Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 17th, 2012

Someone *else* got stuck fixing the computer at the party for once! Yay! (But with sympathy, obv.)

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@garymarshall On the plus side, no Go Compare adverts.

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@kevinmeyers …was offering UK customers the “mail a disk in to seed your account” service.

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@kevinmeyers I just couldn’t face the initial upload all over again over ADSL. Also, when I checked, nobody…

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@danfairs It feels like it in real life, too. It’s just so shiny and clean and new that it looks like a 3D model.

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Snappity: This is Just a Tribute.

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@kevinmeyers Wow. Yup, that’s pretty dumb. Sadly I gave up on net-based backup when Mozy hiked their prices a while back :(

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@kevinmeyers I believe that’s only the case on the cheapest plan.

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Someone observed last night that the Mogambo does seem to lurk in Bristol in a James-Bond-Supervillainy kind of way.

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@derekarridge *puts earplugs in* *goes back to bed*

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It might be time to wander out and get myself a coffee.

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@thomasvenables I wonder how many watch lists you just got put on!

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Fire alarm engineer is being creatively diagnostic. Either that or he’s got bored and turned to sculpture.

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@Phooto Ours is a common system covering five separate flats, so has to be a touch more complicated :)

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Luckily he has not had to set off the bell. Yet.

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My chilled hangover-nursing day is being somewhat cramped by the fire alarm engineer trying to find the fault with our system.

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@Catreia Yes. On the other hand, by then it’ll probably be invisible. I see my current card daily but couldn’t tell you what it looks like!

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@davidpatrick This thought has already crossed my mind. “Sorry. I was just cleaning my shredder, and it went off.”

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Bah. My new debit card has the ropey Olympics logo on it. So that’ll be sticking around until 2015 for me, then. Grr.

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“Tea, hangover strength, hot. Milk, two sugars, and keep the replication *quiet*, damn you.”

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@guriben I can thoroughly recommend the experience.

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Am now going to listen to @sowerbyandluff’s latest podcast while cooking myself a hangover cure.

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Ooof. Very glad now that I had the foresight to lay in breakfast and Lucozade for this morning.

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@mikeotaylor Oooh, shiny new job? Nice. Sorry, but I’m already signed up to run the 10K!

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@derekarridge Yup, that’s me. Live and unedited :)

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