Ulp! @hayles has caught me. #stalking #cunning #oppositedirection
Hmm. Is there a way of changing the formatting for all my documents at once in @ScrivenerApp? *hunts around*
@ScrivenerApp Aha! Thanks, the Convert did the trick. Wanted to remove paragraph spacing on existing stuff so I could edit Markdown-style.
@archidave Don’t forget Braille. Imagine that blind people really need to be told that. They might not have figured it out for themselves!
Virtually everything I have done so far today has been irritatingly over-difficult. Morning all.
Waiting time. http://yfrog.com/mk16721…
@hayles Some twitter clients do have them, but can’t remember which ones, sadly.
@ITDONUT It’d take more than a second. http://creativecommons.o… probably a good start.
@archidave How was the roll?
@tsunimee @MizzWorthy Well, er… It. Erm. Means… Errrr. Erm…
@carocleank I love some of the older stuff. Haven’t had enough chance to try the new album yet, though.
Look what arrived from Amazon today. Damn it. http://flic.kr/p/8vC5Tc #kindle #butnotreally #tease
@hayles If I was any good at making up stories, that might be an option. My recent fiction output would suggest that is not the case.
@ahnlak Yes, if only I’d seen one successfully demonstrated recently! :)
@ahnlak Is yours working again yet?
Right. Coding time.
@ahnlak Did you need to buy a charger, or did it eventually charge from USB?
@floyduk Bought, but not yet received. http://flic.kr/p/8vC5Tc