@CharlieEsq_ I thought you already had one. Who am I following, then?
Twitter needs an “ewww!” button. twitter.com/iamdanw/status…

Yet again, I wonder why this walking/cycling sign on North St points in completely the wrong direction… #Bristol pic.twitter.com/kSQ5FR3r7g
@liveindetail I hear those are quite expensive to treat.
@liveindetail …given that I’m hand-whipping, I think we’d have to invent some kind of handicap system.
@liveindetail I was just wondering what to do with the half-tub of whipping cream now I’ve finished all the strawberries. However…

verge Samsung is adding new obtrusive ads to your old smart TV theverge.com/2016/5/30/1181… pic.twitter.com/R6L3HHu0vI
@BristolPound *Now* you tell me!
GreatDismal Not the Onion: North Korea endorses Trump, “wise politician” theguardian.com/world/2016/may…
Supplemental: if anyone in Bristol knows a Federica Pelliccioli, tell her not to bother waiting in for her New Look top from Amazon.

Ordered a camera battery from @AmazonUK. Received: vest top, t-shirts. Erm. Also: Sadly, I’ve *never* been a size 10 pic.twitter.com/ymhe2qEYKX

A scheduled power cut? Guess there’s major work happening. #bristol pic.twitter.com/95oibE7EaX
@taraddean GRRR.

Snap from yesterday’s day of hard, hard work. pic.twitter.com/HCpUkEq4xK
@ahnlak Oh yeah.

everycolorbot 0xd8afbe pic.twitter.com/408uTDVrV5

AwardsDarwin When looking cool goes wrong. pic.twitter.com/sGOxPnh0kn
@shezza_t I actually whipped some cream for the strawberries earlier. Summer does seem to be here.

St Nicholas Street pic.twitter.com/3rr356XVf1

Finishing a book as the harbour view rolls past. @BristolFerry pic.twitter.com/IWBJz6SuGY
Taking my Pret lunch up to Brandon Hill to escape massed humanity.

Never fails to raise a smile with me. pic.twitter.com/EO7ZK2slXN
@CharlieEsq_ *Stares wildly around*

Coffee time. @ Playground Coffee House instagram.com/p/BGB1UMOJC3e/
Reading about the other Cabot Tower. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabot_Tow…

bristolballoon It’s official everyone #BristolBalloonFiesta is taking place Thurs 11th Aug - Sun 14th Aug. More updates to come! pic.twitter.com/Wyie9cYjbv
@PointyHound @BenPark It’s like he had some photos left over from selling the hedge that happened to have the car in, too.
BenPark These might be the greatest pictures I’ve ever seen on a used car advert. autotrader.co.uk/classified/adv…

That’s quite a claim from a company selling garden lighting equipment. pic.twitter.com/vdGCZd5wZ2
@clvdz66 You are so, so lucky.
@jakepjohnson @samsneed12 Works for me.
@samsneed12 I didn’t know we had one. Where’s that to?

Arrangement. pic.twitter.com/DwT1cnzDpC
@Bristolvor *Checks watch* No, you’re fine; it’s May.
There’s only one answer, surely: Matthew’s pregnant! #thearchers
@shezza_t Those creepy bastards in the straitjackets helped.
@dwiskus Quit and restart Safari.
@maxjacobson It also used to reliably sync with Dropbox, who have engineers around on a Saturday.
@maxjacobson Well, yes, and I’d never be abusive, but a 9+ hour outage with no updates since the tweet is understandably frustrating.
MarkTaylorFood Calling all bean-heads - best coffee around Shepherd’s Bush anyone?
I like the Day One app, but I have very bad luck with its syncing. Last two times I’ve tried it — weeks apart — they’ve had server issues :(

At the end of a production run, sometimes the factory only has enough bits left over to make half a canal boat. pic.twitter.com/blwMydQR8U
I felt like doing that the last time I had a croissant from the Triangle branch. twitter.com/goulcher/statu…

mixonic Dark UI patterns on the @verizonfios website. Number of agents “waiting” for a call is a randomly generated number. pic.twitter.com/A9cYTrZ3hX

Mother and babies. #Bristol pic.twitter.com/GOL6LO8v7M

Hangover cure courtesy @underfallpickle. pic.twitter.com/vSmuuyCJYY
@saltwateritch …that I’m guessing my mum bought so I’d leave hers alone! Guessing everything would seem wider than that little one.
@saltwateritch I do not know. The only other typewriter I regularly used was a little portable (Underwood 112)…
@rem Put 10 emoji in there and stand well back.
@saltwateritch Also: if you really want it, check availability of ribbons! Multicoloured ones must be rarer.
@saltwateritch it was amazing. Though I have nowhere to put a typewriter.
@unearthedSimon ESSENTIAL!
Miscalculated @BristolFerry times. On the plus side, I have a large @BristolPound balance I can use to kill time in @No1Harbourside!

