@Bristol_Culture Oh, him. Yeah. Used to see him a lot in Hotwells. Possibly he worked in Marcruss Stores for a bit?
@ememess “Take a break from the pace of the modern world with our relaxed computing experience. Now available in brown.”
@bananza From now on, I will be reading all your tweets in Homer Simpson’s voice in my head.
@KaveyF I am in a cafe. It’s not the same if I can’t put you on loudspeaker.
@Easybourne Well, as it happens, I am working in a cafe. This could end well.
I think I may have done enough work for the afternoon. *stretches*
Surreal crash report: “What were you doing when Photoshop Elements unexpectedly quit?” “Er. I was quitting Photoshop Elements.”
@Ninja_lynneja Hurrah! I have finally found Someone To Blame For Everything. Will you marry me?
@Ninja_lynneja If it helps, I’m single and miserable.
@ThreeUK Is your 3G data network having problems in Bristol? Awful signal compared to normal.
I can’t quite imagine being a person who thinks, “Oh, that’s a nice desk lamp. And it’s only £150.”
@markrglover Don’t worry, you’ll discover everything you forgot to reinstall just as soon as you’re on the road, away from the internet.
@KaveyF It’s my twitterbirthday tomorrow. Will that count?
@the3rdgirl Oi! I was using that.
Incidentally, sorry if I’ve not replied to anyone over the last couple of days. It’s been a bit busy!
@hayles Also had my letter in defence of _Hudson Hawk_ printed once, from what I remember. One day I’ll get in for something web-related.
@hayles Oh, gawd. So it has. I hadn’t noticed!
@benjohnbarnes Cool.
@Hit_Delete Unusually, no.
@danfairs But that’s not the same as just remembering.
@danfairs Well, you can set a default command to run when you launch Terminal, and save it as a Setting…
@danfairs Have you tried passing it the —I-want-the-moon-on-a-stick flag?
Summary of Radio 4 interview I just heard: A bank has been Very Naughty. We won’t tell you which one.
@andybeebristol @Lillput Yup.
You’re probably tying your laces wrong. @benjohnbarnes pointed me at the start of this TED talk this morning… ted.com/talks/terry_mo…
Hm. A site I knocked up in a few hours to fool around with Amazon Web Services and CSS is getting 500 hits/month. Maybe I won’t turn it off!
@Tinpot Yes. Yes indeed. Though I’m not watching tonight’s yet.
@BenPark I got a “<wibble> is following you” about twenty minutes ago, so guess I’m lucky this time round.
@BenPark Possibly. I’m definitely getting mail from Twitter right now, but could well be some blacklist or other.
@BenPark That would be me. I iz all over teh internetz.
@KellySibson Because they’re using the same algorithm for picking the best stall as you, but you got there first.
Stack Overflow question: “How can I apply timeout function to LMAX Disruptor Queue?” Fairly sure only Geordi La Forge will know that one.
This is a technique I will have to master. basicinstructions.net/basic-instruct…
jamiesmart Hoping this’ll be the year that Hudson Hawk FINALLY wins something at the Oscars.
@danielpunkass @SasmitoAdibowo Cool, thanks!
@MrJonnyJones Oooh, are they talking about Saab? I might turn the telly on, then.
@ShabbyBean Crunchy dry oddball.
@ShabbyBean If I were a king, I’d have the fool who forgot to buy milk executed.
@rabidbee It’s just possible that you need to get more kip. Unless it was _Moneybox Live_.
@ahcstevens I believe @Phooto is planning on running up and down a touchline :)
(That last RT being the best description of an MRI scan I’ve ever heard :) )
tomroyal Glad that’s done. Like being trapped in an airline overhead locker while someone plays the first bars of Placebo’s Nancy Boy over and over.
@Phooto Cool! Hope you like them. And glad to hear I wasn’t imagining Adidas’s odd sizing.
Waiting for breakfast :) instagr.am/p/HeI7pBpC4w/
You know, I think it might be lunchtime.
@PrisRosen That’s fab!
@andybeebristol @Lillput Sounds good to me.
@rabidbee Oh! Yeah. I’d noticed that was coming up, then promptly forgot.
Hello pretty bridge. instagr.am/p/Hd8ZLbJC3S/
Right. I am off for a nice, short, flat jog in the sunshine. Will make a pleasant change.
@ahnlak @KaveyF @goodshoeday …which reduces the problem quite a lot.
@ahnlak @KaveyF @goodshoeday Which I’d pay, because it kicks ass. But GR is forum, not blog, and we require registration + valid email…
@KaveyF @goodshoeday Or I’ve just been blogging for too long :D
@ahnlak @KaveyF @goodshoeday That’s why I use on the Get Running forums for registration, and it’s worked well so far. #touchwood
@KaveyF @goodshoeday It may simply depend on whether the spambots find you. Luck/chance/links/keyword targetting/whatever.
