@rabidbee Integer division.
@rabidbee Traditionally, those would be the MOD and QUOTIENT functions.
@tsunimee Yes, people definitely do that. I’m generally happy to admit to mistakes, but then I’ve been edited a fair bit in the past.
@tsunimee Yes, I’m with you. A typo is when you meant to type one (correctly-spelled) thing and your fingers typed another.
@tsunimee @Lithosfear I’m Matt the Can’t Debug Without Plant-Based Help Programmer.
@tsunimee @Lithosfear No. The aspidistra that’s currently in my bathroom is Brian the Debugger.
@Lithosfear @cabanbury Thing is, then I’d have to be able to spot my own typos. I’m nto suer fi I anc od taht.
@cabanbury @Lithosfear Maybe I’ll just tweet one of those a day, and see if I can drive people insane.
@Lithosfear @tsunimee So. No, the typo wasn’t in a tweet at all. But brianthedebugger.com said “explan your problem to me”.
@tsunimee @Lithosfear I just said that after reading what I wrote yesterday for my “Brian the Debugger” site and noticing it said “explan”.
@tsunimee @Lithosfear It was this one. twitter.com/gothick/status… And as far as I can tell, there was no typo.
@Lithosfear Sorry. I must learn to be more careful about triggering alerts.
@BenPark It’s a pleasant way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
.@Lithosfear No! There was no typo in that tweet. Proof-readers, stand down. I repeat: stand down.
@Lithosfear I have a feeling I’m going to drag my proof-read-y followers into madness with that tweet.
@LynnCherylEde It’s okay, that was a simple observation, not a challenge!
It’s amazing how many times you can read the same bit of text without spotting an obvious typo, isn’t it?
@stillawake Maybe we’ll have to organise an expedition. Bit out of my usual way, up there…
@BenPark They are still very, very nice.
@minibreakmummy Too late. We scoffed our cake and went for a walk around St. Andrew’s Park, to burn off 0.001% of the calories.
Chocolate and Guinness cake? Yes please! @ Tart instagr.am/p/HwR5-pJC9G/
In one of those moods where I don’t know what to do with myself. Glad I’m going out to eat cake soon instead of idly wandering the flat.
@Mouse_House Good to know! Wish I hadn’t had a big bowl of porridge for breakfast now.
Hrm. @MissEmmeline wants me to meet a tart on Gloucester Road. What? Oh. Right. To meet *at* Tart. Which is apparently a cafe. #badphoneline

Hoppy_Jnr Possum broke into the local bakery and ate so many pastries he couldnt move! This is how the bakery owners found him!! pic.twitter.com/7fqhZzCg