Rockstar lifestyle.
@lizpscully My healthy green tea wasn’t quite cutting it, in fact, so I am supplementing it a little :)
@lizpscully It’s hard, this rockstar lifestyle, but I do it as best I can.
@jontangerine Oh, you mean *this* place?…
@tsunimee (Basically, take the size, in inches, of whatever you’re printing, and multiply it by the printer dpi; 300dpi is decent guess.)
@tsunimee It depends on the printer, but for a 300dpi (i.e. pretty good quality) printer, A3 (*without* margins) will be 3507x4960.
@tsunimee That’ll be because, annoyingly, printer resolutions are normally in dots per inch (dpi) not metric.
@tsunimee *Sharpens knives meaningfully* *whistles innocently* Yes?
@tsunimee For A4 with 1cm margins, yes.
@tsunimee That’s roughly right; 620/438 = 1.416. Probably a bit off from 1.414 simply because it’s rounding to the nearest pixel.
@tsunimee A4, 210x297, with 1cm off each edge, is 190x277. Aspect = 0.686. So to match 1024, try 1024x702.
@tsunimee There’s your problem, mathematically. Taking 1cm off each edge actually changes the aspect ratio. Hang on.
@tsunimee Those ratios look pretty damn close to me. Is it the margins that are a problem? Can you turn them off/make them zero width?
@the3rdgirl That just sounds like the setup for an episode of Casualty. And I’m not *that* perverted.
@tsunimee Erm. That says 768. Not 728 or 748.
@tsunimee @ahnlak 1024/768 = 1.333. 297/210 = 1.414. To match 1024 pixels in A4 ratio you’d need 1024x724 (roughly.)
Huzzah! Finally caught up on sleep, and woken up not feeling too bad. Now to gently laze until an evening of board games.
A brief summary of my afternoon. (Literary entertainment provided by @ememess)
@MsMottram Thanks :) Was quite odd to see, especially at 1:15pm…
@MsMottram Queen Square!

As you do. #bristol
@ShabbyBean Hurrah!
@ShabbyBean Go for it! Here, does this help?…
@ShabbyBean :) That’s a pretty good thought. Anyway, let’s just get some practice in, and we’ll be fine! Promise!
@ShabbyBean You wouldn’t say that if you’d seen the staggering beetroot I became after crossing the Bath Half finish line!
@ShabbyBean You’ll be fine. It’s a mere 10K. Over in no time :)
@thomasvenables Oops. It’s not as if I actually use the 3G that much, though it’s handy abroad. Good to read in the sun, data or no data :)
@ShabbyBean Yup, all signed up. Not exactly off to a flying start with my training regime, though. #toomuchbeer #notenoughrunning
@EvidenceMatters @KaveyF Have you seen
@thomasvenables No?
@hayles :(
I am sitting in the sun by the Wills Tower, reading. And tweeting from my Kindle. Forgot I could do that!
@stillawake Next week, perhaps. Am going to have one more day off at some point.

@stillawake It wasn’t quite perfect. So I moved to the garden. :) Can’t you come out and play?
@hayles *sympathy* I am not having cake, in solidarity.
BTP. Iced coffee. Book. Sorted.
@hayles Bah. I’m down to 20% phone battery, which also doesn’t help.
Sushi. And “Chinese sake”, too, I’m told. @ Pero’s Bridge

porridgebrain Happy National Cleavage Day Twitter.
Bah. Phone down to 40% battery already. Wonder if it’s the iOS update or an actual battery problem.
@matt_fwyalchen The Dawdling Plumbers is an awesome name for a marching band.
My mistake. It’s a sousaphone, I think.
Is that really a busker with a euphonium? #bristol
@hayles CAKE.
Beer for breakfast, and friend reveals he’s brought along sake to go with our lunchtime sushi. This is not my normal lifestyle, honest.
@mattgemmell Sounds like it’s replicated the desktop experience pretty well. I can never work that damn thing.
Having a pretty lazy morning off so far. Well, apart from the team meeting for the team I don’t actually work in any more :)
@daycoder I think just the same thing about once a fortnight, then promptly forget. Let me know if you find a way :)