@KaveyF @goodshoeday @ahnlak There are CAPTCHA comment-guard plugins for WP, too. But I try to avoid CAPTCHA where I can.
@KaveyF @goodshoeday My site got 4,923 real visits that month, if it helps for comparison.
@KaveyF @goodshoeday Yes. Which is why even a 99.97% accuracy rate still sometimes gets me annoyed.
@KaveyF @goodshoeday Here, this should give an indication. skitch.com/e-gothick/8rhn…
@KaveyF @goodshoeday Akismet is pretty good. Hang on a mo.
@ahnlak @KaveyF Yes, it’s called “deliberate linkbait.” Try a “Bearded CAMRA Tossers Know Nothing About Real Beer” article, and see it goes.
@KaveyF So, how many spam comments do you get in a month, say?
@KaveyF Maybe they hate innocuous comments :)
@KaveyF Also, depends why you’re blogging, I guess. Some of my blogs are notes-to-self-that-might-be-helpful-for-others…
@KaveyF Those are the ones of my blogs where I’ve got commenting turned off. The spammers still find them, so all I was getting was spam.
@KaveyF Maybe those people just got more. All it takes is one persistent troll to put people off.
@KaveyF Some people just get tired of the spamming and idiots, and prefer to interact in other ways.
@chris_j_hughes …rather than it all being “iCloudy”. Which is fine until you get on a plane.
@chris_j_hughes Anyway. I have now done a “Restore”, and it’s happier. Though I don’t know how to get my music back on the phone…
@chris_j_hughes I’ve never seen that state before, and I’d have thought an unsuccessful sync wouldn’t have left it like that?
@chris_j_hughes Possibly, but I’d done a full, apparently-successful sync before leaving the house, and this was half an hour later.
hackery Just requested @UKTesco password reset & had email with my actual password in it - still storing unencrypted, in this decade?
@DomUtton For those of us not in the newspaper industry, is there any chance of explaining what that RT means in fewer than 140 characters?
@Lillput @andybeebristol Got an appointment in Ashley Down finishing about 12:15, but will be driving so should be able to make town for 1?
@hayles @nickbrompton Thank you. It was quite fun to do, too :)
@Phooto Nope, these are size 10 American, 43 1/3 European. Same as my Mizunos.
@Phooto Ta. Yur, though I can’t be sure it’s not just certain sizes they’ve buggered up. Actual shop definitely best idea.
@Phooto Shoe review. Executive summary: I think they’ll be good on the touchline, but sizing leans towards small side. mattgetsrunning.com/2012/02/23/rev…
I have just blogged about shoes. But rugged, manly shoes, he said, insecurely. Adidas Kanadia 4 review: mattgetsrunning.com/2012/02/23/rev…
@moonbeatle Write it now, don’t send it, re-read it in the morning.
Crane! instagr.am/p/HcPtbspC0c/
Taking shape. Need a short break for dinner before finishing, though! #meccano instagr.am/p/HcHl_jJCzJ/
@tsunimee *snigger*
Preparing. instagr.am/p/HcAcP3JCyP/
@neilhimself My last jog was wet and chilly, and I still enjoyed it. I can never tell what it’s going to be like in advance. Get out there!
@hayles Well, *that* didn’t take long.
Automated checkout (n.): Device for distributing annoying shopping delays more unevenly across visits.
@stillawake Ah. I ended up on the Downs. With a Chandos baguette. Oops. #fatty
@jamesclay No idea. Doesn’t normally happen. And this is showing up in my (synced by cable) episode list, not trying to download it.

Hrm. This week’s Hypercritical is greyed out on my phone. Episode too long for a 3GS to cope with? :) @5by5 pic.twitter.com/LWz9t4qS
@hayles Awesome!
Proud ginger. instagr.am/p/Hbcf_XpC94/
Fixation instagr.am/p/HbbjMQJC9z/
@Cookwitch Yes, you must.
@benjohnbarnes Ouch.
@stillawake I was just thinking that.
@benjohnbarnes (And also for the donation. Not sure what a dontation is, but it sounds like it should be the opposite…)
@benjohnbarnes Thanks for the dontation! Much appreciated :)
Oooh. New hard drive has arrived. I can actually have two drives in my RAID thingy now, which is probably sensible. #geek #budget
@KaveyF @matt_inwood Aww. Shucks, chucks.
@KaveyF Ah, yes, forgot to delete my cache. Try again.
