@panic …so cleared every App/icon-related cache I could lay my hands on using Onyx, and now everything’s okay! Thanks!
@panic First thing I tried. It’s okay, though, I got it. Noticed it was only certain *sizes* the icon disappeared at…
@panic Just tried again—what actually happens is that the icon is present in the DMG, but disappears when I drag Coda to /Applications.
@panic Icon was in the dmg and okay when copied to /Applications, but disappeared on first run. Used standard Finder builtin unzip.

Chilly out. pic.twitter.com/FWUprjVtKJ

Blaise squirrel. pic.twitter.com/UTcXM8W7Ya
@panic Aloha. I updated Coda and it lost its icon. So I re-downloaded from website and icon has disappeared again…twitter.com/i/web/status/8…qi
@OpinionatedGeek Were they offering you a job? 😂
OpinionatedGeek Seriously? @Yahoo actually sent me an email with the subject ‘Help keep your account secure’? Really, I’m not the problem here.
@AlanaMassey Over here, that would be a pedalo.