Erm. When exactly is 18.88AM, Wetherspoons? #confused
At t’pub for a team breakfast.
Silt shifter.
sidewalkfinds Photo: Hmm. I somehow don’t trust this.
Snappity: A moment from this evening at the Cottage, with @MissEmmeline and John
Home. Oof. And I have to be up early tomorrow for a team breakfast. Can I have some extra hours tonight, please?
Oopsie. Accidentally had another half on the way home. It’s all @MissEmmeline’s fault.
@guriben Night night, sweetie.
This is John. We have just flagged him down from the water to come have a beer with us :)
Whoo! Not only do I have beer, but company is on the way, too :D
OH: (strident) “Mum, I can’t top up if I’ve got a full tank. I’ve told you about five times now.” #fuelcrisispanicworrygate
Beer in the evening.
Just bumped into @Jorence and @emmafurious :) They have biked on, healthily. I have stopped at the Cottage, not so healthily.
@chubbybannister Yes, I should have taken my chance when I could! Walking the other way. Ta for the suggestion, though :)

@BenPark Here is an independent report from my local petrol station. #OMGQUEUEZCRISISPANIC
Damn it. It’s basically midsummer out. I was hoping there would be ice cream available at the SS Great Britain.
Think I might head out for a walk while it’s still sunny :D
@rabidbee *checks* Yup. THEY’RE STILL STEEL.
@csoanes This fire alarm board is at least half my age…
@hayles Break the mug. It’ll be an important life lesson, *and* make a good photograph.
The way this fire alarm service is working out, I have no choice but to stand in the sun and do nothing. Could’ve been worse.
Think I just discovered Henry VIII’s printed circuit board.
Working from home this afternoon. While an engineer is fixing/testing the fire alarm. #joy
@julienbob That would be a “cheque” for me, so I’m thinking not.
@AndyCarolan Ooopsie. We are so efficient.
@hayles HMPH.
I have taken the easy solution to my item that says “Check”. I’ve checked it. #check
@hayles Many people didn’t notice when I shaved off a beard I’d had for three years. Glasses are in a similar category. Brains ignore them.
Item from my “to-do” list today: “Check.” Given that I’m not American, I guess I got distracted while adding it. Gah. Check *what*? #worried
@ahnlak @tsunimee I’m more Brooke Bond, personally. “How about you put those nunchucks down, and I make us a nice cuppa?”
@tsunimee Jusht wait until you hear my Sean Connery impershonation, babesh.
niallharrison Christopher Priest is not at all happy with the #clarkeaward shortlist:
@tsunimee :)
And on Twitter in the UK, there is national panic as people realise they can’t spell “queueing” in order to complain about it. #fuelcrisis
Cross-over idea: _The #Apprentice Game_, where one person on each team is a mole for the other side.
@utterben I’ve only been there once. I remember it being full of lovely people. And rain.
And in #Bristol, three climbers mistake a small wall for the Avon Gorge after a sat-nav mishap.
@utterben Aw, shucks. Off anywhere nice?
It is a sunny, cheerful, Elin Ruth Sigvardsson afternoon, complicated only slightly by the fact she has two names on Spotify.
@bexxi Well, there’s no point in me having practised for all these years if I don’t get to use my acquired skills.
@bexxi But where’s the fun in that?
Right. Back to work for me. Need to lay in supplies for tomorrow’s waiting-in-for-fire-alarm-serviceperson session, too…
@nickbrompton I think you may be telling low-fat porkies.
I am entirely alone, upstairs at @BTPcafes Clifton Village. *Checks for security cameras* *Does FUNKYALLALONEDANCE*
My timeline is tweeting about ICE CREAM. This is not good for my diet.
@stillawake Often the best way to catch up.
A glimpse of my morning’s work. Social media settings in #getrunningandroid (YouTube)…
Apologies for the test Get Running tweet there, folks. That was meant to be on my test account!
@stillawake Ooop. Sorry, that was a test tweet from the Android version of @getrunningapp that I’m currently developing!
Just finished #c25k week 6 run 3 with #GetRunning – 35 minutes of exercise and 25 minutes of running.Next run: Friday 30 March