@KaveyF *bork*
@KaveyF IT LOOKS GREEN. I am hoping it is mint.
@KaveyF Sweet! Except it might be pistachio. Urgh.
@KaveyF @ahnlak But if you can do 16x16 icons by hand, do it. And I might want to hire you to do some for me, too. I hate tiny icon design.
@KaveyF @ahnlak e.g. this one’s good, and handles transparency properly, too. tools.dynamicdrive.com/favicon/
@KaveyF @ahnlak By default, a browser will use its own default icon if it can’t find one, but for anyone who’s visited your page before…
@ahnlak I don’t think you’ve got a favicon on the new site (i.e. I don’t think it’s a caching problem, I think it’s actually not there.)
@ahnlak @chocablog @KaveyF If not, set up a redirect now do I don’t have to do any work myself in the morning :) Night dears!
@ahnlak @chocablog @KaveyF Good plan. I will look for shiny new site in the morning. Make sure your RSS feeds still work!
@KaveyF @chocablog @ahnlak …which effectively says, “you can cache this address, but only for this long.”
@ahnlak Damn useful when you put a new site live; you can get a sneak peek before the TTL catches everyone else up ;)
@Queenzozo I really don’t think I could do it. Know someone else that did, and she said it was a pretty awful gig, too.
@KaveyF @ahnlak if you’re desperate, switch to OpenDNS; you can refresh their cache on demand. And yeah, favicons *are* weirdly cached.
Oh, at last. UK iTunes’ feed of _House_ has been un-bunged. And we’re only a month behind now.
@danielpunkass No problem. Thanks for MarsEdit! I use it a lot, and it saves me much time and frustration.
@danielpunkass Teeny oddity with MarsEdit — can’t “Paste Link” if URL contains an apostrophe (apparently valid unencoded in path…)
@runnerbeany It was necessary, too. I was cringing on his behalf. Most wooden script-reading I’ve heard since Prisoner Cell Block H.
Gawd, that was a painful experience. They’re completely baffled when you go off-script on them.
Phone sales guy from Amnesty doing a very bad job of reading the stuff from his script at me.
@talkie_tim You may well be right. I wasn’t sure at all.
Portway Wolf #graf instagr.am/p/HZGe4CJC4B/
Spiky. @ St Nicholas Market instagr.am/p/HZB_cwJC3Z/
Whoo-hoo! My first #bathhalf donation. Thanks, @guriben! justgiving.com/mattbath2012
Upgrading the kernel on a server in New York. Wish me luck; that’s a long way to walk if I get it wrong…
@chocablog *cries*
@chocablog I suggest you start by gathering bubble-wrap, stamps and an envelope, and preparing to take down my address.
For one day only: streamable preview of the whole of the Cowboy Junkies’ next album, _The Wilderness_. latentrecordings.com/cowboyjunkies/…
@guriben GRR.
@Mouse_House The play.com CAPTCHA. Sorry, should’ve been a “reply all”, which would’ve been more obvious…
Sitting next to posh schoolkids who are using phrases like “FML” out loud. FML.
Mmm. Genmaicha in BTP, looking out of the upstairs windows on the world. Nice.
I could actually use this invention right now. bit.ly/yqXqDj
Hurrah! I didn’t actually buy a bunch of green sticks the other day. They’re opening. instagr.am/p/HWT8xMJC9p/
@notoriousnicola On a motorway, it’s nearer 70.
@Mouse_House *snigger*
@alex__ross Are you sure you’re Terry not just imagining Wogan it? #fnord
Hangin’ out in Baristas.
@ghostfinder Yes. Though there’s an API for grabbing them, so third parties can do it. I view users’ pics using extragr.am
Lunch! Thank you, Nicki. instagr.am/p/HTxnTVpC3m/
Roight. Lunchtime, methinks.
@Mouse_House I’ll try :)
May I rattle my Bath Half collecting tin? I’m running for Bristol Mind. All donations gratefully received! Ta! justgiving.com/mattbath2012
Gosh. It’s really not long until the Bath Half. *gulps*.
@Mouse_House Oh. Well, I wish you a happy birthday, regardless. *mousehug*
@MrGreenGus I miss my boat trips anyway, since they mostly stopped running over winter due to the lack of money :( Roll on tourist season.
@MrGreenGus @wood5y @BristolMayor @bristolpaul We should glaze the harbour. It’s still look pretty, but you could walk across. #mattformayor
Spathe ham! :D questionablecontent.net/index.php
@Sirius7dk No. No, sadly, I haven’t. Maybe I need to shop around more. Good luck finding a laser place!
@Sirius7dk Yur, they were always a bit overly-pro-active with me. But somewhere there’s a happy medium between that and O2 ignoring me.
