error message when it can’t cope.
@tyronem No, I’m just sticking it together now as part of a demo I’m writing about Cloudfront. It’s a Lorenz attractor… Hang on a mo.
@tyronem Here; this will only work in Firefox. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/…
@tyronem Although this will probably be of limited interest unless you are an XSLT nutcase.
@tyronem Merci. With a lower recursion depth, it also works in Opera and WebKit, but they don’t seem to have as much stack space.
@tyronem It’s a cool language. I just got into it sitting next to an XSLT programmer at work, and it comes in useful occasionally.
@tyronem Yup. Although I am rather hammering at the edges of their support to do what I’m doing right now :) #hearthecreaking
@RamonY1970 Mornin’! & likewise :)
@seengee I find contact forms more annoying. Often badly-designed, harder to work on phones, and no copy recorded in “Sent mail”.
@seengee Also, when I use a mailto: link, tends to be “…or email me directly on [gothick@gothick.org.uk]. Not so disguised.
Morning all! Here, share my morning coffee: http://flic.kr/p/8vXZCD
Have replaced Quicksilver with @alfredapp on both my machines to give it a decent trial. Pretty seamless change so far. @vero
@nigellegg Ta!
@stillawake Well, you could buy an awful lot of the (very nice from Chandos Deli) coffee beans for the price of the EOS. Hard choice..
@stillawake PS: Complexity behind the simplicity :) http://twitpic.com/2iwwal
@Sam_Currie Can you figure out whether it’s a body something or a brain something? That sometimes helps when I feel like that.
@benjohnbarnes Spotlight is good, especially now (first few incarnations a bit rubbish.) But: http://emberapp.com/goth…
@hayles *blush*
@hayles Main “tricks” for me: practice fuckloads, hang out with better photographers, don’t show anyone all the shots that turn out crap! :)
@stillawake It was lush. I normally use an espresso machine, but I was in IKEA last weekend and saw the stovetop maker and couldn’t resist!
@stillawake That’s also where I got the shiny new cup and saucer, which helped a lot :)
RT @Markgatiss: Stand by for #Sherlock news today… <— Hmmm…
Just received my copy of my Uncle Ray’s first novel! :) http://amzn.to/dzgyVe