Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 2017

ITCTOOLS Don’t try this at home! How NOT to use a pallet jack…

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 9:57 PM, Jan 31st, 2017 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@CharlieEsq_ I had no idea that was a thing until you just said that.

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to CharlieEsq_

stuvlog Does @Deliveroo send someone round half way through your meal to ask you if everything is alright when you have a mouthful?

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 7:27 PM, Jan 31st, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

magicroundabout “Alternative features”. Nice one Medium.

via Tweetbot for iΟS (retweeted on 6:25 PM, Jan 31st, 2017 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

How does iOS 10’s lock screen do such a good job of predicting which of the screens you *won’t* want to be on when sliding up from bottom?

via Tweetbot for Mac

@imyke I just turned 44. I can sympathise.

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to imyke from Bristol

AnOrangeSNES Totally unrelated headlines, probably

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:20 AM, Jan 31st, 2017 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

“We attack the Mayor with houmous.”

via Tweetbot for iΟS from Bristol

Anyone heading for College Green who hasn’t left home yet: consider wellies!

via Tweetbot for iΟS from Bristol, England

Think I may have found the right place.

via Twitter for iPhone

What’s with all the sirens, ?

via Tweetbot for Mac

gracepetrie I’m not stuck, YOU’RE stuck

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 3:29 PM, Jan 30th, 2017 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@saltwateritch Your unexpected chocolate bar would indeed bring this boy to the yard.

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@AndyVenn1 Oh, well, if it came from the same place as mine, I just had it fixed! :D

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Odd little spam flurry this morning.

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In domestic news, I can finally declare my calathea healthy again. Turns out using distilled water really does work.

via Tweetbot for Mac

@archidave So it fits in perfectly with the next two pedestrian bridges…

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@sean_robbins Well, I suppose. But “unmarried” doesn’t just mean “this newspaper doesn’t like gay people” any more…

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Well, I suppose it makes a change to see “unmarried” used as a slur against a *male* politician……

via Twitter Web Client

Castaignede Oh hell. I got my results and tax return mixed up, and now I owe @BillOddie £1,300

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 6:40 PM, Jan 29th, 2017 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@AthanSpod No, but oddly I think that worked in its favour, compared to the UK TV version. I was doing less unfavourable comparing!

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to AthanSpod from Bristol

(That is, I think I’d love Bart more if I’d not been spoiled rather by Arby and Helena…)

via Tweetbot for Mac

Rather enjoying the new Dirk Gently. Though I think my standards for scary assassins have been raised by Neil Maskell and Tatiana Maslany.

via Tweetbot for Mac

@AndyCouncil I mean, I’d have realised if it was there before, because it’s bigger than my fridge-freezer.

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@AndyCouncil Pretty sure it just materialised in the kitchen one morning.

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“Are you, or have you ever been, rude about the President on Twitter?”…

via Twitter Web Client

@AndyCouncil No, but I’ve got the implausibly enormous mug.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to AndyCouncil

@amahnke Wild guess: “stop worrying about footling technical stuff and get talking about something you love”?

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to amahnke from Bristol

@guriben At least XML has comments as standard.

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@psidnell I think electrocuting myself will be something of a last resort. Oh! You meant for the radio.

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@C_J_Fox Have turned off the bathroom radio. Don’t have the remote for the bedroom radio. Am performing emergency de-bathing procedure.

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to C_J_Fox from Bristol

@psidnell It’s all on FM, so the four radios are perfectly in sync. Not something Alexa can do.

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to psidnell from Bristol

In a beautiful, warm bubble bath but have mistimed things and am stuck with David Beckham on Desert Island Discs.

via Tweetbot for iΟS from Bristol

@C_J_Fox I watched a certain epidode of _Black Books_ last night, which makes this even better.

