@tithenai They just do it to drawer attention.
@Bristolvor Yes, but not terribly. Kinda wishing it would kick in properly and get it over with.

Hot toddy. pic.twitter.com/t2XECI02qe

Of all the “favourite Bristol restaurants” to choose. *facepalm* pic.twitter.com/Fzjc5EOSq9
GlennyRodge Someone’s just 1.27 centimetred my joke about cockneys and the metric system.

Beardie Weardie ift.tt/2jgic9I pic.twitter.com/TniI7jsdwx

The stark contrast of life choices in the Aldi queue. pic.twitter.com/YGmQEjgOpN
@CharlieEsq_ @lilydoughball How do you ❤️ an entire thread?

bear_foot Asked my mom what she was gonna do today and she just kept saying “SNOCTOPUS! SNOCTOPUS!” pic.twitter.com/9pZSXusd5h