Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 14th, 2016

NotRightAway Now the panel will retire to carry out scrutineering and test all the costumes for downforce.

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RellyAB Well, this was all very exciting, but it is nearly midnight and I don’t think i can sit through Crimea River again

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Well, so did some others, but for the wrong reasons.

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Popped into in time for the quick roundup. Israel, Australia and Serbia. Stood out for me, I think.

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@GreatGeorgeWMB Do you have any smaller friends? This needs MORE COWBELL

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danfairs @gothick From the back, it actually indicates an absence of taxis.

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Might have to nip back and try a few more things, like the spiral one-piece chips.

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So, @foodiesfestival summary: smoky, with a chance of meatballs.

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@film_girl I’ll take Glory over Adam any day.

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@emmachampion6 To be fair, I’m not sure there’s a song called “Christ What Fucking Lane *Should* I Be In Then?!”

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I love it when people make an effort with the tiniest of spaces.

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Also known as the “solar Lexus”.

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Tripped in Clifton and accidentally fell into Oddbins. They should get that pavement fixed. Eventually. @WildBeerCo

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Just been handed a leaflet. That Jess gets everywhere!

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Sometimes the name is more important than the lettering.

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