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to C_J_Fox from Bristol

Beautifully-voiced continuity announcer is genuinely into , isn’t he?

via Tweetbot for iΟS from Bristol

@guriben Why do you think I’m using it as a monitor stand? PS: XSLT rocks! :)

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to guriben from Bristol

@tyronem …it was truly ass-backwards: I wrote the RSS feed by hand, and then used XSL to generate the blog pages from it!

via Twitter Web Client in reply to tyronem

@tyronem It was popular enough for a while. I probably wouldn’t learn it now! My first handmade blog was generated with XSL…

via Twitter Web Client in reply to tyronem

According to my recently-recalibrated crowd size calculator, those pictures show there are 8 billion protesters at .

via Tweetbot for iΟS from Bristol

@skeddy Oh—that’s the other thing: use a tripod; then you can copy and paste the dust removal from one shot to the next :D

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to skeddy

@skeddy (Also, how’s your camera’s self-cleaning? Check the manual—some work better if the camera’s pointed downwards during cleaning…)

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to skeddy

@tyronem I read that one from cover to cover when I first got interested in XML/XSL. Was definitely worth it, in hindsight.

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to tyronem

@skeddy I also had my sensor professionally cleaned once, at Calumet. Think they do a while-you-wait or next-day service, maybe. Bit pricey.

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to skeddy

@skeddy Cool. Can you actually see them in normal photos? A handful of small dust spots are pretty normal, and you’ll never get them all.

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to skeddy

@skeddy Yeah. Doesn’t *have* to be a long exposure, but deffo need a small aperture (f/16+), so it just tends to be long if you’re indoors!

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Don’t stress too hard about minor imperfections on your lens’s front element. Here’s a “dust spot” I just added…UN

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@skeddy Almost certainly not. See my next tweet in a minute or so :D

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to skeddy

@skeddy (Oh, also: use your lowest ISO. Doesn’t matter if it’s a 10-second exposure.)

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@skeddy Spots on sensor will show up really obviously. Do you use Lightroom?

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@skeddy What UV filter do we mean? The actual sensor surface?

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to skeddy

@skeddy Set lens to manual focus, small aperture (f/16 or higher.) Snap something big and white (I typically use a ceiling) with lens…

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to skeddy

Ah, the Hotwells Piper in fine form. I guess it must be a regular Burns Night party at Hope Chapel; I’m starting to expect him now.

via Tweetbot for Mac

Wasn’t that monument meant to go in the other way round?…

via Twitter for iPhone

Easter eggs are in the shops, then.

via Tweetbot for iΟS from Bristol, England

Navigating the Harbourside Market & resisting the urge to club to death the giant snails crawling four-abreast in front of you.

via Tweetbot for iΟS from Bristol, England

@chubbybannister Yeah. You can buy kintsugi repair kits now. Wish I’d known the last time I’d broken a decorative bowl!

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to chubbybannister from Bristol, England

John Hurt. He played everyone. Everyone. And we believed them all.

via Tweetbot for iΟS from Bristol

There’s a sad, sad lack of sexy vampire versions of you wearing short skirts, though.

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to gothick

Basically, Trump’s president, everything’s a disaster, and you lot all have goatees and wear a darker uniform than on my normal Twitter.

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to gothick

I use mute filters and other tricks in Tweetbot. Opening Twitter’s official client is like stepping into the terrifying Dark Universe.

via Tweetbot for Mac

While working out the Tesco thing is unlikely to improve my local “convenience” store, found out SPAR’s original…h2

via Tweetbot for Mac

@davidcaolo I’m thinking he’s more a comic-relief Ferengi who accidentally becomes Grand Nagus in one of those farcical DS9 eps.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to davidcaolo

@peroty Won’t that just naturally occur?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to peroty

doodlewhale Well this has cheered me up. Someone has invented a car for a goldfish that can be driven around by its position…uC

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:44 AM, Jan 27th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

Twitter We’re introducing a new way for you to discover what’s happening on Twitter, with Explore.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:38 AM, Jan 27th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

@mergesort @CastIrony …it seems to have been replaced by “Explore”, which is indeed a much more likely name if you’re looking for Search.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to mergesort

@mergesort @CastIrony No, that’s me being an idiot. There’s no “Moments” tab for me any more.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to mergesort

@mergesort @CastIrony Woah! I now have no “Mentions” and things are indeed clearer.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to mergesort

@meemalee I can hear it in my mind. Pan pipes and all.

