Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 1st, 2010

It’s not a good sign when you want to fast-forward through the “exciting” bits, is it?

via Twitter for iPhone

It’s just possible that I’ve tracked down one of those trouble-spots around the house that attract clutter.

via Twitter for iPhone

It must be August. I just found the fan heater I searched the flat for three times in January.

via Echofon

@bethofalltrades The cheaper/smaller front facing camera is designed for video chat, the back for good still pictures & HD video.

via Echofon in reply to bethofalltrades

By the time the W3C’s new Unicorn validator finishes validating this page, HTML6 will be out. Must be lots of people trying it, I guess.

via Echofon

@KaveyF D’oh. _Halve_ the amounts, I meant, of course…

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@KaveyF Cool, so shall probably have the amounts, then freeze half the results!

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@KaveyF Not today, but I’ve made a little list so I can pick up the ingredients. How many servings does that recipe make? I may halve it…

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

Sorting out the post-holiday aftermath. My lounge is looking a little less like somebody shook a charity shop out onto the floor.

via Echofon

Reading @KaveyF’s blog about Chocolate & Chorizo Chilli Con Carne. *drool*

via Echofon

I think if I were Brendan I’d be quite chuffed with this. Nice.

via Echofon

@TheLloydClan I prefer to think of it less as “being unfaithful” and more as “sharing the joy that is Matt”.

via Echofon