Waterstones This is genius. waterstones.com/book/five-go-g… pic.twitter.com/ShilBhtobE

hundredmondays just do the damn hack
refactor after release pic.twitter.com/yefZrtehEo

I seem to be reading Wonder Boys very slowly. Great book, though. And the beer’s good 😎 @No1Harbourside pic.twitter.com/Jf2zkLOJEu

Post-dentist treat decision. pic.twitter.com/nCNxbvtt3g

Interesting library pairing… pic.twitter.com/CRvI8JEaJa

Thar she blows. pic.twitter.com/YT7UHsdi3W
Taking the ferry to the dentist. One can often crowbar an upside in in Bristol.
@talkie_tim I prefer to think of myself as the lone punman.

Cycled. pic.twitter.com/SRM8OPV43E

Instant nostalgia in a reclamation yard as I find the same typewriter I first typed on as a child. pic.twitter.com/l7JzizWAQS

Modesty glaze. pic.twitter.com/UGsv5FGcci

High water. pic.twitter.com/P1VBsZ05fh

@chris_coys Did you know they made hydroponics systems with growlights? I knew about the beer, but not these! pic.twitter.com/Cl7ppRuk20
@chris_coys Impulse purchase. It’s not bad.

Tomorrow I’ll have to move most of these round the front so they get enough sun. Until then..pic.twitter.com/74xMEx4U4646
@foxc Also, you’re to arrive angry calm, in an old new car.

Okay. Potting mission accomplished, and engineer arrived and is fixing the washing machine. Good day so far..pic.twitter.com/i8horkAWzIzI

BBC6Music .@ROZIPLAIN in session with @laurenlaverne tomorrow! Tune in from 10am bbc.co.uk/6music pic.twitter.com/AXaDKBOG1V

ajlobster Banking tips pic.twitter.com/8Q90f056EZ

MartinBelam Still my fave media story of all time: in the 1920s people complained when newspapers introduced crossword puzzles pic.twitter.com/NUSXPeYswL

CharlieEsq_ “I’ll get the bus to save time”
Bus… pic.twitter.com/4yd646gsrC

Well, that should be plenty to be getting on with! @_pigeons_ pic.twitter.com/4YGosiSe9q
@JohannaTC Yeah. I live in between Joy Hill and Hope Chapel Hill, so I can sympathise! flic.kr/p/dMHadE
@JohannaTC I imagine it’s something of a regular occurrence.

Reading comprehension failure. Hope he manages to get back out of Clifton Vale #hotwells pic.twitter.com/bXIfcFy2sS

EduCATional bookshop. pic.twitter.com/PL5EuIq9Jz

Hungry people, look away now. Salt Deli’s cauli frittata um yes. pic.twitter.com/TGpBdFi1aH

@Dizzy_fish Luckily, a secondhand bookshop was just over the road. pic.twitter.com/RoTV76CG5K

“Anything else?” “Not for me, but I think this fella could do with a glass of water…pic.twitter.com/durNBmNfzdzd
Oh, of *course* the library’s closed on Wednesdays. Oh well. Needed a walk.
AlanStanton_ The Guardian claims that Lambeth Council spent more to guard its closed libraries then it saved in closing them. gu.com/p/4jf6d/stw
@Kavey It’s like I always thought: some people will stuff *anything*.
@shezza_t Don’t. I can’t afford a macro lens at the moment! :)
@shezza_t This may be the first gardening book I’ve ever bought. I’m starting to get the hang of it, I think, so taking it more seriously!
Dead but Dreaming #flickr flic.kr/p/GysbaD
@anna_debenham They didn’t want to check your age. They were just putting your name on the list behind the bar.
@leeblackwood Hiding inside, not moving a muscle: SpongeBob SnipePants.
@Pinboard You’re drinking unfiltered water, aren’t you? This paper from Veganwater University says it causes sarcasm and haemorrhoids.
“Low-maintenance garden”: Concrete. “Beautifully presented”: Like a time-capsule from 1978. Yes, I’m looking at Rightmove again.
@ThereSheRides I’ve got this to look forward during my traditional Sunday Omnibus cleaning. Maybe it’ll make me scrub the bath harder.
@lilydoughball Ooops. Still, complete non-start like that often turns out to be something cheap. *crosses fingers for you*
_kylestarr *adds 50 handles to a tweet*
I suppose you’re all wondering why I’ve gathered you here…
ZanyJaney11 Whenever I fill out an application, in the part that says “If an emergency, notify:” I put “DOCTOR”. What’s my mother going to do?

