@ahnlak @tsunimee I’m more Brooke Bond, personally. “How about you put those nunchucks down, and I make us a nice cuppa?”
@tsunimee Jusht wait until you hear my Sean Connery impershonation, babesh.
niallharrison Christopher Priest is not at all happy with the #clarkeaward shortlist: bit.ly/Hg2Tjp
@tsunimee :)
And on Twitter in the UK, there is national panic as people realise they can’t spell “queueing” in order to complain about it. #fuelcrisis
Cross-over idea: _The #Apprentice Game_, where one person on each team is a mole for the other side.
@utterben I’ve only been there once. I remember it being full of lovely people. And rain.
And in #Bristol, three climbers mistake a small wall for the Avon Gorge after a sat-nav mishap. instagr.am/p/Iua1DrJCwB/
@utterben Aw, shucks. Off anywhere nice?
It is a sunny, cheerful, Elin Ruth Sigvardsson afternoon, complicated only slightly by the fact she has two names on Spotify.
@bexxi Well, there’s no point in me having practised for all these years if I don’t get to use my acquired skills.
@bexxi But where’s the fun in that?
Right. Back to work for me. Need to lay in supplies for tomorrow’s waiting-in-for-fire-alarm-serviceperson session, too…
@nickbrompton I think you may be telling low-fat porkies.
I am entirely alone, upstairs at @BTPcafes Clifton Village. *Checks for security cameras* *Does FUNKYALLALONEDANCE*
My timeline is tweeting about ICE CREAM. This is not good for my diet.
@stillawake Often the best way to catch up.
A glimpse of my morning’s work. Social media settings in #getrunningandroid (YouTube) youtube.com/watch?v=svzG_y…
Apologies for the test Get Running tweet there, folks. That was meant to be on my test account!
@stillawake Ooop. Sorry, that was a test tweet from the Android version of @getrunningapp that I’m currently developing!
Just finished #c25k week 6 run 3 with #GetRunning – 35 minutes of exercise and 25 minutes of running.Next run: Friday 30 March

Still. Progress is being made. #getrunningandroid pic.twitter.com/5LqO4yUY
And it’s not like I’m trying to record a video, or anything.
@cybermango That’s a polite way of describing it, I think.
It’s kicking off outside. The binmen have just encountered the emergency gas repair men blocking our street. Immovable/irresistible combo.
@benjohnbarnes :D
I give in, Twitter. It is clearly one of those days where I tweet and work simultaneously.
@floyduk Yur. Wish I had more time to play and learn. I love fiddling with video, but it doesn’t make me any money :)
@floyduk I have just been playing with that on some footage of @KaveyF’s birthday party :D I was waiting for it, too!
@floyduk But I know what you mean. The subsequent updates to FCPX seem to be aimed at keeping the pros in the game.
@floyduk Numbers game, I suppose. Increasing users like me (for whom FCPX is astoundingly good and relatively cheap) compared to pros.
@floyduk Hrm. Most pro video producers seem to use Mac Pros. If they’re out of that market, that can’t be good news for you.
Anyway. Need. To. Get. To… Work. Bye for now, Twitter.
@ahnlak @floyduk The Apple way would be the Mac Pro, I guess. Change your own hard drives, easier maintenance. Pricey, though.
@floyduk You might think that. However. Check that last link I sent you.
@floyduk (By which I mean, do bear this in mind if you do fit one yourself: blog.macsales.com/10146-apple-fu… )
@KaveyF These and other questions may well be addressed in an LJ post, tomorrow…
@floyduk Wonder if that’s because of the odd hardware change that means it now requires Apple-specific disk drives?
@floyduk (I also know from talking to both that our Apple Store just sends their repairs to the authorised shop!)
@floyduk And while that’s rather sucky, especially for people like you and I, who are used to changing our own, at least I know in advance.
@floyduk …I know it can take a few days, depending on the backlogs.
@floyduk Oopsie. I guess I’m in a mentally different place because I had them fit a different hard drive when I bought mine, so…
@floyduk Ah. I found mine by them being opposite the main train station! But there must surely be an authorised repair shop list?
@floyduk Personally, though, I’m a cheapskate and can get away with having my laptop and a spare monitor as a backup for what I do.
@floyduk My local approved reseller place does business contracts with guaranteed turn-arounds and loan gear. Have you got anyone like that?
@burdock_tea Nope. I will have to start checking the unlikelier places. Like filed under “T” on my bookshelves.
Hrm. Offer of work. Pro: Money. Con: It’s in one of those “office” things.