@MrGreenGus The DVLA seem pretty hot around this area; I’ve seen plenty clamped and stickered over the years.
@VeraR2010 Ah, the agony one must suffer for the purposes of science.
I know it’s spring, but that doesn’t seem to be quite enough reason for me to have “Springtime for Hitler” stuck in my head. #earworm
@MsMottram Oh, I just thought that was companionable silence :D Yes, feeling better, I think. More Lemsip calls, though.
I need to start visiting cafes further afield, or my Cafe Typography blog will be repeating itself :) cafetypography.tumblr.com

Me and @MissEmmeline, yesterday lunchtime :) #happyfeet pic.twitter.com/yFidWUyc
Nice car. Should’ve paid that tax, though. instagr.am/p/Ij3S9WpCzD/
@redlegoman Me too :) Lots of rather raggedy old issues on my shelves.
Downs. Tree. Lunch. Interzone. Sorted. instagr.am/p/IjvbHWJCx0/
@Ninja_lynneja *Random internet hug*
On the plus side, I am definitely feeling better. Time for some lunch, then maybe a bit of spring cleaning.
Bah. My lunch date has pulled out due to impending essay hand-in. Bloody students.
@guriben Have you considered leaving? I hear it’s often the best solution.
@davidpatrick Nah. That’s the *cutter* for my new weekend accommodation :D
@stillawake How’s you?
@StJamesPT Ta! Yes, you can’t have been too far away from the right time and the right place, shame.
@stillawake Dunno. Think I might be.
@stillawake No, I am back home. Still need to get showered and dressed; this cold is slowing me down.
@liveindetail @BlackDogDays Oh, yeah, don’t forget the fry-up. And can I swap the tomato for an extra slice of black pudding? Ta.
Snappity-snap: The Mogambo leaving #bristol, a set on Flickr: flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
@BlackDogDays @liveindetail You confirmed when she was leaving for us. Otherwise I probably wouldn’t have dragged self out of bed…
@liveindetail @BlackDogDays Yes indeedy.
@BlackDogDays There’s more uploading as I type :)
@hayles @liveindetail I made it all the way to Queen Square yesterday, you know. #welltraveled
@liveindetail Also in that picture is a lesser-spotted Myk, or MG/BS4. flickr.com/photos/mykg/
@liveindetail …but it might have been a good call to stay away, anyway. Stinky cold is stinky.
@liveindetail Hah! Most people don’t recognise that lens close up, let alone from a distance…
@hayles @liveindetail I *live* outside Clifton!
@hayles @liveindetail Oi! I go out every single day, I do.
@Markgatiss Will we? Why? *checks schedules* What have I missed?

RT @liveindetail: Is this you? @gothick pic.twitter.com/V3MkXopS <— Yes!
@hayles Eighty two.
@liveindetail She looks even bigger than normal in that one. Goodness.

liveindetail The horn echoed back up the gorge #bristol #mogambo pic.twitter.com/x2EfSkpB
@Jorence Well, it’s a lovely day out, at least. Hope it goes better than yesterday.
Note to all those covering the Mike Daisey story: the past tense of “mislead” is “misled”, damn it.
Mogambo’s off, then. #bristol instagr.am/p/Ii_5IFpC8p/