Houseplant status: doing pretty well, mostly. pic.twitter.com/Fh4VqNFxGR
@Gary_Bainbridge I’d tell you why you’re wrong, but I can’t remember Twitter’s UK SMS gateway number any more.
team_CLPR .@Twitter is overhauling some of its rules to try to make itself simpler to use bbc.in/1WMdmyT @DaveLeeBBC
@craigmod Erm.

Some assembly required. pic.twitter.com/AXt3RZmDIO

Pleccy. pic.twitter.com/STmaw8QdHS
As someone who loses virtually every game he plays, including Connect 4 (*glares at @taraddean*), NO THANKS. twitter.com/B247Martin/sta…
@dangusset I was just working on the basis I couldn’t identify the *un*healthy ones, and everything’s relative :D
@dangusset Well, on the right I think we’ve got a string of sausages and a necklace of pizza.
@talkie_tim I’m vaguely considering an extension tube, but I do long shots so rarely a dedicated lens probably isn’t worth it.
@talkie_tim Just a 70-200. Longest I own.

craigstone_ This is a baby octopus. pic.twitter.com/L1ocNpCzOY

Apparently my stalkee this afternoon was a great crested grebe. Thanks @headfirstonly for the ID! #bristol pic.twitter.com/Yd4u7PkZvx

Tennn-HUT! pic.twitter.com/QILfo0MLZS
@hotdogsladies FYI: This song is obligatory at British wedding receptions where anyone aged 40+ might be present.

gemmacorrell #mentalillnessfeelslike … for @MentalHealthAm #depression #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth #MHMonth2016 pic.twitter.com/qWPLFbG6de

Ooh la la. #pumphouse pic.twitter.com/bw9hVn6SuZ
@tsunimee Fear not, ma petite. Your followers can fucking swear for you, and no bugger will ever know.

I am normally accompanied by the small and subtle Fuji X100. For snapping birds, though, it’s the heavy artillery. pic.twitter.com/zFLZf5FHFH

Heading your way, #bristol! pic.twitter.com/ox3wOhMjEq

Mine’s a pint of @GBrewery’s rather lovely BX Mild. #mildmay pic.twitter.com/vADFCiNUaf
@jukesie Heh. I have twenty books or more on the “incoming” shelf anyway. Will stuff the cheapest-looking one in my bag ;)
@jukesie I may have to start carrying a paperback with me.
Kindle disadvantage: I’m not leaving this Paperwhite on the table outside to save my place while I go to the bar.
@sarahjeong @danbarker They also broke the “slow as treacle with an irritatingly non-native UI” promise. Do they win money for that?
@nitinganatra @siracusa My patented method: try to hit it. Swear. Try to hit it. Swear. Remember I can edge swipe. Edge swipe. Swear.
@headfirstonly Thanks! Knew one of my erudite tweeps would be able to identify it.
@Cookwitch @annecupcake …though unless you’re “doing” North Street, may be bit out of way. Can certainly second vote fo@brewcccc, too.
@Cookwitch @annecupcake My favourite place right now is probably @TincanCoffeeCo on North Street, and I was in there last bank hol…

This afternoon, I have mostly been chasing a magnificent shag of some kind. #Bristol pic.twitter.com/ygv7MdUP38
annecupcake Any recommendations for coffee places in Bristol open on a Sunday? Also bakeries/cafes…open Sunday/bank holiday Monday #Bristol

Zazu’s Benedict. @ Zazu’s Kitchen Restaurants instagram.com/p/BFv81nLpC34/

AndyRichter Congratulations! You have invented whiskey pic.twitter.com/AtBSRuGGSn
@Cookwitch Which would be fine if I hadn’t also gone for beef in black bean sauce. I may die overfood tonight.

Oh dear holy God I was expecting spring rolls to be small. pic.twitter.com/WYQDexh1as
cox_tom If you want to get drunk quickly and inexpensively I highly recommend being quite old.
On the plus side, moderately drunk bloke from The Bear broke my indecision and sent me down the black bean sauce route.