Still. Progress is being made. #getrunningandroid
And it’s not like I’m trying to record a video, or anything.
@cybermango That’s a polite way of describing it, I think.
It’s kicking off outside. The binmen have just encountered the emergency gas repair men blocking our street. Immovable/irresistible combo.
@benjohnbarnes :D
I give in, Twitter. It is clearly one of those days where I tweet and work simultaneously.
@floyduk Yur. Wish I had more time to play and learn. I love fiddling with video, but it doesn’t make me any money :)
@floyduk I have just been playing with that on some footage of @KaveyF’s birthday party :D I was waiting for it, too!
@floyduk But I know what you mean. The subsequent updates to FCPX seem to be aimed at keeping the pros in the game.
@floyduk Numbers game, I suppose. Increasing users like me (for whom FCPX is astoundingly good and relatively cheap) compared to pros.
@floyduk Hrm. Most pro video producers seem to use Mac Pros. If they’re out of that market, that can’t be good news for you.
Anyway. Need. To. Get. To… Work. Bye for now, Twitter.
@ahnlak @floyduk The Apple way would be the Mac Pro, I guess. Change your own hard drives, easier maintenance. Pricey, though.
@floyduk You might think that. However. Check that last link I sent you.
@floyduk (By which I mean, do bear this in mind if you do fit one yourself:… )
@KaveyF These and other questions may well be addressed in an LJ post, tomorrow…
@floyduk Wonder if that’s because of the odd hardware change that means it now requires Apple-specific disk drives?
@floyduk (I also know from talking to both that our Apple Store just sends their repairs to the authorised shop!)
@floyduk And while that’s rather sucky, especially for people like you and I, who are used to changing our own, at least I know in advance.
@floyduk …I know it can take a few days, depending on the backlogs.
@floyduk Oopsie. I guess I’m in a mentally different place because I had them fit a different hard drive when I bought mine, so…
@floyduk Ah. I found mine by them being opposite the main train station! But there must surely be an authorised repair shop list?
@floyduk Personally, though, I’m a cheapskate and can get away with having my laptop and a spare monitor as a backup for what I do.
@floyduk My local approved reseller place does business contracts with guaranteed turn-arounds and loan gear. Have you got anyone like that?
@burdock_tea Nope. I will have to start checking the unlikelier places. Like filed under “T” on my bookshelves.
Hrm. Offer of work. Pro: Money. Con: It’s in one of those “office” things.
@Mouse_House *latetinymousehug*
@rabidbee As long as it doesn’t clash with the Pendragon Christmas Show :) #oldproghead
@rabidbee You know, I can’t actually remember whether I’ve seen Shed Seven. I remember playing _A Maximum High_ a *lot*, though.
@liveindetail @Thehappyfatgirl @stillawake Incidentally, count me in for the duesouthathon. So good.
That was fun. Now I want to write songs. And also to be young, thin and hip, obviously. But at least the songwriting is possible.
@mhoulden Nice.
@mhoulden I hear that’s a fast seller at Oxymorons ‘R” Us.
@rabidbee I came to them after they’d split, not knowing they were particularly rated, and fell completely in love. I’m very out of touch!
@PULPKetchup Too late to try that this time round, sadly. But I might give it a go next time…
@RogerSargo Fucking magic. Sounded good, looked great, playful in right places, heavy in right places. Ta!
@BlackDogDays *Thhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrp*
@hayles @hi_street I am booked for lunch with @MissEmmeline but could do something later-afternoony?
@redlegoman *snigger*
Woo! There are now four of us in the cinema. Where are the local #Libertines fans, #bristol?
@hayles What *is* that about? Just passed the red carpet.
15 mins to the preview of @RogerSargo’s _There Are No Innocent Bystanders_. Kewl.
My @-replies are full of chocolate that I probably shouldn’t eat/can’t afford. And I brought this upon myself. D’oh!
@evansde77 Also, top marks for “unmuffined”. I need to use that more often.
@jonhickman I’m upper class. I demand a specialised muffintong and a personal wrapper-disposal valet.
