Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 3rd, 2016

@BenPark I get that a lot. Mind you, with wooden sash windows, closing the windows doesn’t make that much difference :(

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@_pigeons_ Ah, so *that’s* why I didn’t recognise Foxglove Summer by description. I think I’ve only read books 1 to 4… *buys*

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@_pigeons_ I met someone that I’d only seen on video before and was floored by their profile — I’d only ever seen them from the front!

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radiohead Radiohead - Burn The Witch.

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@Kavey Not at the mo, but my next few weeks are a bit up in the air so it might be a while before I can make travel/visit plans.

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darrenrichman Watergate only took two journalists

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I’m guessing it was for a micro SD card.…

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@quellist1 I hope those aren’t famous last words. We’re expecting at least a “tears in rain”-level monologue, you know.

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The “Don’t Call Me Chicken Salad” sandwich from @mockingbirdAlma. Well worth struggling up the hill from Hotwells.

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@Kavey Yup. The majority of my work is Microsoft stuff; it’s always useful having Windows boxes around.

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@Kavey I do have an Asus laptop, but not an Acer.

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RobbyKraft scientist: “does everyone here know what Watson and Crick discovered?”
me from back of room: “Rosalind Franklin’s notes”

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@bexxi You just know signs like that are because it actually happened once. The scar tissue of idiocy.

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If I die here, let it be known that I starved in this queue while being tortured by the slow explanation of an archaic banking instrument.

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If you don’t know what “crossed a/c payee” means, why are you getting a cheque from the Post Office anyway? From the one open counter. *Cry*

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