@joy_james Hurrah! Or, as the new bank-parlance would have it, ???hurrah???
Hmm. One of the options on my Online Banking web page is now “???null???” Which inspires confidence.
@DrHairbear Well, we’ll let you off this time. Just make sure you don’t do it again.
@lonnieruns My friend Sarah just recommended it to me ;)
@paulahillier YEAH DARLIN’ WE ‘AVE TO!
th0mi Coca-Cola defends lawsuit: “No consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitaminwater was a healthy beverage.” http://huff.to/aJWTOV
@Cartblanch Glad you’re enjoying it! It’s all @benjohnbarnes’ work; I only did the website for that one!
Hope Sandoval huffed off after twenty mins of her Fleece gig last night, and never came back? Just as well I forgot to get a ticket!
@archidave No, clearly it was Marillion.
@KaveyF Good luck! For the needles, see if you can concentrate on breathing, and relaxing muscles that take you mind off arm! #worksforme
Things that always make me feel better about the world: listening to @theagilmore’s _You Tell Me_.
@hayles I know almost nothing about her, but simply based on the bleedover of coverage into my life, I’d consider it.
@theRamenNoodle Experience. Education matters some when interviewing graduates, say, but pales quickly into insignificance.
@Playleimagery *yawn* *stretch* Morning!