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to meemalee from Bristol

“Alexa, play the [sadly imaginary] playlist of music for sleeping that *doesn’t have any bloody pan pipes in it*.”

via Tweetbot for iΟS from Bristol

@CastIrony I eventually found it under “Moments”. I guess they *really* want you to visit that pointless tab.

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to CastIrony from Bristol

@Kavey Just spag bol. Big batch cooking & mostly freezing.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Kavey

Leech I’m not a robot..

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 10:21 PM, Jan 26th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

AdamBienkov Labour whip Thangam Debbonaire tells me she won’t follow her own whip and will vote against Article 50.…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:19 PM, Jan 26th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

jenboseph I am a professional comedy writer so I can tell you that Richard Spencer getting punched isn’t funny until it happens three times.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:17 PM, Jan 26th, 2017 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@ChuckWendig So, er, how does one subscribe to Terrific Mounds? Asking for a friend.

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to ChuckWendig from Bristol

@sblackmoore As one of the whitest people on the planet, I wholeheartedly agree.

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to sblackmoore from Bristol

I love it when a recipe calls for 125ml of wine.

via Tweetbot for iΟS from Bristol

@C_J_Fox Gosh. I think @floyduk is doing one of those at the moment, too. Teensy bit intimidating, from what I remember…

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to C_J_Fox

@Phooto Might try that at some point. Just custom earplugs for now.

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to Phooto

Just had moulds taken of the insides of my ears. So that was a bit odd.

via Twitter for iPhone

standupmaths Just received my biannual email from university IT demanding I change my password. I got to reply with this:…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:38 PM, Jan 26th, 2017 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Contemplating Burns Night leftovers. Presumably deep-fried haggis, neeps & tatties sandwich is the way to go?

via Tweetbot for Mac

I dunno… It’s like whenever I sit in the lounge, it feels like there’s someone looking over my

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@antimitch (The Aldi one wasn’t bad. But if I’d noticed it was Burns Night *before* I went shopping I might have tried other places!)

via Twitter Web Client in reply to antimitch

@antimitch Nah, I’d hoped to find somewhere else on North Street—thought Rare might do them, but it’s half-day closing, damn it!

via Twitter Web Client in reply to antimitch

This man saw my camera and asked me to take his photo. He told me to mark it “Bristol Homeless”……Od

via Tweetbot for Mac

eclecticeden Spotted on Facebook. Very well played.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:33 PM, Jan 25th, 2017 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Have to be an Aldi haggis, then!

via Tweetbot for iΟS from Bristol, England

@spyou Please don’t. It would only hasten my already-rapidly-approaching death from lack of self-control.

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to spyou from Bristol

AlasdairStuart FXRant: The Death Star and the Final Trench Run. This is GREAT. Kudos to @io9 for the find…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:32 PM, Jan 24th, 2017 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@LaaLaa_Cam ! I had a mattress with memoryfoam built in before, and it didn’t do that… We’ll see! (Maybe my draughty old flat helps… :D)

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to LaaLaa_Cam

In home news, I have a new memoryfoam mattress topper. If you don’t hear from me for three days, it’s worked.

via Tweetbot for Mac

colorschemez squirrelly pale lilac
unperceivable purplish
dignifying maroon

via Joe Fox Bots (retweeted on 9:59 PM, Jan 24th, 2017 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Insecurity -…
I may have liberated this from a certain bridge in Bristol.

via threesixfive

thedailymash Sexy posh girls unveil bullshit fad diet…

via (retweeted on 12:09 PM, Jan 24th, 2017 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@ArianeSherine That’s a Panama. The sinister hit-man in the episode of Father Brown I watched last night had one…o4

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chinnyhill10 The finest behind the scenes TV photo ever taken. The cast of Allo Allo and Doctor Who mingle during a fire alarm…Do

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:07 AM, Jan 24th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

@paulawhite_uk Thanks! Yes, it was the colours that drew me in.

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to paulawhite_uk from Bristol

Not something one normally sees over the Cumberland Basin.


@ToM_BaL That’d be nice, but I can’t see them taking the scaffold down if they’re not finished…

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ToM_BaL

A mother cone guarding its two baby conelets in their natural environment, the Metrobus


The scaffolding’s coming off! I guess they spent the extra three months workshopping until they found the world’s…62

via Tweetbot for iΟS from Bristol

ESYudkowsky Starfleet UX designers learned that if they didn’t make some bridge consoles explode, captains would ignore damage until the shields failed.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:32 PM, Jan 23rd, 2017 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@tyronem With hindsight, I’d’ve started in 2015.

