Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 26th, 2010

Hmm. Is there a way of changing the formatting for all my documents at once in @ScrivenerApp? *hunts around*

via Echofon

@ScrivenerApp Aha! Thanks, the Convert did the trick. Wanted to remove paragraph spacing on existing stuff so I could edit Markdown-style.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ScrivenerApp

@archidave Don’t forget Braille. Imagine that blind people really need to be told that. They might not have figured it out for themselves!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to archidave

Virtually everything I have done so far today has been irritatingly over-difficult. Morning all.

via Twitter for iPhone

@hayles Some twitter clients do have them, but can’t remember which ones, sadly.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

@ITDONUT It’d take more than a second. http://creativecommons.o… probably a good start.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to _TechDonut

@tsunimee @MizzWorthy Well, er… It. Erm. Means… Errrr. Erm…

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to tsunimee

@carocleank I love some of the older stuff. Haven’t had enough chance to try the new album yet, though.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to carocleank

Look what arrived from Amazon today. Damn it.

via Echofon

@hayles If I was any good at making up stories, that might be an option. My recent fiction output would suggest that is not the case.

via Echofon in reply to hayles

@ahnlak Yes, if only I’d seen one successfully demonstrated recently! :)

via Echofon in reply to ahnlak

@ahnlak Is yours working again yet?

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Right. Coding time.

via Echofon

@ahnlak Did you need to buy a charger, or did it eventually charge from USB?

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