BinaryBad Sunday? The perfect day for browsing (My new site for Twitter iphone photos.) Please RT. Ta muchly.
@ScubaScorpion Really? I hadn’t noticed.
Nice touch on the back of this letter from #microcopy
@bunduboots There’s a little footpath to the side that can get you past. Then the pavement’s open all the way down. Nice & traffic free!
@bunduboots Been open for pedestrians for months. Definitely still closed for cars, though.
@djelibeybi_meg :D Thanks!
@JuliaArmstrong Fab! Just considering signing up for next year’s!
@rbrwr Thanks!
@JuliaArmstrong Ooooh. Counting myself lucky in Bristol — just did a circuit of the Bristol Downs in gorgeous sunshine!
@Jorence @stillawake @IreneB9 Hmm, Bath Half… It’d be motivation to train through winter, wouldn’t it? Let’s see how I feel after Bristol!
@NumPadApp Aha! Thanks. You might want to put that on the website; was halfway through filing bug report before I thought to check Twitter!
@KaveyF I like to think of it as a nice walk around the Downs in the sunshine, just done a teensy bit faster :)
@KaveyF Surely that makes me evenboy?
Just back from an 8.88 km run. Mostly because it was a nice number ;)
Right. I’m off for a jog. May listen to one of the new Blake’s 7 audio adventures as I go. Here’s hoping they’ve done a good job…
@bertpalmer Thanks for taking me into three figures! Will implore/victimise/blackmail my co-workers for the next £100 :) #ihaveaplan
@Jorence Thanks! Though the word “sprint” is not in my dictionary. In fact, everything from “speed’ to “velocity” seems to be missing…
@IreneB9 Thanks! A little. Having hip problems, which is worrying. Just about to go for a gentle jog and see how it feels today…
…All donations gratefully received. Thanks to everyone who has given already!
Heck. In exactly two weeks’ time, I will be in the start line of my first half marathon. #charridy #plug #gulp
@KaveyF Hey, did you figure out what was going on with that video?
@stephenfry Well, as last words go, “Snaking its way down…” is at least intriguing.
@floyduk Oops.
@floyduk Odd. It kept the same user account for me.
@floyduk Are you doing it all the hard way, then? I used Migration Assistant last time, it was Awesome-with-a-capital-“A”.
@floyduk The joy of under-the-hood BSD :) But dragging should work as long as you own the files _and_ the folder being dragged from, I think
@floyduk Or just log in as root and do it like a Real Man :)
@floyduk Who are you dragging as? Remember you’d need to chown the directory you’re dragging from in order to remove things from it…
@floyduk Tried holding down Option while you drag? Or is it Command? Can’t remember, but it’s one or the other that toggles move/copy.
@ScubaScorpion Oh, there’s an official page; it just doesn’t have the data in any good feed formats.
@RellyAB @boagworld Gruber has a voucher for RipIt at the mo:…
@KaveyF Wanted to do my own because most provided ones are “UK Holidays” but that just raises my hopes when a Scottish one appears!
@KaveyF Yeah, found that, but it’s sadly unhelpful when it comes to knocking up an automatic calendar feed. :(
@tweeny4 Nice. E-books just won’t cut it for me until they make a waterproof, floating Kindle :)
@tweeny4 Mmmm. Haven’t had my usual long luxurious wallow this weekend. Showers are great, but inconvenient for reading :)
Hmm. You’d have thought the UK government would have a proper data feed of Bank Holiday dates somewhere.
@tsunimee Nope, just a bit of marketing I got through the post from them. At some point I’ll probably change to the guys @ahnlak is with…
@BradleyLaw I’m not with them, just liked that bit of marketing copy.
@ScubaScorpion It’s only the large print I was pointing out…