@xabl Middle-class pastie, I’ll grant you. Not sure about the festival per se.
@mhoulden Nope. Apparently controversial this year.
Mmmmm. Salmon and watercress pastie!
@ShabbyBean *sympathy*
Oooh. merryberrytruffles.co.uk’s “Scorpion Death” chilli chocolate is aptly named. *fans mouth*
@Mouse_House (And no worries on the sponsorship! x)
@Mouse_House Temple Meads passenger shed bit. Sold out, though, sadly. I knew someone with spare ticket, luckily!
There is a handmade chocolate stall at this beer festival. I may never leave.
@ahnlak You would like, I think, Arbor Ales’ (12%) Double Trouble.
@matt_fwyalchen @ahnlak it’s available here, but I already know I like it :) I even have the key-ring!

Having a Comfortably Numb. @ahnlak pic.twitter.com/2kpimY0n
Actually, that’s a valid use for QR codes: keeping track of what you’ve had at a beer festival when you’re too pissed to type.
And the queue has started moving ;)
I see what you mean, #bristol. Subtle, she is not. instagr.am/p/IPgZHCpCxQ/
Right. Off to a beer festival. *Ensures Half Man Half Biscuit’s _CAMRA Man_ is on iPod*
@derekarridge (With apologies for the ropey singing, but I’m all I’ve got :) )
@derekarridge Sure you’ll get it back. This is the last thing I put on teh intarnetz with non-trivial guitar, btw. audioboo.fm/boos/365864-on…
@mattgemmell *sigh* I guess that now is probably the time I should start saving up for the retina-display Air.
@derekarridge Oh, I just fool around, mostly. Some music, hopefully a podcast at some point.
@stillawake It’s a win-win situation. If I don’t need it, then I managed to restrain myself, so I can therefore have a fry-up as a reward :D
I am going to a beer festival tonight. And I just bought fry-up ingredients and Lucozade for the morning, just in case :) #planning
@stillawake @Ninja_lynneja @hayles This is @guriben’s most favouritest page on the internet: bit.ly/Af3sD2
Achievement unlocked: Annoying nutter avoided x2
@PeteWilliams I have to admit to buying on looks, to some degree. (It is one of these, btw: smproaudio.com/index.php/en/p… )
@johnfbraun Do you know how *much* extra it costs to go to eleven? Also, they only sell that gear to the pros :)

Shiny new toy. Huzzah! #audiogeek pic.twitter.com/JlFGASeD
Roight. Today I am mostly going to be forcing Android Preferences to submit to my mighty will. Or crying. One of the two.
@liveindetail @BlackDogDays @talithahg If I were Bob Bigwood I might well go around thinking I was John.
@RogueAmoeba Skype started through Piezo generally runs 100% CPU; idle Skype started without Piezo runs closer to 0%. Any ideas?
@hayles Woo! #electronclub
@BlackDogDays Well, I’ll get my camera ready and monitor Twitter for signs of action :D
@BlackDogDays Could well be. Wonder what kind of clearance it needs? High tide’s not until quarter past one today.
@BlackDogDays *snigger*