@VeraR2010 Yes. Yes, and I am still generally feeling quite happy and accomplished. But it does mean I’ve been slacking a bit over winter.
Ouch. Ten whole minutes slower on this half marathon than the last one. I knew it was painful, I didn’t realise it was that bad. Oh well.
@Juggzy …though that assumes that that episode of _Sharpe_ was well-researched :)
@Juggzy I suggest burning them, and using the resulting quicklime to repel Napoleonic forces…
@shezza_t So do I. But some slip through. And I’m getting less tolerant as I get older.
@shezza_t Thanks!
@gary8345 Ta!
@G_Cave Cool! And well done!
@BlackDogDays Erm. Any way you can make those last couple optional?
@chocablog That looks goooooooood.
@stillawake @emmafurious That is definite Bristol bonus. I recommend the Bath Racecourse park&ride service for Bath Half, though. Civilised.
@speechdebelle Damn it. Not had rhubarb crumble for *so* long. #jealous
@KeithGough1 Not sure I ever will be. Ask me again when I’ve lost a few stone!
@MissEmmeline A real trudge, especially the second half. Glad I did it, though.
I have had beer. And quite a lot of food. And no guilt. I should run 13 miles every day. Though my feet would not last long.
@Runija *applause* Rah! I did *not* enjoy the second half much, and came in about a half hour behind you. Still glad I did it, though :)
@RamonYouseph @emmafurious Thanks!
@mrmikewarren Thanks :)
@stillawake @emmafurious On the plus side, they have fewer quiet spots, and far more loos. I’d be hard-pressed to choose.
@KaveyF That’s what I do. But still some slip through, somehow. It’s no longer worth the risk.
@emmafurious *high five*
@emmafurious Well, I managed to struggle round. Yes, bit hot, and I’m a bit out of practice! Still, got my medal and jogged all the way!
I think I am giving up on commercial television. Someone tell me when there are no adverts involving “opera” singers any more.
@hayes Next time, organise it for a day I’m not running, damn it!
@guriben Have you tried getting the left hand to use the Force on the right?
@hayles Was it good, then?

@pearcafe Could be this? pic.twitter.com/FyVUmj0W
@bertyc I have beer :) But also some goodies from Chandos Deli and Boston Tea Party as a very late lunch!
@zinziii Love those latest wide-angle photos. Luscious colours & perfect DOF.
@r0bb1eh Ta!
@Thehappyfatgirl :) I both deserved it and enjoyed it!
@stillawake Thanks :)
@KeithGough1 I don’t think they’re terrible. Oddly, the unblistered soles of my feet feel worse. Applying foot balm :)
@danwivz Ooh, heavy artillery :D
@bertyc …and I’m a bit too undertrained. C’est la vie…
@bertyc Hrm. I’d say that I’m glad I did it, but I’m not convinced I enjoyed it. Well, not the second half, anyway. It was a bit too hot…
@MsMottram Thanks!
@misslo …don’t race off too fast at the start :)
@misslo Get plenty of sleep this week, find something to boost your energy that doesn’t taste disgusting, and…
@StJamesPT I compromised on starting warm, then switching to cold. So far my main symptom is goosebumps :)
@StJamesPT Hrm. Not sure I can bring myself to try that today. I really *love* hot baths.
@danwivz *Sigh* I *thought* I had some good tips on blisters, until I took my shoes off.
But, before my Extra Long Bath, a big thanks to @bathhalf, for a really good, well-organised event.
Right. I have an appointment with a very long bath. I will see you all later.
@lollypopstar You too? Awesome! Well done.
@StJamesPT Yeah, it was def. too warm in places. Very like last year’s Bristol Half, and I saw a few people collapse near the end of that.
Bah. Bath Half finisher’s shirt too small for me. Oh well.
@Dichohecho Merci!
@betty_watson @StJamesPT Thank you :D
@adam_pope @bathhalf Hah! Mine’s too small :) #onesizefitsnobody
@StJamesPT I can’t even *imagine* running that fast for that long. Fantastic!
@Ninja_lynneja (And I may also have bought @BrisBeerFactory beer from Oddbins on the way home :) )

@Ninja_lynneja Close enough. #massivecookie pic.twitter.com/oSQtPDf8
@misslo Good luck! Hope it goes beautifully for you :D
@Ninja_lynneja It probably should be, but I hate cold baths. Will have nice bubbly soak and a Very Long Read.
@misslo Thank you!
@StJamesPT Pretty awful, actually. Not enough training. Still, I kept on doing something that felt like running right to the finish. You?
@Ninja_lynneja It feels pretty good. Even though it may have been my slowest ever half. Was really touch and go, so glad I finished :D
@KaveyF Wooooo indeed. Though by tomorrow I’ll probably be feeling more “woe”. How’s you, chuck? Feeling any better?
Also, thank you for all your good luck wishes this morning, lovely people. Too many to reply to even if I hadn’t been jogging 13 miles…
@parryphernalia @Easybourne Thanks :)
@bexxi It was lovely. A bit too lovely, truth be told, I was overheating in places. But it was nice to look at :)
@Runija How did you do?
That. Was. Hard. Work. Got it done, though :D #bathhalf instagr.am/p/ICasxPpC3b/
@BlackDogDays @hayles @ShipShapeBF Just as well we’re not doing this the other way round. Matt “cake vacuum” Gibson leaves no crumbs :D
@NoWireHangers The show *will* go on…
@stillawake Yeah, that was my experience last year. I’m about the speed that that’s where I should be starting, though!
@hayles @ShipShapeBF Thank you and good luck :)
Thanks for the good luck wishes, all.
In the nice waiting room at Bath Racecourse, sitting next to a heater, waiting for my coach to the start line :) #bathhalf