@charlesarthur No problem!
@charlesarthur Is it possible that you’ve run across something like this? wordpress.org/support/topic/…
@charlesarthur Errr. What am I missing? How can you have multiple users with the same ID, whatever it is? ID is primary, unique key.
@hayles *slightly awkward e-hug* Look, could I not just send gin instead?
@majicDave No problem :)
@majicDave Am I missing something, or are you missing tapping on “Timeline” at the top of the screen?
roundonefight To a student - ‘how come you’re wearing a suit?’. student - ‘because I’m French and I like to look awesome’. he wins today
@Pockless I love the perturbed look on the hedgehog :)
Doing a long-overdue update of my “Fave Mac Apps” page. Sure there are a few I’ve forgotten, though. Hrm… gothick.org.uk/fave-mac-apps/
@word_geek Presumably costs went up further when they included the cost of the power station to provide electricity to her computer…
@word_geek Oopsie :D
@RellyAB What will we be influential about this week!? I’m hoping to retain my reputation for authority on both Bruce Willis and Heaven.
It’s spoken, not sung, but Rob Reid’s delivery in “copyright math” really reminds me of Tom Lehrer. youtube.com/watch?feature=… (via @twitlive)
@tyronem Dooooomed! I need to do three, in a row, so the next two aren’t as painful and I remember it’s not so tough if I get round to it :(
Note to self: Yes, weekly reviews *do* take longer when you only do them once a month. Clown.
@liveindetail I am given to understand that that’s what flying a helicopter is actually like. Never tried it myself, though.
@KaveyF Reading your seedy post :) Was just saying to someone at the weekend that I wanted to seed my window box and see what happened…
Reading the history of the imposing building I’ve walked past for a decade but only just got curious about. bit.ly/xtp5la #hotwells
@liveindetail I can’t possibly crash it. I saw _Wings of the Apache_ like, *three* times!
bexxi @gothick Might I suggest googling “RC helicopter bank heist”? Could be the answer to your prayers…
I am trying to save money. Maplin have a remote-controlled helicopter on special offer at £15. The latter is not helping with the former.
Damn it. Why does writing a two-sentence email take so damn long? #politenessparalysis
@hayles @amberanima Oh, yes. That was odd.
@amberanima @hayles I’m actually slightly hoping that an American car salesman now follows us because we used the word “auto”.
@hayles People who auto-follow you because you’ve used a keyword in a completely different context.