@donmcallister When you got to $100bn, wouldn’t you be tempted to hold a press conference? One single Keynote slide: “KAAAA-CHIIIIIIIIING!”
@GreedyRosie I have been warned that it was a terrible film. I liked the book, so I’m going to avoid watching it.
@rbrwr Lever off the glossy crap and all computers are just dusty wedges of complexity held together with sellotape.
Hrm. Feeling slightly ill. Hopefully it’s the dust from inside that iMac and not a bug passed on by one of the ill partygoers last night…
@AndyCarolan Stand down the moral outrage. All back together now. :)
Naked iMac. instagr.am/p/IVBDH_pC0o/
I have not left the house today. I’m not sure how much it being Mothering Sunday has to do with that. Brains are complicated.
@amberanima Well, if that were even just a dream, Freud would have a field-day with it. In reality… Hrm.
@amberanima Maybe… it _hatched_. *Twilight Zone music*
@derekarridge Also, one of my USB sound interfaces has a headphone monitor jack, which is handy.
@derekarridge Yeah, I have my stereo hooked up through external USB box.
@derekarridge …(a) most USB sound cards have optical out these days, and (b) most modern Macs have optical output from the headphone jack.
@derekarridge I just use RCA cables from the sound card to the stereo. If you’ve got optical in, then…
@misslo YAY! *BIG HUG*
@derekarridge These days there’s a lot more USB-enabled gear, though. You can get mixing desks with direct USB connection, say.
@derekarridge I’ve got a good-but-quite-cheap ESI one. M-Audio also spring to mind. Depends a lot on your needs, though.
@derekarridge …but that was ages ago, so I don’t know what it’s like these days.
@derekarridge Yup, straight to digital. I’m on a Mac, so I mostly just use Garageband. When I was on Windows, I used Cubase…
I should be tidying my flat. Instead I am procrastinating by taking photos of the things I should be tidying away. flic.kr/p/bDWSxD
I have just had a rather American-themed breakfast while watching NCIS. Seem to be having quite a Leftpondian morning so far.
Roasting coffee beans :) #sundaybreakfast
@prettygreentea I quite like the way it all washes over me. If I need it calmer for a bit I have a “VIPs” list to use instead of timeline ;)
Roight. Time to get up, make brekkers, tidy the flat in a pottering-around-on-Sunday-way.
@hayles @nixgeek She does indeed have the saddened look of a creature without opposable thumbs asked to make tea. Cruel Hayles!
@tsunimee Freudian girl.