@FozzTexx I consistently get bored waiting and email them to myself instead.
@saltwateritch Nope.
@saltwateritch Do the official Twitter clients even do muting? That message was from Tweetbot…
@saltwateritch Well, indeed. Not seen that warning before, though; guess the threshold’s set quite high.

“You bet your *ass* I wish to pro-ceed…pic.twitter.com/rZMPwqZp5656
@hayles Indeed. Though I’ve got quite a lot of words muted. Might need to disappear an entire city at this rate.
EGXCinfo Various reports of Sonic Booms coming in from the Doncaster/Leeds areas as the QRA Typhoons went over.
@Phooto Is she? That was quick! ;)
mrmarksteel I just had a long legal conversation about my column, to ensure it’s legally fair to Kelvin Mackenzie. THAT, Alanis Morissette, is ironic.
@antimitch Ah.
@antimitch What was the possible charge, “Doing something interesting in Broadmead”? I always figured that was illegal.
@antimitch That does sound like the best policy.
@antimitch Ooopsie.

petapixel Accidental battery breakthrough leads to rechargeable batteries that never fade: goo.gl/xBdQ4O pic.twitter.com/2XjEX47VUJ
Entrance Lock Couple #bristol flic.kr/p/GGbbuP
@stevemarvell Um. I don’t remember going for a pack.
📷 A more detailed look at Tincan Coffee’s lovely retro board. tmblr.co/ZD7hNx25ttNde

Hashtag Bristol. pic.twitter.com/b7tPrdaCMX

Leaving so soon? Bon voyage, Atherston. pic.twitter.com/mby9mEqaCh
@_pigeons_ *Waves* The boy is back in town :)
These strange men (*waves at Mark*) are canoeing the Thames for the MS Society. bit.ly/1pm88vb twitter.com/anna_c_smart/s…