Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 7th, 2012

@thomasvenables It is indeed ace. Hoping the weather warms up soon so I can listen to the bit about gardens in a garden…

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@benjohnbarnes I think you may be overestimating my deviousness. I just asked my phone to update, and it did.

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@benjohnbarnes Don’t be sarcastic at Apple at the moment, I’m installing iOS 5.1. They might turn me off in the middle.

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@hayles If this is news to you, I’m rather insulted that you didn’t read my previous 23,029 tweets.

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.@jcroft Confirmed here in my living room — new software running on current Apple TV. Just downloaded the update.

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I have returned home, only two-and-a-half sheets to the wind. And avoiding the Pump House, luckily for my wallet.

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A hand held over a candle in angst-fueled bravado.

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Bill Bryson’s _At Home_ is really good.

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@utterben I am replete with Gentleman’s Logic. And booze.

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@rabidbee There’s probably enough books on here to last me to retirement :)

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@rabidbee It’s a hard life, but someone’s got to live it.

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@BlackDogDays Not sure I can afford to be waylaid by the Pump House. Love the food, but it’s better with (a) company, and (b) steady income!

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What? Rain!? Damn. I may have to have another pint.

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@BlackDogDays @Bristol_Culture last time I was there, there was just an empty rectangle with pulled-off-glue marks.

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@faerietalefoody @hayles @FoodStories Woah. Someone make that and bring it to me. I’ll wait.

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@BlackDogDays Probably just as well you can’t. I’m only about a pint away from the “I LOVE YOU MATE NO REALLY I LOVE YOU” stage.

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@Bristol_Culture Has the sign been put back up on There and Back Again Lane yet?

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@BlackDogDays I have now had three pints of the guest beer, and am glad I haven’t been working on anything important for the last two :)

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Do any of my foodie friends have a carrot cake recipe for @hayles?

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@KaveyF @KSalty I am not thinking about running at the moment. Bath Half Marathon on Sunday.

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Right. Nuff werk. Swapping the laptop for the Kindle.

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benhorsleyco I think the new iPad should be a quarter of the size, and able to make phone calls.

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@hayles Yeah. Think about Battenberg for me.

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@rabidbee I’m guessing that it is, so I’ll be able to tell you for sure in a few days :)

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@KellySibson It’s pretty damn good here. But my waistline wouldn’t cope with doing it every day.

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Turns out that not even programming on a boat in the sunshine with a beer makes the Android emulator less annoying.

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Audioboo: A tiny slice of the sound of my afternoon, programming on the Grain Barge, with jazz and their guest beer.

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@hayles So, for £33.64 per month, you can get Photoshop for a year, and it’ll always be the latest version.

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@hayles But I’m still just using Acorn and Pixelmator, and Sketch for vector stuff.

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@hayles The subscription prices aren’t actually *devastating*, but it depends how much use you’re going to get out of it.

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@BenPark It doesn’t creep me out. But I generally prefer avatars to be the actual people.

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@ChinaShopBull There is jazz playing, and everything.

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Teensy bit self-indulgent for the day’s final programming session ;) @ The Grain Barge

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@benjohnbarnes They seem unlikely to add anything that would suddenly make me want one.

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@nixgeek I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that @hayles sometimes passes close enough to throw things at me from the bus.

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Kinda hoping this is one night that’s *both*.

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@crookedfootball But I was talking about Lightroom in general, there.

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@crookedfootball It’s still downloading. I can’t imagine it not being, though.

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Right. New version of Lightroom on its way. Download or physical package, it’s a very fine product for a decent price.

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@hayles Downloads taxed from hosting country, shipments taxed from receiving/paying country, maybe? Some odd rules, I guess.

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Aaaah. Thanks, @Squonk. Actually, it might be a tax thing. The download version is 23%, which, I think, is the current *Irish* VAT rate?

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@hayles I’m starting to suspect that the download is taxed at 23% VAT, which is the Irish rate.

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@Squonk @KaveyF My arse. They just figured out that people would pay more to get it now rather than waiting for shipping.

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@KaveyF Oh, I understand them charging me. It’s Adobe, so the answer is “Because we can, losers.” I just don’t think the difference is VAT.

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@bexxi As in, the ones that had to be amputated? That would put me off…

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Adobe charge more for download than for a shipped box. But why is it only the VAT that changes?……

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@talkie_tim The terrors of night
Thin and pale compared to a
Wednesday work morning

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@meemalee *random get well wish*

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Hrm. Wonder if buying Lightroom 4 will encourage me to look through my stupidly big backlog of unprocessed photos?

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Bleurgh. Tired, headachey and it’s cold and grey outside. *drinks coffee*

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