Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 24th, 2010

@benjohnbarnes Nobody taps and holds to remove anything on the web.

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@Hicksdesign Oh, that was you, was it? Saw preview at the weekend. Clean and elegant. Like it.

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@benjohnbarnes Well, I was going to grid it soon anyway - I’m nearly at the 14*14th photo, so I can make a square :)

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@tsunimee Yup. Feels better at non-seated gigs. About one time in three I bump into someone I know there anyway!

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@tsunimee Funnily enough, I saw @ceriselleorg on the way home. She didn’t _seem_ to be faffing, so I did not kick her.

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@tsunimee @ceriselleorg Also, of course, if I *had* kicked her, I’m fairly certain I would now be dead, so that’s probably just as well.

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@geniodiabolico And now I am listening to Cinnamon Girl. The Neil Young version, mind. Don’t know if that’s the one you were thinking of :)

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@benjohnbarnes That would be the next step. Starts getting awkward UI-wise, though, if your buttons start moving around.

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@libbymiller Hmm. I had that, but clearing my cookies did actually fix it.

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@benjohnbarnes Hmm. Interesting flow issues due to the way floats work in CSS. Still: http://dailybooth.gothic…

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@benjohnbarnes The way it’s working at the mo, just bigger targets might work okay — left half of image votes down, right half votes up.

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@benjohnbarnes Of course, I’ve just realised I’m now spending my evening clicking on little photos of myself.

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@benjohnbarnes Yes, except that I’m singularly reluctant to take iTunes as an example of good user interfacing :)

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@benjohnbarnes Anyway. Nuff playing. That was meant to be half an hour away from the chores and it turned into an hour :)

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@benjohnbarnes Tweaked a bit. That’s the end for this evening, though! Haven’t got the maths quite right, either.

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@hayles Nope. I watched the last ten minutes of an Episode of Dexter I didn’t finish last night, then geeked out. I am glad I did.

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Right, I’m off to bed. Catch you in t’morning, folks.

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