Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 30th, 2017

Anyone heading for College Green who hasn’t left home yet: consider wellies!

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Think I may have found the right place.

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What’s with all the sirens, ?

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gracepetrie I’m not stuck, YOU’RE stuck

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@saltwateritch Your unexpected chocolate bar would indeed bring this boy to the yard.

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@AndyVenn1 Oh, well, if it came from the same place as mine, I just had it fixed! :D

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Odd little spam flurry this morning.

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In domestic news, I can finally declare my calathea healthy again. Turns out using distilled water really does work.

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@archidave So it fits in perfectly with the next two pedestrian bridges…

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@sean_robbins Well, I suppose. But “unmarried” doesn’t just mean “this newspaper doesn’t like gay people” any more…

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Well, I suppose it makes a change to see “unmarried” used as a slur against a *male* politician……

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