Teensy bit drunk. I blame @_pigeons_ @Bingo_Little :) pic.twitter.com/SkPaPOw6QS

Pump House. @_pigeons_ pic.twitter.com/aJZmySqsYo

@_pigeons_ Gin & Vik. pic.twitter.com/6U9HvgrOl2
Interesting little app. @gothick’s Twee-Q is 9. Distribution of retweets: 52% women, 48% men. #tweeq TWEE-Q.com (via @UrsulaWJ)

The delightful Cumberland Basin flyover system. pic.twitter.com/DBWCq7xXnx

Lunch, by @SheSellsSushi. pic.twitter.com/5tVSz5UbRs

Hey, I recognise that flat white! @RollingItaly @extractcoffee pic.twitter.com/iaDGOEjVJ3

Bento. instagram.com/p/BFtTifcpC3R/
@littlegibbo Not unless they’re planning on eating the contents of the hoover bag ;) #recycling
I really miss being able to use Ashton Avenue Bridge :( #bristol
Jesus. The potheads upstairs are actually moving around on a Sunday morning. I can hear frenzied cleaning. Parental visit, I’m guessing.
Looking out of the window, I think my walk to TF market might have been replaced with some driving-based chores.
@CharlieEsq_ I’m on my bed listening to The Archers. Closest I’ll ever get. (Cool brolly, BTW!)
One_Angry_Chef A new Angry Chef post for the weekend. There’s a big problem with sugar and things need to change.

earlydayfilms Amazing view of #fireworks in #Bristol tonight. Lighting up.the clouds… pic.twitter.com/B06yrxBjjp
@hayles That would explain why they’re so very loud for me. Do we know what they’re *for*?
hayles Apparently the fireworks are at Ashton Court, so if I can hear them in Emersons Green, I can’t imagine how bad they are for the rest of you!
@rbrwr They sound reasonably close to Hotwells, but it’s very hard to tell.
Okay, those are some awfully loud and long fireworks for 10am in May. What the hell’s going on, #bristol?
What the hell’s all the noise in #bristol about? It’s not fireworks night already, is it?
@driverminnie Look out! There’s a giant jelly baby behind you!
@clairenelson @faerietalefoody I could have a quick shufti if you’re okay sharing your login/admin details?

Bit brooding out there today. pic.twitter.com/rSDIDiTe4v

Personal trinity. pic.twitter.com/IV6KVKxQW3

Figgy. pic.twitter.com/MDdhFArSpI
@tsunimee Amen, sister. And I’ve had the damn coffee.

Chocolate path sluice. pic.twitter.com/43mpeWbCed

Local Colour 2/2 #bristol pic.twitter.com/ZILpc9ncjB

Local Colour 1/2 #bristol pic.twitter.com/gNVeimgpyM
@samsneed12 Ah.
@samsneed12 Did you try it? Went in first day; need to go back to give them a better chance, I think.
By which I mean, the more my upstairs neighbours stay up smoking dope until 2am, the more I want to go and live in a windmill somewhere.
Starting to wonder if I’ve reached the age where I shouldn’t be living in a city any more.
Must actually get out for a walk today, despite the weather.

Represent. pic.twitter.com/RVlc5U5ATN
@guriben I think it’s mostly in my U-bend now. Sigh.

charlesarthur Hey! Just put three topics in to hubspot.com/blog-topic-gen… and you get blogpost suggestions! @realdanlyons pic.twitter.com/HmJZ18nHtW
stephen_collins Mindfulness techniques for coping with a Trump presidency: my @guardianweekend comic #Trump #Mindfulness #comics gu.com/p/4ja6k?CMP=Sh…
Just cleaned by bedroom carpet with a Vax for the first time. You know the dark matter the physicists have been looking for?
@CharlieEsq_ Not sure I’m fully awake yet. Is is the peacock or the man who’s riding it doing coke with the police in your alley?
@liveindetail Yes. I would say I didn’t enjoy a single line, but..m.youtube.com/watch?v=NiMPJE…ps
Two Kilchomans. I can get behind that. twitter.com/RealDramRob/st…

adamhess1 I give it 4 years before we have shops where you can pay to sit on a penny farthing and sniff asbestos pic.twitter.com/BkdZ9RevGz

voozahq subtweet pic.twitter.com/VPORs7NyEJ

The dangers of auto-truncation. pic.twitter.com/FCGw05M5oY
@AlasdairStuart Guessing we could double the turnout if they handed out lollipops.
Rookie error: took watch off while kneading dough. That could’ve counted toward my step goal for the day.
curiousgene “Echo, tell Google Home to turn on the heat.”
“Tell him yourself, he’s right there.”
“Siri, tell Echo that I’m not talking to Google Home.”

alfredapp Alfred 3 is here! Snippet expansion, improved workflows, multimedia clipboard & much more :D alfredapp.com/blog/announcem… pic.twitter.com/DQTv2pBEIx
@malvernrunner I shall add it to my improbably-long LoveFilm list, ta.
I don’t really care about Bond, but anything that gets more Olivia Colman in my timeline is entirely welcome.
*Feels old* twitter.com/whedonesque/st…
@SpikyZebra Load number 8? Christ. Next time you need to budget 10% of the holiday for a service wash.