@Sirius7dk I hate that. Makes me wonder if there’s going to be an annoying salesperson chasing me for ever.
@codepo8 …but I suppose every language has its idioms that must just be learned.
@codepo8 As a fairly recent learner of CSS, using IE’s conditional comments makes it more obvious what’s going on, and is easier to Google.
@Dan_Martin @bristol_citizen Good luck. Let us know how you get on!
@Easybourne Given my timeline, I doubt you’re alone. I’ve been watching NCIS repeats, and I feel massively productive in comparison.
@Dan_Martin You’re expecting them to answer the phone? Never did when I had outrageous council tax cock-ups.
@opsGordon Ooof. Well, that gets my vote for “least likely thing the final version will end up doing.” Hrm.
@fritzromanov @Debbiegreeneyes I watched that one live, and I’m *still* cringing.
@chris_j_hughes You know, I might have guessed that.
duncangeere Surreal: Kelloggs has made a new cereal called “Totes Amazeballs” for the frontman of the Charlatans: thedrum.co.uk/news/2012/02/2…
Cliche. instagr.am/p/HRtVD4JC2b/
“I challenge you to distinguish a naked prostitute from any other naked woman”. What, they just turn up, naked? Odd. bbc.co.uk/news/world-eur…
@parryphernalia No. “Windows” includes “win”. Proof by counterexample.
Installing Windows. Again. I’m so happy.
@sowerbyandluff This has you guys written all over it. RT @MShapland: Dear Britian. We are a fucked up nation: upi.com/Odd_News/2012/…

@MShapland “What’s that, Mr. Monkey? Yes, it probably would be higher if they hadn’t just counted bears.” pic.twitter.com/3CuTEURt
Whenever Windows asks me a security question, I like to say “You bet your *ass* I wish to pro-ceed” as I click “yes”. #diehard
@drewm I lean towards either sox or Permute, depending on how batchy I want to be. (Also, my sources aren’t mp3…)
@drewm Apologies. Thing I’m using (SoundManager 2) falls back to Flash in FF. Guess I will need those OGGs after all. *rolls up sleeves*.
@drewm Ah, possibly not. Currently moving a site from handcoded HTML5 to WordPress-with-a-plugin; will have to investigate what it’s doing.
@drewm My Firefox (10.0.2) seems quite happy to play mp3s. Are you on a pre-emptive strike of some kind, or does it differ by platform?
@hayles Then slam the frying pan back down on the hob. Job done. #pancakeslammers
@hayles Hrm. Pancake/tequila mashup. Could work…
@hayles Haven’t you forgotten a key ingredient? Where’s the lemon juice, eh?
@moonbeatle Not only do I do that, I also do not have a baby.
@hayles ACTUALLOL. I’m not sure I’ve got the hang of Shrove Tuesday, either. Just bought butter and sugar in preparation for pancakefest.
Goodness, it’s deigned to finally boot up. Well, I’m sorry, Windows, but I’m too busy “self-updating” to type anything now.
@hayles Of course, you’re going to save them until after Lent, right?
@moonbeatle I’m glad it’s not just me. #cabinfever
@R2UK @minibreakmummy I have heard a lot of bad things about eBay being stuffed with scammy buyers when it comes to selling hot tech.
On the other hand, rather bemused that they’re now playing _Fairytale of New York_. Erm.
Gusto has much better music than that Costa had the other day. Currently tapping foot to The Hold Steady’s cover of _Crawl Out Your Window_.
Gusto Queue. @ Caffe Gusto instagr.am/p/HRL4ToJCyF/
@alfredapp When viewing a Contact in Alfred, is there an easy way to open that Contact in Address Book? Ta!
@DanRebellato It’s doing them longhand, with its tongue sticking out. It wants you to be proud, daddy.
@ghostfinder If I’m writing prose or doing complicated programming, I can’t even have music with lyrics playing.
@hayles But it’s worth it for the (first and) third reply to the article.
@sidewalkfinds Oooh, get you, TV star :)
@ahnlak This is true. And also the reason why the “middle of next week” is surprisingly manager-free.
@ahnlak Assuming it results in enough money, yes. At least it’s fun-frustration, rather than wanting-to-punch-a-manager frustration.
@ahnlak I am, sadly, very unlikely to be bored at any point soon. Frustrated, yes, but lacking in work, no…
@Mouse_House These things are not that obvious. I thought of it because it’s what I use (beside my bedroom cabinet, funnily enough…)
@Mouse_House No problem. The other solution is clunkier, but cheaper and probably still useful in 20 years’ time: maplin.co.uk/1-way-2m-exten…