@antimitch (The Aldi one wasn’t bad. But if I’d noticed it was Burns Night *before* I went shopping I might have tried other places!)
@antimitch Nah, I’d hoped to find somewhere else on North Street—thought Rare might do them, but it’s half-day closing, damn it!

Haggis. pic.twitter.com/OP7llw6mXl
This man saw my camera and asked me to take his photo. He told me to mark it “Bristol Homeless”…twitter.com/i/web/status/8…Od

eclecticeden Spotted on Facebook. Very well played. pic.twitter.com/DyobJNwK2I
Have to be an Aldi haggis, then! #lastminute
@spyou Please don’t. It would only hasten my already-rapidly-approaching death from lack of self-control.