Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 2022

@TonesOfMusic Cowboy Junkies’ _Wrong Piano_ is my definition of “raunchy guitar”.

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Decluttering. Finding odd things in the lower layers.

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Bill found the ducks’ lack of work ethic highly irksome.

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iamdevloper nothing hurts quite like it

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RealSardonicus Robert Johnson and the Devil
Philip Cheaney

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@dangusset Hope you enjoyed it. I was at Wolf Alice and it was bloody brilliant.

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@DaAleksandersen @Google Bloody annoying. I often have to figure out what the original site was by the style (“Oh, it’s stolen from Github!”) and then go to that site and search there to find the original.

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Kavey NEW RESTAURANT REVIEW @CoppaClub Clifton Village in Bristol…

via Hootsuite Inc. (retweeted on 1:09 PM, Feb 20th, 2022 via Twitter Web App)

GALLIDAYS The Meeping Angel wins

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:55 AM, Feb 20th, 2022 via Twitter Web App)

@davidpatrick Having checked my antelope records (yes, I actually have antelope records, they come in handy for crosswords😂) that’s definitely a springbok for South Africa.

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@davidpatrick I think that’s a Commonwealth reference—the other two are a beaver on a maple leaf for Canada, I reckon, and an antelope of some kind for South Africa. On the other side there’s rose, daffodil, thistle and shamrock for the UK.

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Been meaning to take a snap of this family heirloom for ages. For some reason, this year I’ve finally got around to it. Can’t think why. It usually sits out on my desk, ready for actually opening letters, but today I dug out the box…

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Scenes of utter devastation here. Though to be fair this fell over a week before Storm Eunice when the legs of the IKEA stand finally rotted through at the bottom.

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mrchrisaddison Ah, yes. The age old British tradition of sending an underwhelming Prime Minister to a peace conference in Munich.

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 11:16 AM, Feb 19th, 2022 via Twitter Web App)

@chubbybannister I have one of these and can recommend. I’m afraid I can’t be much help with the other :D

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@4r7hr I tried that once but I didn’t have error correction turned on so I only learned about harming code.

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gh230277 Thank you for our compensation payment @Northpowergrid for the several days we were without power following Before I bank the cheque however, are you 100% certain you can afford this?

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 9:41 AM, Feb 13th, 2022 via Twitter Web App)

@garethlpowell I remember when this was all moisture farms.

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@JLWORRAD @AlasdairStuart I have a freebie millennium mouse mat from an accountancy firm whose cheap, thin, rubbery, jar-opening consistency has guaranteed it a place of honour in my kitchen drawer for 22 years now!

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@chubbybannister You’ve spammed by someone who recently bastard.

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@benjohnbarnes Not really, though I have been dipping a toe in TikTok. Mostly I’ve just been depressed and a bit ill and not social at all. Just come back from having five stitches in the place where a wisdom tooth used to be, which is kinda my life at the moment, it seems…

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@t_pk @archidave Not recently, but I think I have a couple of times in the past.

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@archidave It seems to be this fellow. I have just followed him, in the interest of mattual harmony.

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@archidave I also spotted one the other day. I always have my “k” at the end, though.

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DrAlakbarov Thread. The Chicago-based photographer Noritaka Minami has snapped the Nakagin Capsule Tower—Tokyo’s unconventional apartment complex designed by architect Kisho

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 8:18 AM, Feb 4th, 2022 via Twitter Web App)