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to tyronem from Bristol

@chubbybannister Bugger! Overslept. Yes, Grace died in the famous fire.

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to chubbybannister from Bristol

Jacqueimo Richard Spencer stars in Grange Hill (idea via @EbenMarks)

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:38 AM, Jan 22nd, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

No Man’s Grace. Oh yeah. Especially that soufflé.

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@KinetaHill Don’t tell my street’s mayor that.

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Today I’m 44. How nice of everyone to have got me the end of the world for my birthday :D

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neilhimself I was grateful for the comma.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:58 PM, Jan 20th, 2017 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

cybermango Someone goes on /r/AskUK and asks in all seriousness if the UK is allowed pineapple. Commenters do not disappoint 🍍…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:19 PM, Jan 20th, 2017 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Today I walked 18,700 steps, apparently. *Lies down*

via Tweetbot for iΟS from Bristol

Beer, book and candle. Not quite sure what I’m exorcising.


@ememess @FFF182 Our local museum’s stuffed golden pheasant is at least in for a runner-up prize.

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70Ceeks he doesn’t have a desk at the winter white house

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:17 PM, Jan 18th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@rem Yes. As with all voice stuff, I’m gradually learning what I might as well just type! Still, it’s better than anything else I’ve used.

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to rem from Bristol

@rem Works for me with “la la land original motion picture soundtrack”, on a UK Echo. Gets it wrong if I omit “picture”?

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to rem from Bristol

@porthjess Cool, ta. (The parents are looking to buy one.)

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Anyone had good/bad experiences with the HP Envy laptop series?

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@talkie_tim Nothing so posh. Someone wished me happy birthday on there.

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to talkie_tim from Bristol

@porthjess They must’ve read that Hotwells article in the Guardian, about how cool Cliftonwood is.

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to porthjess from Bristol

@liveindetail I imagine it suffers the fate of many groundbreaking series: everything since has copied it so much it’ll feel very dated.

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@liveindetail I loved Moonlighting, but I think I may just hope it comes up on Netflix at some point.

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@liveindetail I seem to remember there’s a “best of” single DVD so you can take a taster and find out.

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Woah. Apparently Google+ is still A Thing. Who else had forgotten?

via Tweetbot for Mac

Christ, this is a glitzy, tedious wank-fest.

via Tweetbot for iΟS from Bristol

photographique Still have one of these desks available to go to a good home for FREE. Get in touch if you are interested:…w0

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 12:46 PM, Jan 16th, 2017 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

rebecca_roache Possible solution

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:02 AM, Jan 16th, 2017 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@ChuckWendig I’ll take Patrick Macnee for all of the above.

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to ChuckWendig from Bristol

That thing where you recognise an actor and *know* that he’s the unexpected murderer because you wouldn’t waste *him* as a police sergeant.

via Tweetbot for iΟS from Bristol

dotMudge Great ‘what if?’ series.

Some hit too close to home…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:33 PM, Jan 15th, 2017 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@ToM_BaL (Or for fun, do it yourself, if black & white! Folk House has a darkroom and runs good courses :D)

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@ToM_BaL London Camera Exchange and Photographique. I think I’ve been told one of the ADSAs does it, too.

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They should probably replace this with a better loaf.

via Twitter for iPhone

Eight years ago today: one of the most iconic uses of Twitter for news.…

via Tweetbot for Mac

Miranda. I thought the pantomime evil would have finished last week.

via Tweetbot for iΟS from Bristol

Wow, an actual flounce. That’s been a long time.

via Tweetbot for Mac

@Cookwitch Indeed. Up to date with Phryne, too 😀

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to Cookwitch from Bristol

@Cookwitch I think I may have already seen all of those, due to my Avengers-induced Diana Rigg fixation.

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to Cookwitch from Bristol

@ttscoff Perhaps I’ve just missed the improvement because it’s been so gradual!

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There’s more tweets in this month! Go up and select a date to see more ↑