Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 27th, 2016

@saltwateritch Also: if you really want it, check availability of ribbons! Multicoloured ones must be rarer.

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@saltwateritch it was amazing. Though I have nowhere to put a typewriter.

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No, YOU went for a brief post-dentist drink and are now smashed at the Pump House

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Miscalculated @BristolFerry times. On the plus side, I have a large @BristolPound balance I can use to kill time in @No1Harbourside!

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hundredmondays just do the damn hack
refactor after release

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I seem to be reading Wonder Boys very slowly. Great book, though. And the beer’s good 😎 @No1Harbourside

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Taking the ferry to the dentist. One can often crowbar an upside in in Bristol.

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@talkie_tim I prefer to think of myself as the lone punman.

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Instant nostalgia in a reclamation yard as I find the same typewriter I first typed on as a child.

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