@HeerJeet @GreatDismal As someone who lives in Bristol I’m just worried by his Spooneristic name.
@waiyeehong I was quite surprised to hear this on the BBC news t’other day. bbc.co.uk/news/world-asi…

cotslifeeditor “It’s a lovely day. Let’s go down to Nightingale Farm.”
“That sounds nice. Where is it?”
“Err… Morocco.” pic.twitter.com/ol16zxZv5t
@hotdogsladies @johnroderick Just a mention of Dasani prompted a schadenfreudic re-read of their UK launch disaster! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dasani#Un…

The F Type is definitely growing on me. instagram.com/p/BFgdEorpC4G/
seaninsound Was just about to register WikiLeeks but this is better #bbcrecipes twitter.com/tomosmonpot/st…
@marklesuk Last bit of that seems to imply the government’s actual reasons to me: stop competing with rich people who bung us lots of money!
@marklesuk Ah. But they’re not doing it to save money, are they? They’re doing it to stop it competing with profit-making companies.
@marklesuk Huh?
@BabsBat Yeah. People said I should try one, but I run to get away from other people as quickly as I can :)
The government ministers’ cooks all still use their hardback copies of Mrs Beeton anyway, so they don’t care. #recipegate
paul_mcmc No BBC recipes? Just use an American internet one instead. “a sixth of flour, 3 groats of sugar, 1/7 bucket of milk, 2 cubits of salt…”

IainRowan brilliant short story prompt or tragic moment from under-rated indie film. you decide. pic.twitter.com/KnNxvxw3Qw