New toy.…
@benjohnbarnes I can’t see that happening, Ben, Benjohn, Benj, Benji, Benjamin, sex, xxx.
paulahillier Have you seen the IT Donut yet? Full of IT advice for small businesses - follow @ITDONUT & visit
@tsunimee It’s okay, boys have a built-in filter. We don’t even see that stuff on the way past.
So, I’m prepared to run 13 miles on Sunday, but I still won’t take the stairs to the second floor at work… #inconsistent
I expect Twitter to go down in a minute, simply under the weight of all the tweets about Facebook being down…
This poor boat was someone’s home until a couple of days ago. Snapped this morning on my way to work.
The author of “Quick and Easy Cooking for One” has clearly never assessed the speed or ease of finding baby clams in Bristol.
“Clams? Yes, of course. Halfway down aisle eighty-seven, next to the ground unicorn horn.”
@thomasvenables Was it particularly heavy? *ducks*
Yowch. May have overdone the chilli a tad.
@hayles “@ryancarson: Priority Inbox from Gmail looks great. Can’t wait to try it:”
@RamonY1970 Will be reviewing the whole thing at some point. Seems good so far, but I’ve only had it an hour.
@RamonY1970 As for prices, you should be able to see the whole shebang here:
Reasons to buy a Kindle, #1: Stephen King.
@kshack22 Believe me, I do :) It’s a supplement, not a replacement!
@kshack22 Yeah. It’s mostly for liberating a bunch of e-books I own, plus making carrying lots of books on holiday an easier experience :)
@kshack22 Think I may buy quite a few “read once” books on the Kindle, but the “will read again” ones will likely still be paper.
Bon matin, tous le monde!
@tsunimee I’ll bear that in mind.
Cool. After visit to aunt & uncle last night, am in possession of an Olympus OM2 and various lenses.
Hmm. The new gmail “priority inbox”: don’t fix your culture, just throw engineering at the problem?