Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 27th, 2017

There’s a sad, sad lack of sexy vampire versions of you wearing short skirts, though.

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Basically, Trump’s president, everything’s a disaster, and you lot all have goatees and wear a darker uniform than on my normal Twitter.

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I use mute filters and other tricks in Tweetbot. Opening Twitter’s official client is like stepping into the terrifying Dark Universe.

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While working out the Tesco thing is unlikely to improve my local “convenience” store, found out SPAR’s original…h2

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@davidcaolo I’m thinking he’s more a comic-relief Ferengi who accidentally becomes Grand Nagus in one of those farcical DS9 eps.

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@peroty Won’t that just naturally occur?

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doodlewhale Well this has cheered me up. Someone has invented a car for a goldfish that can be driven around by its position…uC

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:44 AM, Jan 27th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

Twitter We’re introducing a new way for you to discover what’s happening on Twitter, with Explore.

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@mergesort @CastIrony …it seems to have been replaced by “Explore”, which is indeed a much more likely name if you’re looking for Search.

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@mergesort @CastIrony No, that’s me being an idiot. There’s no “Moments” tab for me any more.

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@mergesort @CastIrony Woah! I now have no “Mentions” and things are indeed clearer.

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@meemalee I can hear it in my mind. Pan pipes and all.

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“Alexa, play the [sadly imaginary] playlist of music for sleeping that *doesn’t have any bloody pan pipes in it*.”

via Tweetbot for iΟS from Bristol

@CastIrony I eventually found it under “Moments”. I guess they *really* want you to visit that pointless tab.

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