Castaignede Oh hell. I got my #GreatBritishBirdWatch results and tax return mixed up, and now I owe @BillOddie £1,300
@AthanSpod No, but oddly I think that worked in its favour, compared to the UK TV version. I was doing less unfavourable comparing!
(That is, I think I’d love Bart more if I’d not been spoiled rather by Arby and Helena…)
Rather enjoying the new Dirk Gently. Though I think my standards for scary assassins have been raised by Neil Maskell and Tatiana Maslany.
@AndyCouncil I mean, I’d have realised if it was there before, because it’s bigger than my fridge-freezer.
@AndyCouncil Pretty sure it just materialised in the kitchen one morning.
@talkie_tim It’s a lovely thing.
“Are you, or have you ever been, rude about the President on Twitter?”…
@AndyCouncil No, but I’ve got the implausibly enormous mug.
@amahnke Wild guess: “stop worrying about footling technical stuff and get talking about something you love”?

My 100th 365 post. A family heirloom.…
@guriben At least XML has comments as standard.
@psidnell I think electrocuting myself will be something of a last resort. Oh! You meant for the radio.
@C_J_Fox Have turned off the bathroom radio. Don’t have the remote for the bedroom radio. Am performing emergency de-bathing procedure.
@psidnell It’s all on FM, so the four radios are perfectly in sync. Not something Alexa can do.
@guriben Heathen.
In a beautiful, warm bubble bath but have mistimed things and am stuck with David Beckham on Desert Island Discs. #crisis
@C_J_Fox I watched a certain epidode of _Black Books_ last night, which makes this even better.
Beautifully-voiced continuity announcer is genuinely into #thearchers, isn’t he?
Yes, Roy. Yes you are. #thearchers
@guriben Why do you think I’m using it as a monitor stand? PS: XSLT rocks! :)
@tyronem That would be a fair summary.
@tyronem …it was truly ass-backwards: I wrote the RSS feed by hand, and then used XSL to generate the blog pages from it!
@tyronem It was popular enough for a while. I probably wouldn’t learn it now! My first handmade blog was generated with XSL…
According to my recently-recalibrated crowd size calculator, those pictures show there are 8 billion protesters at #JFKTerminal4.