@tyronem No problem! Happy with it?
Although also very tempted to tag with @AndyCarolan’s suggestion of “rotating deathtrap” :)
Ta! Have votes for “Sky Chair”, “Chair-Plane”, “Chairoplane” (x3), “Flying Chair”, “Swing Carousel” and “Wave Swinger”. Will tag with all :)
Hmmm. Tempting, for a fiver. http://yfrog.com/mzopzj
Finally dragging myself up to Clifton Village. Nice car! http://yfrog.com/9e8lej
Is there a proper name for this kind of swing-ride-roundabout thingy? http://flic.kr/p/8rPpbA
@KaveyF Need to sort visit to my dad first — going next month sometime, but haven’t booked the flights yet…