“@evansde77: @gothick is it to defend your muffin from other, unmuffined Costa patrons?” <— Excellent theory.
Why *do* Costa give you a knife with a muffin? Is there some eating trick I’m missing?
Hello Cabot Circus. Shame I couldn’t eat before I got here. Hmmmm.
Hrm. Headache. Hope painkillers and deep tissue massage can sort it before I go see a loud music documentary tonight!
@KaveyF Well, I daresay I could have wandered out and asked. But they looked quite busy enough at the time.
@KaveyF The drilling was literally fifteen feet from my windows. And you know my windows aren’t exactly soundproof… #headache
@KaveyF So I guess there’s not so much of an emergency any more. There’s quite a nice little trench out there, though.
@KaveyF …and when I got back home about an hour ago.
@KaveyF The hole is still there. The workmen are not, having disappeared sometime between driving me out of the house with drilling…
@hayles That’s quite an existential poser.
@KaveyF I thought so.
@danfairs Just an average-size trowel, from what I remember. But it has been a few months since I’ve seen it. Hrm.
@burdock_tea @PeckhamRyeEats I will check my pots. I already checked my compost bags.
How is it possible to lose a trowel in a garden the size of a postage stamp? *searches*
@VeraR2010 I guessed :) Yes. Maybe I’ll postpone wedding shopping for a slightly less manic day.
@KaveyF @stillawake @chocablog @chocolateguide @faerietalefoody Gawd, I really fancy a hot chocolate with whisky now #shotselfinfoot
@stillawake See? I got top hot choc contacts :D @KaveyF @ahnlak
@KaveyF @ahnlak Is there a hot chocolate good enough to be combined with 15-year-old single malt? @stillawake
@stillawake Actually, that might be a really good question for the combined brains of @KaveyF and @ahnlak…
@stillawake No. You just need to buy really, really good chocolate.
@shezza_t The workmen have pissed off, leaving a hole with plastic barriers around it. I feel really safe.
Plus I’m going to see _The Libertines - There Are No Innocent Bystanders_ at t’cinema tomorrow evening. Hurrah!
Should probably head for bed. Long day tomorrow, including clothes shopping for a wedding.
The emergency gasmen are swearing in Bristolian accents in the street. Wondering whether to evacuate. And also whether to leave.
@KaveyF Oh, I just thought you were trying to scare me.
@KaveyF Boo to you too!
@KaveyF It’s not *that* short!
@liveindetail That’s the impression I’m getting, yes.
Right. There are three gas vans in our street, and they’ve just started digging up the road. This may not be the most peaceful evening.
Really? A pneumatic drill? Outside my window? *Now*? WTF?
Don’t remember signing up for newsletters from @TapTapRevenge. And their unsubscribe link is broken, too. Thanks.
I am declaring lunchtime. This is not a drill.
Good morning all! Lots to do today, and it feels like half the day’s already gone. *cartoon speedy exit* *fwwoooosh*
@seb_ly Yes, I found that one out the hard way a few years back. Annoying.
Today, Bristol has mostly felt like this.
Hooooooooome. *makes Lemsip* *takes weight from feet*
@emmafurious That’s pretty damn fab for a 5 year old! Nice one!
Also hope @emmafurious enjoyed her mile in the sun :)
Many hours spent basking in the Bristol sunshine today with @MissEmmeline and co., plus @Jorence joined us for coffee. Kewl.
Just posted a photo @ The Olive Shed
Hello Bristol Spring :)
@MrGreenGus The DVLA seem pretty hot around this area; I’ve seen plenty clamped and stickered over the years.
@VeraR2010 Ah, the agony one must suffer for the purposes of science.
I know it’s spring, but that doesn’t seem to be quite enough reason for me to have “Springtime for Hitler” stuck in my head. #earworm
@MsMottram Oh, I just thought that was companionable silence :D Yes, feeling better, I think. More Lemsip calls, though.
I need to start visiting cafes further afield, or my Cafe Typography blog will be repeating itself :)

Me and @MissEmmeline, yesterday lunchtime :) #happyfeet
Nice car. Should’ve paid that tax, though.
@redlegoman Me too :) Lots of rather raggedy old issues on my shelves.
Downs. Tree. Lunch. Interzone. Sorted.
@Ninja_lynneja *Random internet hug*