Snappity: A moment from this evening at the Cottage, with @MissEmmeline and John
Home. Oof. And I have to be up early tomorrow for a team breakfast. Can I have some extra hours tonight, please?
Oopsie. Accidentally had another half on the way home. It’s all @MissEmmeline’s fault.
@guriben Night night, sweetie.
This is John. We have just flagged him down from the water to come have a beer with us :)
Whoo! Not only do I have beer, but company is on the way, too :D
OH: (strident) “Mum, I can’t top up if I’ve got a full tank. I’ve told you about five times now.” #fuelcrisispanicworrygate
Beer in the evening.
Just bumped into @Jorence and @emmafurious :) They have biked on, healthily. I have stopped at the Cottage, not so healthily.
@chubbybannister Yes, I should have taken my chance when I could! Walking the other way. Ta for the suggestion, though :)

@BenPark Here is an independent report from my local petrol station. #OMGQUEUEZCRISISPANIC
Damn it. It’s basically midsummer out. I was hoping there would be ice cream available at the SS Great Britain.
Think I might head out for a walk while it’s still sunny :D
@rabidbee *checks* Yup. THEY’RE STILL STEEL.
@csoanes This fire alarm board is at least half my age…
@hayles Break the mug. It’ll be an important life lesson, *and* make a good photograph.
The way this fire alarm service is working out, I have no choice but to stand in the sun and do nothing. Could’ve been worse.
Think I just discovered Henry VIII’s printed circuit board.
Working from home this afternoon. While an engineer is fixing/testing the fire alarm. #joy
@julienbob That would be a “cheque” for me, so I’m thinking not.
@AndyCarolan Ooopsie. We are so efficient.
@hayles HMPH.
I have taken the easy solution to my item that says “Check”. I’ve checked it. #check
@hayles Many people didn’t notice when I shaved off a beard I’d had for three years. Glasses are in a similar category. Brains ignore them.
Item from my “to-do” list today: “Check.” Given that I’m not American, I guess I got distracted while adding it. Gah. Check *what*? #worried