hotdogsladies I couldn’t count the number of times I’ve used a “Follow Me on Twitter!” button.
Not without severing my fingers and hurling them at you.
@Souterain Hurrah! Thank you! Much appreciated!
@hayles Nah, it’s only because I’d probably get there and find out I still actually had three months to go on the current contract.
@tweeny4 You rock, O Productive One :)
@hayles I think “crap” is pretty much the industry norm for phone company customer service, sadly.
@hayles I’ve found most phone companies to be completely bloody awful if you want to do anything even slightly unexpected, though.
@hayles @mikedunn Good to know, especially as the Park Street one is the easiest for me to get to. Ta!
@hayles Haven’t had much need for customer service so far, so I couldn’t really say one way or the other…
@hayles Of course, it would seem more obvious if I could find my contract end date or upgrading details from My 3! Grr.
I’m nearing the end of my contract on my existing 3 dongle, so it seems a fairly obvious choice…
@Catreia Oh, sorry, that was meant to be a reply to @hayles! The obvious choice would be the new MiFi version 2 :)
Oooh, weather forecast looking good for the Balloon Fiesta, then!
Hmm. I wonder if the My3 upgrade page on @3network’s website will ever work again?
@jbrownridge thanks! I can’t stray too far from home for a while, so it’s nice when the weather changes the view a bit!
@hayles Do not.
Followed by five minutes of really odd light. Cool.…
@hayles I was on t’Centre, taking pics. Don’t worry, you were not a victim!
Oooh, nice weather.…
*waves at @hayles*
@parryphernalia I can run 11 miles non-stop now, on a good day. Well, I could last month, anyway…
@parryphernalia Clearly a true master of pithy editing. They can’t be rushed, you know.
Starting to wonder if Hipstamatic’s crashes are meant to simulate the jamming of a vintage camera.
I’d like to tweet a whinge about a TV ad, but I don’t want to give the company the oxygen of publicity. Or, frankly, the oxygen of oxygen.
My work have agreed to match donations to Cancer Research for my half marathon. Hurrah! Everything counts double!
@caitlinmoran WHOLEHEARTED AGREEMENT. My Kindle arrives at the end of the month. It’d be lovely to see you there :)
@shezza_t Hmm. Acetone WasabI? Sounds like a Japanese pop/punk band.
@caitlinmoran [Honest, this is not a paywall whinge] Do you know if there are plans for the Times to be available in the UK Kindle Store?
@IreneB9 Nope. Not yet, anyway.
Hah! Never seen http://easiertounderstan… before. (via the @ITDONUT blog)
Wondering if Randall has been reading @hayles’ blog…
@stillawake If you think things are bad now, wait until you see the New Oxford Dictionary Of Shite People Said On Twitter.
Good advice for life.…
@parryphernalia Yes indeedy. Don’t know if I want to do a long training run this weekend or not. Hmmm.
@mistymaria Well, it has to happen sooner or later ;) Sleep tight!
@NiallOswald I don’t know, but I can certainly sympathise. *sigh*
You know, I think it may be time to go to bed.
Sending Important Things to Important People.
Ah, avocados. One of the better salt-delivery systems.
@tweeny4 It’s possibly a touch foolish. And those are mostly just the ones I use regularly. Although I’ve not had a clear-out for a while!
@hayles Has that tactic worked for you in the past?
I may be trying to do too many things at once.
(if anyone else here is doing the thing, I am here:… ) appears to be playing increasingly frenetic music as I stay up later chasing a deadline :)